Matt Nagy on preparing for Week 17 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Matt Nagy on preparing for Week 17

Head coach Matt Nagy talks with the media Tuesday at Halas Hall.

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Jerry Kwerve

Last week of good practice

Emperor Penguin

Rest your starters and hope nobody else gets hurt, you cant play spoiler anymore cause the vikes lost and are automatically a wildcard.

el indio

Maann whad a season…..o line needs to go.


    el indio And QB, TEs, and corners. What isn’t wrong with this team? lol


Ha… prepping for week 17.. come with better cliches?

Geno B


Jim Stawicki

I think there needs to be some changes. Nagy either needs to throw this years play book into the incinerator, and go back to year before book and build off of that. Or Nagy has to go. Mitchell still looks like he can be an elite QB, but these mind games are not working on him. He is a 1 style QB, coach needs to work around that. Defense needs to creating more threats that allows other teams to not double team The Mack and gives him a chance to di his thing.
Offense God! Catch the damn ball. WAY to many drops this year. We need that deep ball threat, and Robinson III cant be the only go to. O-line wasn’t THAT bad considering the injuries. With that said, there can always have room for improvement and allow Mitchell that extra time to get that ball down field. Montgomery was really good, but can be better if that o-line opens some holes for him.

    Max Thunderman

    Trubisky and Elite QB go together as well as Ike and Tina, Water and Electricity or Fire and Gasoline. Trubisky is an Average QB at best

    Giovanni M

    @Max Thunderman Not to sound like I’m Trub’s biggest fan but he’s had better stats than a lot of Chicago QBs in the past 20 years. I think he can be elite but the o-line and coaching needs to get better


    MT has never been an elite QB and probably never will be. Drafting him ahead of Mahomes and Watson was a colossal mistake.

Max Thunderman

Week 17, a game that no longer matters, sit all our best players and let our backups play, season’s over so no point in risking our best players getting injured

    all business

    Yea. Just let Ryan Pace go out there and play, preferably QB. Patrick Mahomes is out here still counting to 10 on his hands. If that doesn’t show you he wanted to be a Bear and skipping him for a 4th round back up QB drafted a head of him at #2 didn’t bother him than nothing does.


    all business Mahomes wanted to be a Bear? I think Mahomes is happy if anything he isn’t a Bear. He’s just rightfully taunting because this organization is beyond pathetic.

James Holman

Lemme guess they are going to hold a simulated practice with actors for coaches…

Sports Fan

Forfeit by not even making the trip

    Slimjim L

    Sports Fan big fax’s


One more week of Bears football, Looking forward to a Much better Effort. So disappointed by the season Hopefully the Offseason helps Us Improve and We have brighter days in 2020! 🐻⬇


    CollinsK85 There is no hope. No changes will be made, this team will always be a joke.

Michael Caputo

Nagy, I can see all the way from Utah that you are not the answer to my beloved Bears getting back on track. I just wished the people of Chicago could see it !!!!! I guess I have to take the Vikings to cover,that’s what it has come to…..

Suspicious Salmon

Bear Down! Get yourself a new line and new receiving weapons on offense coach. We already saw what you could do with a mediocre offense, and it’s a miracle we’re gonna finish .500 when our tight ends and gabriel are out.

George Franklin

That’s why preseason reps are important

    Sal Coscino

    George Franklin exactly facts


Man it’s Christmas time rn so I’m not going to be negative. But I’m going to poke fun by calling Nagy a nickname. Matt “Be You” Nagy. To be fair I think we have seen him do that a lot this season lol. If you got other names for Nagy feel free to say anywhere and have a great safe holiday and here’s to better results all around in 2020!

all business

thank goodness you guys are keeping us updated. All of Naggys media interviews are all the same with no improvement in scoring, players discipline, play calling or anything. just the same Ol’ he needs to look at the tape and see whats wrong and repeating the same mistakes and worse the following week and looking at tape again. smh


“Nothing has changed for us.” That statement couldn’t have been more true when it comes to this team.

Robert Davis

How bout a new Offensive Coordinator


I bet the starters play next pre-season.. lol


Fight and claw to get to .500


Why is he always so happy? It’s sickening. Your team is in shambles and this organization is doomed with these disgrace of owners and our QB genius scout of a GM.

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