Locker Room Sound: DJ Moore talks about catch at end of game – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

DJ is a good kid but he’s gotta learn the league don’t mess with that eddy sold us tho

David Dickerson

I think the call was harsh. It’s not like he hurt anyone by removing his helmet. It still was a spectacular catch and PJ did another remarkable job along with D’onta! The game was a nail biter. Such a heart breaking lose though.


    An ex NFL official just came out and said they got the call wrong because DJ wasn’t on the field when he took his helmet off

    David Dickerson

    @SWWonders well…..too late now. But maybe DJ should know. Cause the penalty kinda ruined the moment for him. I was shocked they called it. It was still a remarkable reception.


    @David Dickerson he was caught up in the moment and wasn’t aware 🤷🏾‍♂️ I don’t blame him


DJ your a great receiver and your always humble, I respect that. I don’t blame you at all for celebrating, anyone would have done that, especially with what u have been through. KEEP POUNDING!


    @J.G. Wentworth it could’ve, when he was celebrating none of the fans knew it could’ve cost us the game. Y’all are actually about to put more blame on a players celebration than the kicker missing to easy kicks. Absolute clown 🤡


    @1snaj that’s how I know you have never played an organize sport, or if u have you were not good. In order to be good you have to lock into the game which causes you to tune everything else out. DJ made the best play of the panthers season in the last 4 years, he has every f*cking right to celebrate like that, plus he took his helmet off when he stepped out of the field so it shouldn’t have even been a flag. Regardless no receiver is gonna make that big of a play in a DIVISIONAL game with all that emotion and go, “hold up, lemme not get too excited.” Na bruh! Man you saying some silly stuff

    Reggie Wagstaff

    “Always humble”? How is a guy humble when he took off his helmet, flexed, screamed at the crowd, strutted, and knew he was being watch by millions?
    It was his lack of thinking & accountability that cost his team the game. What if it costs his teammates playoff money?


    @Reggie Wagstaff My guy, please open your eyes. DJ has been with this team for 5 years and has struggled due to a shaky staff and QB even though he can be a too 10 WR. DJ has made countless plays for his team and has been dragged though the mud but he always stayed quiet and kept grinding. He has had every reason to seek trade or free agency but he didn’t, which you should be grateful for bc he’s the best WR we have had since Smitty. Out of curiosity have you ever played an organized game of football for a league? Of course DJ didn’t have time to think, he just made the greatest move play of the season and he’s a human which act out of impulse and emotion. How are you gonna say that he cost his team playoff money when Piñero had 2 easy kicks to make and missed them, the defense couldn’t stop the run, and the o line was undisciplined with flags.


    I put together a video of all of Ikem Ekwonu’s pass pro reps from last weeks game if anybody is interested

Germane Habib

Eddy missed 48 yard kick understandably. But then he blew the 33 yard kick in OT? C’mon, man! Pineiro Bread gotta go….SMH. 🤷🏾‍♂️🙄🤦🏾‍♂️


    You might be right


    Exactly u just can’t do that and be comfortable 🤦🏾‍♂️

Eric Butler

I just heard his interview clearly he’s a nice kid but young man you’re talented get on the sideline go crazy Chip shot game over get them next time kid

Kenneth Flowers

He knows that this cost us the game let’s just move on it was the best game of the year imo

    Curtis Graves

    By far thus far

    Ben Watts

    My miles. Bro easily best game. And literally showing how much better off we are without rhule and baker. And also without trying to win every game with cmac


    Our game was fucked when Eddy missed the first GAME WINNING FG 🤦🏾‍♂️

Anthony Boyd

It should have never even came down to that. Defense gave up too many big plays.

David R

DJ you did your job well. It’s a tough loss but man this team played their hearts out! Y’all getting this turned around we all see it. Yeah DJ took his helmet off but his celebration was very mild compared to my celebration in my living room after that catch 😂😂😂😂

    Ben Watts


    Hunter Vandiford

    Yep same I went crazy when he caught it.


An ex NFL official just came out and said they got the call wrong because DJ wasn’t on the field when he took his helmet off

    Justin Roberts

    Yup but who didn’t see that coming in Atlanta. We wasn’t to win


    Even if they admitted that after the game, that wouldn’t change the outcome of the game. It’s too late now. It all falls on Eddy who failed 2 FGs when it mattered most 🤷🏾‍♂️. He’s not clutch.

    All Gamers Matter

    ​@me wtf you mean it doesn’t matter, it’s obviously was rigged, and wasn’t meant for us to win

    All Gamers Matter

    Where can I find this

Shane Zinman

It’s a tough one bc i have never been so excited on a single panthers play before. Or at least in the last 5-6 years. And ive been a fan since 2005. The last time i felt that emotion was watching Agent 89 out there.

There is 0 chance i am gonna blame a dude for a loss when he is half responsible for that exhiliration yesterday however short it lasted. It felt different. The guy i am most upset for is PJ. That should’ve been the game winning touchdown and the way he battled back all 2nd half after the pick 6 was inspiring. I get emotional about the panthers sometimes bc from 2005-2011 i watched every game basically with my brother who passed in 2012 and Sunday is like “our day”.

I’m still in shock we lost. I think i cried tears of joy twice thinking we won just hugging my dog 😂. Biggest rollercoaster of emotions watching a panthers game that i have ever experienced. By far.

Kinda feel like in a way we did win though. Panthers football on Sundays has not been watchable in sometime. At least we’ve got our Panthers back. Effort and identity is really why i fell in love w this team. And its now present again in Charlotte. #KeepPounding

    Ya boi Orange


Toons on Strings

WTF is wrong with the NFL? dude was out of bounds and the play was over when he removed his helmet… Absolutely no one was put in danger. The Refs get more and more ridiculous every year.


Selfish player???… This dude is one of humblest, quietest, and underrated players I’ve seen in a while as a #1 WR. It’s called emotion…and BY FAR the most emotion I’ve ever seen him show in 5 years. Hell I jumped out the damn chair I was so proud of them for not giving up…still am. That wasn’t even technically a unsportsmanlike conduct as he was outside the endzone. Noone noticed the other two Panthers on the field without a helmet. That penalty was coming regardless. AND I could have swore that would have been enforced at the kickoff. Regardless, DJ is the reason we were even in position to win. The blame is to go around…how bout:

Our over invested, full of first/2nd rounders Defense gave up damn near 40 points.
CJ Henderson not trying to run into the endzone rather than out of bounds. (Good pick though)
Kicker misses not one but TWO game winning kicks …one which was basically a chip shot inside a dome with no wind….inexcusable. YOU HAVE ONE JOB.
PJ Walker has an elite 2nd half but a HORRIBLE first half…which included a Pick 6 on a screen he tried to throw over two defenders.
Burns whiffing on Mariota in the backfield… as Mariota scrambles to put them in FG position for the win.
Shaq Thompson hitting hard but looking like a liability in coverage all game.
McAdoo going OD with the presnap motions
Holcomb sending blitzes that dont get close to hitting home leaving the secondary vulnerable.
The back to back to back Penalties in the 4th and OT.
ZERO pass rush from the outside.
Allowing them 150+ on the ground.
The refs being blind to about a dozen holding penalties…one of which directly resulted in a long TD run for Atlanta..

AND one could argue had Donte not went down, Byrd wouldnt have even been targeted… let alone scored that TD

All that said, everybody gets a blame ball.
But they played HARD…I can respect that.

    Lawyer Service Direct

    dirty birds

Hunter Vandiford

I love this dude awesome catch let’s keep getting it and keep pounding…

Joseph Robinson

You can tell when DJ gets annoyed. He does that mumbled laugh like he wants to say something but he knows he can’t 😂

Gregory Brown

Lesson learned DJ big ups just get the next one 💪 💯

Dark Man

DJ Moore your awesome player and you give it your all , you are truly the face of the Carolina Panthers 🏈

Vaaheish Satkunaraja

Great play!! But he doesnt understand that it wasnt really about the time on the clock left, even if there was 0 seconds left it would have cost them the game.

Donte Grant

DJ ain’t your fault hell I flipped out we you caught it! We looked good! #KEEPPOUNDING #PANTHERNATION

Angel S

Way to take accountability DJ. I’m so proud of the turnaround in my team. Keep Pounding!!!

Chuck Billiot

We are better than the record we have hopefully we can figure out how to finish because no team wants to see us! Love the fight our team has shown the last couple weeks with 9 games left anything can happen #KEEPPOUNDING

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