Michael Strahan Shares Favorite Eli Manning Stories | Giants Huddle Podcast – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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TacitSpring 09



Michael teeth is the best

LM Vang

Man scary pranks lol. Appreciate all the hard work Eli contributed to the franchise. 2 SB rings against TB12 is great. Sucks they couldnt give him the best supporting cast but hr did what he could control. I hope him the best and hope he is involved with the Giants in the future. Love Strahan too. Always a beast, respectful and great personality.

P Don

after hearing that O’Hara prank we need to get him a gold jacket

Eli John

Just an insight on how cold it was. Eli had ice on the back of his ears, from the sweat! Back in 07 when he was looking for his wife in the stands. Lol


What inane, predictable questions.

Willam Munny

The Giants were lucky to have him, he was a quiet tough man, carried himself with class in a time when too many players are ‘me first’ guys. He deserved better than the Giants gave him in the last 5-6 seasons.

Robbie Garnz

Mike’s reaction to the question about the Green Bay game was classic!


The interviewer has to do better having fun with the interview.

Infamous _king


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