Mitch Morse: “It’s Always Unfortunate” | Buffalo Bills – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
A R Musc

JA17 and crew on a Super mission. Letttttssss gooooo!

Paul Deck

I’m glad Mitch said what he did about Coach having the answer he had, and the reporters maybe not liking it. Skurski went WAY too hard the other night and just came away looking like a bully

Brian Arndt

Class act, love this team.


I don’t think we talk about Mitch’s leadership and maturity enough. Great answers from a great dude!

Mark_B AviaHunt

This man is a pro. Very intelligent and cognizant of the temperature of the room but speaks honestly.

Ted Pesyna

What a great spokesman, like the coaches and gm, honest real caring people first.

Dustin Dandurand

So glad Mitch is on our team!

Mr Kasem

Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine Cucuzz.Online Brünette und eine anderet Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

Smith Carson

I be glad when the media starts asking the college these questions

scott fraser

Team leaders like this is what we’ve be spoiled with at the end of the day it’s a rookie punter that’s hurting the team can’t have that


meanwhile Watson signs a huge contract and will continue to play in the NFL..

Steven Bryant

Go Bills…

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