NFL Wild Card Round Mic’d Up, “I can’t read, can’t write, can’t do math… but I can compete” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Tbz Gamez

I love Russell Wilson’s encouragement


    Anakin it’s kinda creepy but he’s a chill dude


    @Nascarcool l o l

    Mackin Shizzaveli420

    Anakin I used to think it was fake too but dude really is just a nice guy. Can’t hate on that.

    Night shade

    That’s teamwork right there

M01ST Glitch

My poor titans have to play the ravens 😞

    llcoolj x

    one week & y’all forget about the lord himself, lamar jackson?
    cmon 😀

    JD C

    Ravens could choke…Hell any of these amazing teams could choke… this season was built on 13-3 teams that could have been 10-6 easy… gotta love the NFL. I wish baseball was like this… not even close.


    M01ST Glitch ravens are most likely gonna get cocky and throw the game so don’t worry


How Derrick does his hair legit looks like a little tail lol.

    Anthony palumbo

    I’m surprised no one has pulled it


    I was watching the game and my mom came to watch and she saw it and was like eww what is that thing

    6rofoni 5lim

    Anthony palumbo that’s a big mofo, I don’t see anyone doing that anytime soon 😂


    I wonder how fast he’d run if he cut it off. lol Could be a Samson thing though.

Brennan H

“That damn Russell”

    Ian Higdem

    I just love how nonchalant he says it too

Andrew Carter

Props to Russ for asking Doug If Carson is ok


    That’s a pretty standard thing most players do.

    Ba Doai

    Yes 👋e

    Toxix Bob

    Carson can’t take a hit without getting injured

    Michael Harris Jr

    @Toxix Bob that was a dirty hit

    Republic and Empire productions

    Our QB has class


I hope Russell Wilson is my platoon leader for WW3

    brein stobb

    That good ol’ Wisconsin boy. Trust me he knows how to shoot a gun accurately on top of being a boss!


    @Dustin Arnett lol that mf Swiss army knife


    Well look at it this way kids……very unlikely any of you will die of old age…….theres always a silver lining as they say 😄

    Jackson Morris

    I could see him ask if the enemies are ok

    Tonya Pendleton

    He’s originally from Virginia but the sentiment could still be the same

Jonathan King

Not a Hawks fan but I have long admired what a leader Wilson is for that football team, dude got me ready to go to war with him ffs and im in bed lol

    Jonathan King

    JOE SIX PACK coz no matter how trash we get no matter how much they test our loyalty i gotta ride w my Giants🧐😢


    @Jonathan King giants have 4 rings and beat brady twice in sbs, INCLUDING the 18-0 pats…….it shouldn’t ever be hard at all for you to remain a giants fan

    Kal El

    Yeah, because an NFL game is “going to war”. Seems so orchestrated it makes the WWE look like real street fights


Josh McCown, damn that man gave it all he had, no regrets, a true fighter and a true player, and you could see it meant the world to him to play in that game:(

    Braden Cook

    @Frskii best backup in nfl history


    Donald Wilson ohhhhh!!! Burn!! Frskii the clown has a ring to it!

    Braden Cook

    @Soda King best backup in nfl history

    Tactical Tabby

    Yeah but I feel like the eagles should’ve kept nick folls

    ✪ KnZ

    yeah he played good. but to be fair my Hawks defense would make mark sanchez look good.

Krispy Kreme

I like how russell wilson can have that much control in the offense to tell them to bring marshawn in and they allow it

    John Kirk

    Well it’s easy.. Russ never uses his control over the offense to sideline players he doesn’t like personally – uses it to make the team better and its more of a recommendation, he never questions decisions after they’re made either but rather accepts the calls as they are, his control is more suggestive than commanding (unlike e.g. Aaron rodgers or lebron) and people respect his leadership style because of it


    Most NFL coaches will listen to suggestions of a proven veteran QB. A matter of fact, some get to call their own plays in certain situations. They are in the huddle, talking to the players, and have a diff feel for the game than on the sidelines. That’s why players can hardly hit them anymore, you go only as far as your QB.


    amitj78 bro just stop..

    Night shade

    @Kaizoku it’s about teamwork

Timmy Tom

“They be holding me in my dreams” LMAO!!!

    Justin R

    Figures the Eagles players complaining about calls before the game even starts.

    Ben Ingram

    @Justin R some ones mad

    Khamde Pak


    Timmy Tom

    @Khamde Pak 1:07

    Bon Paoi

    Yes 👏👏o

Johnny Tsunami

1:23 “That damn Russell” I’m sure every defensive player says this at one point of the game lmao


    @ツMario TO THE DEATH Yamasaki no doy


    @ツMario TO THE DEATH Yamasaki which means he’s faced him more than anyone.

    Nightmare Kilo

    luhoiud Ewfewe “ I swear I had him coach I swear” lmfao

    Its_ Dahyun'sMan

    Even i said that too. 😂

Miguel 1

That “You like thaT?!” was the hypest thing I’ve ever seen.


    @B00STEDBAP3 Everybody will think that….until the game ends victorious purple

    WoWsRnOt e

    B00STEDBAP3 didn’t y’all say that last week? Now this week too?

    Beau Man

    Isaiah Towers his voice cracks like every 5 seconds half the hikes he did his voice kept going out hut hut set HIIiiIiIkKkKkeeeEe 😂

    Mudd Blood

    Beau Man nah nah it was oNe EiiiiiGGGGttttHHHHHyyyyyyy


    Mudd Blood lmfaoooo

Caleb The Spy

“Hey ref, I just wanted to let you know that these boys holding me! They’ve been holding me in my dreams last night.” 😂 😂 😂 😂

    Ahmed Ali

    thedarkemissary he’s
    Being himself stop hating you bum and he got a super bowl ring


    Khamde Pak 1:08


    @Caleb The Spy yes idk his name because his team is hella irrelevant because they suck


    @thedarkemissary who is ur team?

C Peterson

NFL Mic’d Up brought to you by “Let’s go!”

    Derek The Diesel

    They can only use like 5% of the footage. Everything else isnt TV friendly

    Colton Pratt

    Right? He ONLY said that over and over the entire game.

    Ba Doai

    Yes a

    Eric S

    War eagle Auburn fan?

joe flores

that shot of McCown is just heartbreaking, dude really gave it his all


    Perhaps one of the best sports photography shots of the year. All heart, left it out on the field. Hawks fan but now a McCown fan too since I read his story a couple months back about staying the QB coach at that HS and playing pro sports to boot.


    Time stamp?


    @Yis 5:29

    aj b

    Basketball 2334 yea it called giving up but the refs don’t care 🤷‍♂️

    Ba Doai

    Yes e


“If I call you Carson in the headset I’m sorry.” 😂😂😭

    2BallsAnd aCane

    That was pretty humorous….


Texans: do anything




    Bon Paoi

    Yes 👋👋O


    Jason Singh exactly. when your whole team is in sync and all on the same page and all have the same mission, you feel unstoppable and unbeatable. Kinda like how the Ravens are right now.

    Colin Paterson

    BadDismount427 how’s he passed his prime, he’s just been injured, teams formulate their offense to avoid him, just like Donald and Mack. He comes back after a season ending injury gets a sack and has constant pressure on allen. Notice and play on the ground is ran to the opposite side that watt is on.

Greyn 34

“Put 24 in the game” “no” *cuts to Marshawn lynch running the ball and scoring*

    Kam Teezly

    Greyn 34 He Never Said No

    aj b

    Kam Teezly they should have 1 yard per carry


“Offense for great hair Defense against flakes”


    Why did that ad show up before the video

    Fôrtñïtê Šüçkß

    BobTheNotBuilder I got that one too


    Is it weird that i was scrolling through comments while i had a double ad and this was the 2nd one as i saw this comment


    THE TUB aha 😆

    Ba Doai

    Yes o


I wanted to see Belichick cussing on the sidelines when Tennessee ran the clock down. That’s the mic we wanna hear!

    2BallsAnd aCane

    Me too…. that’s the whole reason I watched….


    Belichick crying was what I wanted to see.

    JD C

    I mean it is youtube…cussing is just fine ‘round here…

    Natalia Keane

    @Marquito Brady in private would. I doubt Belichick does.

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