Nagy, Tabor on room for improvement | Chicago Bears Coaches Show – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
E. Finch

Nagy please give up play calling duties

Shalah Rahim

No, the BEARS Will Be winners against the rams but the Bears are No.1 team

ryan damon


Shannon Manley

Cannot wait to see our offence hit it’s stride, with our defence we should be really good BEAR DOWN CHICAGO BEARS

Nora Madden Henley Carey

Need to be cute πŸ˜πŸ’‹ πŸ’πŸ’–β€οΈ


Now if only Matt Nagy would start being smarter with his play calling, time management and use of personnel we’ll make the playoffs for sure.

    Mike Iverson

    Amen electric as a die hard bears fan I expect smart football. That means smart situational football and TIME CLOCK MANAGEMENT run the damn clock out Naggy. Quit throwing the ball make the other teams use their time outside put our defense in the best position possible to close out games.. Make our players accountable especially our offensive lineman if they can’t do their job bench em. LENO SUCKS


    @Mike Iverson Nagy doesn’t seem to factor in a INT with his passes instead of running it. And yes all of it it critical and I believe Nagy is capable but just stubborn. So Nagy has to be asked, do you want to win only your way or do you want to win PERIOD?

    Mike Iverson

    @Electric yep it’s his ego

    Derrick Ward

    Nagy and da Bears need a STARTING QB!

Michael Zorn

We need a LT/LG and our O will take off. Get speed bump Charlie out of there! Is spriggs truly that bad?

    Michael Zorn

    @J R yeah man I dont get it! There is no way after 2 years of awful play they dont see it!. He use to always get holding penalties now he dont like to touch guys! He does have a good dive

    Mike Iverson

    I am all for finding out NOBODY can be worse then speed bump Charlie Leno jr aka the walrus watch the tape never lies draft doctor Phil every game this GUY’S getting the brakes beat off him. Leno is an embarrassment Spriggs has to be an improvement

    Ian M

    Aaron Donald will make the o line miserable if they don’t step up

    Mr. McMagpie

    Y’all watch way too much of The Tape Never Lies lol

    Mike Iverson

    @Mr. McMagpie the tape never lies breaks it all down you see it in slow motion and the entire players actions check it out draft doctor Phil tape never lies network


πŸ»β¬‡οΈ hopefully we win against the rams

Michael Coffey

Ben Leno Jr Bench Leno Jr Bench or Cut or Trade Leno Jr. How can the local media be so blind. Man wiffs on 3 to 5 run blocks AND pass blocks each game. He is garbage. Hope we spend 1/2 are draft picks on O line. Other then Daniels (out all season hurt) and Cody W we have no real NFL starting o line. Absolutely 0

    Mike Iverson

    Preaching to the Choir amen brother all linemen Massie and Leno got to go

    Ian M

    Hey hey ho ho, Charles Leno has got to goπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Derrick Ward

    Still need a STARTING QB! But of course you fake soul sCrUB fans know nothing about that! Lol!!!

Christian Solid

3 years later…We’re building an identity…πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


    Our identity is so Chicago… blue collar football, get it how you can type of team hard hits and gritty defense

    Christian Solid

    @Chef_Jefe317 we’ve had that on defense for 3’s our offense that has no identity whatsoever

    Derrick Ward

    Lol and still looking for a STARTING QB!

Tray Mack

I want Nagy to admit the refs are over officiating the Bears D. They are trying to penalize our physicality, it’s obvious. We still win. Get a fine for talking to or about the refs, they are outta control.

    sergio madrigal

    I agree with you the Refs we’re trying to set the Bears up for O.T. Not right man! Also the Refs didn’t call Pass interference on the Defenders who were all over Allen Robinson on 3rd down when we were about to score! Sucked!

Drew TheViper

Charles Leno and Bobby Massie GOTS TA GO!

    Mr. McMagpie

    I agree on speedbumb charlie but Massie has his moments and is coachable.

    Derrick Ward

    You sCrUB fans trying to boot the whole staff!? You need a STARTING QB!

Sheldon Harris





GO BEARS!!! πŸ†πŸˆπŸ»

Alicia Williams

Why aren’t we getting any calls from the Refs. Eddie was robbed of 2 picks one pick 6.

Alicia Williams

Santos keep making clutch kicks. why bring back Eddie?


So disappointed that in year three we are still being asked to imagine what Naggys’ offense will (more like could) look like.

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