Osweiler details his new podcast, ‘The Brock and Roll Show’ | Broncos Legends – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
kidues sileshi

Man could have had a good career if he didn’t go to the Texans



Mike Pavicich


RJ Kincaid

He could’ve played against the saints last week.

    denver broncos 1987

    For so many reasons that couldn’t happen! And wouldn’t happen.

    RJ Kincaid

    It could happen if they thought of bringing him in.

    Pablo Escobar

    @RJ Kincaid no cause even if they did he would have to sit out 2 weeks

Joseph Malinowski

I know you don’t get the credit you deserve but without you allowing Peyton Manning to get healthy and the way you were able to play and keep the Denver Broncos in the playoffs who knows what would have happened but you are a big part of that season and that Super Bowl win it was a 50/50 split between you and Peyton Manning not counting the defense that made the difference of us make in the Super Bowl


    Oh he got the credit. But he was a brat about the whole putting manning bakc in thing. He left the broncos salty with a good deal on the table and he wouldn’t even celebrate with his teammates when they were honored as SB champs. He chose his path. Thats on him. He coulda staye din a system he was already successful with. Manning had moved on.

    Joseph Malinowski

    @SuperBzerker you are a 110 percent correct but obviously when you’re looking to become the starting quarterback and you have someone like Peyton Manning in front of you obviously the only way you’re going to play is due to injury and Brock Osweiler new what type of Team the Broncos were how powerful the defense was and anyone would want to be the quarterback of a Super Bowl winning team but I cannot disagree with your comment you are correct and he chose to go to Texans go Broncos

denver broncos 1987

Brock is not a legend!!!!!!!!!!

    William Mims

    Don’t disrespect daddy Brock


I’ll always appreciate what he did for our team when Manning was injured. I wish him nothing but the best!

Carlito’s Spray

Thank you for what you did for the Broncos, Brock!

robert mccracken

Hardly a legend in the mile hi city.

    William Mims

    Don’t disrespect daddy Brock

brad kiss

He’s one of the main reasons we won super bowl 50

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