McKay on Dan Quinn and Raheem Morris – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

McKay on Dan Quinn and Raheem Morris

Falcons President and CEO Rich McKay discusses the decision to retain Dan Quinn
as Head Coach, and move Raheem Morris into the role of Defensive Coordinator.

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Mike Honcho

Keep Quinn and fire TD – loyal fan

TheReal President2016

This dude Rich McKay is about to burn this new stadium and organization to the ground. Thanks Mr. Blank. Too scared to make a change

S. Kinlaw

Get rid of Koetter…. I’m a little suspect about Morris but I understand he deserves a fair shake.

Everydaythoughtz jc

Rise up , let’s get refocused & get ready for next season

Ernest Brown2

Morris will be good for us& we do need someone to get the offense going dirk kotter don’t understand with all those weapons on offense don’t know how to use them. Rise up we’ll be back next year

All About DaRealTarranceR

I totally dislike this move and now the stadium really going to be empty And this is now the official buddy buddy system way to go @Atlantafalcons

Ryan Flanagan


Fright Knight

Morris should be head coach and Jay Gruden as OC.

Joah Curry

Raheem might be getting some HC interviews so he ain’t guaranteed

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