New Look Clippers Take on Miami Heat | King of the Court – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Diego Aranda

No way will the goats repley


Clippers chargers padres all day

    Jared Gaurano

    lakers chargers padres for me, but I root for the clippers if they aren’t against the lakers


    @Jared Gaurano You sir are my favorite laker fan then 👍

    Sky Hunter

    Lakers Chargers Dodgers 🥳

    Julian Lopez

    Lakers, Chargers, Padres for me


    Lakers, Chargers, Angels


Why aren’t they on next gen?

Lil Dime

bruhhh nabers needs some work on his 2k playing😭

Dragoneyer X

Go Lakers!

Sheree Wilkins

Go Lakers


Take a shot every time you hear “yes sir”.

Martin Tramil

The Freaking Flippers… know wonder we’re stinking it up this season, we’re associating with Losers. Los Angeles is a LAKER Town. Lakers 17 Flippers 0 Championships, Cheers. 
PS I’m a Die-Hard Bolthead since #14, #18, #46 and #80 wore the Lightening Bolt.

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