Mel Blount on his path to Pittsburgh, his career with the Steelers, the Mel Blount Rule – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

My man Mel

    Dane Bednar

    Yaboy_Homer one of the best corners ever go Steelers

808 N8vhawn

Love all of the original STEEL CURTAIN that started the Legacy…
Remember the Stickum…


#steelers 🏈💪

FaceMan Buddha


bob crawford

Look at Mel`s condition.he is still I think in great shape..what made him great back in the day..


That man was a complete beast. That 76 team was amazing. 28 points in 9 games and I think 13 of them were in one game if I’m not mistaken. If they were at full strength in the AFC championship they probably would’ve beat the Raiders and they would’ve rolled the Vikings in the super bowl just like Oakland did that year. Best defense I’ve ever seen.

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