NFL Week 7 Preview Show: Game Picks & More! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
One Gamer Productions

13:42 Of course she picks the score to be 24-21.


    appreciate you checking this out

    One Gamer Productions

    @chickers appreciate you getting off of this reply thread.


Bills vs jets and Cynthia has the audacity to say 28-17

    Gabe Gomes

    No, no, she meant 28 to 17.5




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    Frantz Lenin

    Lol yeah looks like she gave the Bills too much credit 😂😂😭


Where’s the battle of Ohio tryna see the browns get all three pick

bruce lau

Titans are ending the Steelers unbeaten streak but it’s definitely gonna be close

    Grace McKague

    the steelers offensive is better than the titans defense but i think the steelers will have a chance like with juju and chase idk it will be really close

    Mike Johnson

    @McKee Steelers have that Big D Energy 🙂

    Mike Johnson

    @chickers no chickers – I appreciate the fact that you are trying to link to real foot-ball (soccer) but still it’s a shameless attempt to try to get views on your video… you’d probably get more views on your vid if you were upfront and honest about where the link goes and what it shows instead of just a mysterious link :/

    Mike Johnson

    Sorry Bruce


    Lol nahh titans cant even make a field goal


how can you not talk about Jamiel Adams coming back

    Ty Fleming

    I think he’s still on the injured list


    appreciate you checking this out

Pattabhiram and Swathi

Cynthia’s prediction for Chiefs vs Jets would be like 3-2, Chiefs


38-0 is the score of the bills and jets

Tibbor Orban


Tibbor Orban


Tibbor Orban


Tibbor Orban


Tibbor Orban


Shirl Keahey

Niners got this bang bang niners Gang

John nie

Sorry Titans…SOMEONE has to lose. *6-0 HEREWEGOSTEELERS!!*

Hey NFL…can u guys play that _’Absolutely Destroyed’_ segment from CBS again? That was really good.

    Mike Johnson

    Titans 83 total yards in the first half 🙂

Monarch Highschool

I’ve been keeping a predictions track record through the season as well. I’m 65-25-1 through week 6. How can I be smarter than 3 people who do this for a living?
(Of course I don’t literally mean smarter, just more accurate)

Robert Steele

I havent been keeping up with it dont have the time

Donna Zaccone

CONGRATS TO MY BOY “DREW BREESE”!! ¡🎊🎇🎉🎆✌🎈🎉🎈🎊From PA,AND TRUE BLUE ” STEELERS FAN”,but greatness is greatness Drew!!!Long time fan,much love to u💓

DeeShawn Bragg

Go 🐻’s

DeeShawn Bragg

Chicago Bears is the under dogs that people will be surprised by. #SUPERBOWL❣️

Nick Lewis

Steelers and Titans together had exactly 51 points wow

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