Nick Sirianni Discusses His Goals for Rookie MiniCamp & More | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
HRK 545

I hope Grimes makes this team

    Cameron Holmes

    He already did, J.J Archsega Whiteside exist.

    Mercy 215

    Hopefully he takes whitesides spot

    Joe Lucas

    MOST of the reporters/analysts are really sleeping on Grimes. I see no reason why he won’t make the team and contribute right away. I could say the same about Ausbon. I would say that Ward, Hightower, and Arcega-Whiteside aren’t sure bets to make the team. Though Ward has the best chance from a professionalism standpoint, which is something coaches love. He just lacks explosiveness.

    Rufi Jonuzi

    @Joe Lucas brilliantly put.


An offense and defense shaped to the strength of the players hmmm🤔 sounds so good to hear that!


    @Lenny D bad coaches try to force players to fit the system when it should be the opposite

    Lenny D

    @CashZilla very rarely man, Coaches know better than anyone how to scheme a game plan around there players. Doug was perfect at running to his player’s strength, injuries just destroyed Philly. I mean 14/16 different OL combos ? That’s not an excuse…that is a very sad joke. And that’s just the offensive linemen. Wrs? Corners? RBs? TEs? I really do not think there has been a team over a 3 year period to get that many huge injuries. Would love to see data on that. But Doug & Carson are no longer here because of injuries mostly.


    Finally !!! Playing to people strengths. Who would have ever thought of that amazing idea??? Lol 1 thing Doug never did, with Carson especially. Never called plays to his strength like rollouts which Wentz was #1 in league. Sirianni seems legit

    Lenny D

    @DBlock_11x bro what are you talking about? Read. The Eagles had 14/16 different OL combinations and injuries everywhere at WR. You cannot coach creative when that happens. It takes very vanilla gameplanning on offense. Doug and Carson knew each other’s strengths better than anyone. They went 11-2 & made The playoffs at 9-7 together in 2019. Injuries and Carson playing terrible in 2020 is what ruined them. Period


    @Lenny D what??doug was an idiot that had no clue what was goin on

Brian Lutz

He repeats himself frequently … I mean he repeats himself frequently.


    So… he has a vision and wants to make sure it’s clear. Why are you ppl analyzing every Siri presser like he’s the president and you work for fox?


    He’s a football coach not a Press Secretary. Also, He gets asked alot of similar questions.

    Marcos Levy

    He does it to fight his stutter.

    Ron G

    Jeffrey is watching everything he says! I’d be paranoid too! ugg!!!!!!!


    Seems clear..

Rob S

Sirianni has been great in every press conference since the first


    Nah this the one of the only good ones if you think those other interviews were good your crazy, glad he’s getting the hang of it

    Mike L

    He’s most certainly getting better. It’s almost as if a Head Coach can learn and grow. I know… It’s a novel concept for some people to grasp.


    His first was awful


    Why people hating he so excited??? Nervous to be a head coach,, what a bum😂😂😂 cmon man!


Better than the normal coach speak bull crap. Give the guy a chance before we run him out of town.

Wyo Drifter

I hope Nick isn’t fools gold. Likening the fellow

Anthony Alarcon

I love our new head coach!


“Cream rises to the top when we compete!” Listen up Wentzi.

    Sotero A. Gomez


Wes Grant

I think we nailed on the head coach! This guy clearly understands the New Age football and wants to make our team younger and better

    Rich Hardrick


    Mir's Sports Talk

    @QellOmnyhydrax he’s a human being. No one’s perfect. If you really listen to the guy talk ball you would be just as excited about him to!

    Alfy DarkDeadly

    I predict the worst eagles era in history.

    Mr. Wing

    @Alfy DarkDeadly considering history of the eagles this just doesn’t happen


    @Mir’s Sports Talk disagree, strongly. I’ve heard him talk… every chance I got. He FEELS a LOT like a puppet, someone who Howie can tell how to run the team. Given what happened with Doug you can’t really be surprised at this. I think ultimately if Siriani fails the buck will stop at Howie this time (I pray)


i love nick may not be a media guy but ik hes going to do great this year

Mike L

I’m really liking how Sirianni keeps mentioning and talking about playing to players strengths. And putting players in a position to succeed. He really speaks passionate about it.

Imo that’s something this team has been missing the boat on since after the SB.

How many times did Doug insist on trying to run his WR Screens/Bubble Screens where WRs were the primary blockers. Only to have it fail more times than not. It was clear the WRs we had weren’t good at executing plays like that. Yet, he would keep calling those plays. Square peg. Round hole.

I really hope Sirianni is for real about playing to players strengths.

Joe Lucas

I aspire to have this much energy without caffeine

jaqen h'ghar

This is what Chip Kelly should have been. A coach that understands young players and concepts

Kurt Eric Munroe

This is the type of media exchange I want from a coach. The fundamentals, man!!!

King JD

He’s a really smart guy and that excites me more than any player we could get. I’m excited to see what nick does

Enterprise Sports

He’s so awesome to listen too. I’m 35 most of my years were with Andy, Doug, Rhodes.. I remember Buddy but was young. Nick is the best talker since Buddy. That has nothing to do with on the field but I love his energy and knowledge. He seems like a guy you wanna impress and go 100% every second for

Steve Wayda

He’s not the most eloquent communicator but this guy seems to love football. Very high energy. But I worry about Philly media and fans draining the life out of this guy over the years.

    Loonman Jones

    If the leaks about the Roseman and the Lurie micromanaging Doug’s playcalling are true, I am concerned for Nick

Henry Braxton

Thor said in Endgame to Captain Marvel…. “I like this one”…. Nick seems more settled in Confident and more studious… He now sounds like The coach of the Philadelphia Eagles… LETS GO!!

Waaas Aaap

There’s small jitters of his public speaking, but it’s gotten better along the way! I am starting to gain more confidence in him in what he can do for this organization. Can’t wait to see what he’ll show us in pre-season

Loonman Jones

Roseman and Lurie better not micromanage this guy on his playcalling like they did with Doug. He’s got my vote of confidence.

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