“Make This Normal” | Victory Speech vs Miami Dolphins | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Things are definitely changing. Thank God!

Robert Kees

What gives me the fizz is the pride these players have in being a Jet. The last time I felt that sense from the players was during Rex’s tour of duty. Glad the feeling is really back.

    Olando Donadelle


    Olando Donadelle


Kyle Zimmerli

If there’s one thing saleh has done its return some swagger to that locker room like the Rex days. Miss Rex a ton

Bk9 Nike

On to green bay!!! Let’s keep it goin


The fact they never trailed in this game is another big step forward

Timothy Currier

Mosley is such a team leader. Great to have that a vet with these young kids to lead by example is great for the jets

    Dave M

    It sucked so bad losing him week 1 last year. Hope he can stay healthy. Such a leader

    Harrison Hollers

    Saleh made it a point to add winning experienced vets: Laken, DJ, Whitehead, Uzomah and Conklin, Flacco.


    Mosley is a true leader and lives by example. I was at the Bengals game at home when we lost and had the luck of meeting him. Even after defeat, most players were just leaving ignoring fans, Mosley came over… Signed everyone an autograph, signed my football, took a picture. Literally said “y’all calm down and form a line, imma get everybody”… What a dude. We need that example for the young guys who i won’t name, who just ran to their cars and left.

    Trevor From Canada

    he’s really the heart of the team in alot of ways

Ralph Malph

Jets led the entire game. Let’s do it again… gotta believe.

Ralph Sanchico

This is the culture we’ve been lookin for!

Solomon Garcia

Jets as a team was always a punch line. No more. Browns have that honor now.


I was at work during the whole game but i wouldn’t shut up about how happy I was.

Galumptious Potato

The jet players are showing us fans what’s its like to change a culture. They don’t have to depend on us for support because they have already changed the meaning behind what it means to be a jet. They won’t let us down.

Franz Hernandez

coming from a niners fan, I’ve been watching Mcdaniels and Saleh ventures hoping for their success. I want to see both these teams battle it out in the playoffs. #makethepatriotsirrelevant.

Nick Sibilla

Cannot even express how happy I am. It’s been so long.


Family!! Love these Jets!!

S dot E

Love the energy from this group. Feels like a brotherhood from a fan perspective. Guys are flying around. Lots of handshakes and celebrations. This is the culture we needed. Good Win

Nishant Shastri

I miss the “and the home of the JETS” break

Arun Morace

They led for almost a full 58 minutes. I cannot remember the last time they played a game like that. 40 points, 2-0 with Zach Wilson at QB, Hall & Sauce looking like stars, getting multiple monkeys off their back with a division win, a winning record and a win streak? This genuinely feels different. And it feels good.

Arnesto Cruz

He’s the Anti-Adam Gase, he actually has passion for football

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