Mike Priefer: “We plan on having our best game of the season so far” | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Special teams on a new roster, new coaching staff and no offseason makes for a hard job. I trust coach can get it done


Isn’t that the plan of every team every week?

Leroy Xiong

Every team is planned for the best game, but one team must win one must loss the win team is play better not mistakes and trusting each other from the beginning to the end

tim phillips

Shouldn’t be too hard as bad as special teams have looked so far


We lost three key parts of ST this year. Sione, Tavierre Thomas, and Seibert were the guys we had that’s no longer there.

M. D.

Just put the gameplan on an island and nuke it till it glows.


Listen, this guy doesn’t b.s. Priefer is just the type of coach the Browns need to correct errors. In the past I was totally frustrated with our “no excuses” coaches who failed to make any adjustments because they knew-it-all already. Priefer, I hope, will be tough enough on the players and has the flexibility to make changes as warranted. I liked Austin as our kicker to begin with but the guy just played himself out of a place on the roster.

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