Looking Ahead | Packers Unscripted – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Looking Ahead | Packers Unscripted

Mike and Wes answer some questions about the Packers’ roster, including which free agent will have the biggest impact (1:21), the most intriguing position competition (4:32), young players expected to make strides (10:15, 14:48), and an unexpected 2020 storyline (19:54).

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Impossible Mase


Anthony Mcpeak


Ray Ruiz

A lot of bad rumors going around about Aaron Rodgers and probably leaving the Packers after this next coming season if not sooner on a trade. The old saying is where there’s smoke there’s usually a fire


    @Jordan Dixon Reed you’re wrong


    AKG927 i’d prefer to give love 2 years of starts to find out if he is worth a big second contract or not. GB likely feels the same. I love rodgers but its plain dumb to not know what you have in Love before spending big on him.


    AKG927 Love could be a bust, that very much a possibility

    Larry Schultz

    @Jordan Dixon Reed why are you fearful? QBs like Favre and Rogers don’t come around that often. If he’s a Bust Rogers will probably finish his career here.

    Dawn Dacquisto

    Just a bunch of grannies gossiping and filling up time since there are no games to cover. Relax. Although it is entertaining…


The packers will go 16-0


    Are you crazy? We have to go through the Bucs, Saints, and the 49ers


    @Geekboy easy

    Austin S

    @Geekboy If he is crazy then i don’t want to be sane.

    eric sigersmith

    I hope I’m wrong with this draft and guys like deguara turn into George kittle or gronk ..


Looking ahead to 2021 you have too many free agents, too many positions of need, and too many recent iffy draft picks. 2020 is packers last run before our downfall.


    Lee86 Agree. If we don’t manage the next couple years to perfection we could be rebuilding in a few seasons.

Dawn Dacquisto

Mike, you are a gem.

Scott Taylor

I like the t.e. prediction

Tad Somato

Wanna see EQ and Begelton this camp…… sometime.

Steven Bresler

This show is really the voice of reason. There is a lot of speculation out there regarding the Packers. This gives all that perspective.

David Huff

Josh Jackson? Yuck.

David Huff

The Williams brothers will be replaced by Dillion and Patrick Taylor.

    Camren Lassiter


    David Huff

    Camren Lassiter RBs Jamal and Dexter Williams will be replaced by RBs A J Dillion and Patrick Taylor.

eric sigersmith

I just wanna see rashan gary play line and stand up cause he was the number one defensive line recruit in his class

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