Lamar Jackson Post-Game Presser After Loss to Dolphins | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

This is one of the most embarrassing losses I have seen in years..

    Louis Weckesser

    It seemed to me after tuckers missed FG the whole team went to chit.2 FG chances in the 1st quater then they couldn’t move the ball. SAD πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ


    @Louis Weckesser yeah u r right. They had all the momentum the whole game. It really was embarrassing af for the ravens last night. I hope this wakes them up..

    v johnson

    You should last place! Record 1-8! That’s Hilarious! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁!


    @v johnson what?

Jacob Holcomb

That was rough! Somebody get Lamar new cleats, because it feels like he’s slipping on almost every scramble and design run play this season!

    stackz dollaz

    Yea cuz the oline doesn’t give him time. He’s gotta b so quick

    Crystal Spriggs

    Also, the turf was terrible. It is no excuse though.

    Gary Neal

    The field was wet. It was 95% humidity in Miami yesterday.


    The Dolphins have one of the worst conditioned fields outta every team in the league. Lamar should’ve changed cleats at halftime.

    Adrien Yb



Each player needs to hold themselves accountable. Not pointing fingers however if you watch this film in it’s entirety I’m sure you’ll see how many times our offensive line missed blocks. And YES! ANDREWS CAUGHT THAT BALL! WHAT HAPPENED TO NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO OVERTURN A PLAY!

    Babyface Nelson

    @James Jones he wasn’t pointing fingers nor playing like Tebow. By your logic, Josh Allen played like Tebow tooπŸ˜‚

    Kohaygin Scott

    He know we suck…but like my dude said…. he’s a good dude

    Babyface Nelson

    @James Siegman I didn’t see that angle at all.


    @Babyface Nelson I never said the home audience did… The officials did though.

    James Jones

    @Babyface Nelson Yes Allen played terrible also

John E

Greg Roman had one of his worst coaching games

    just thisguy

    Lamar excuses

    Compton 187

    It’s always Greg Roman

    jamah sassafras

    Him and wink

Lando London

Fire Greg Roman. There is no other reason for this loss. Every time you take the leash off Lamar he shows out. Roman is a liability.

    jamah sassafras

    Greg Roman doesn’t play defense or coach defense it wasn’t all his fault wink and ol

    Lando London

    @jamah sassafras dude our defense was stout the entire game lol. Did you watch the game? Yes there were blown coverages. But my god. When our offense goes 3 and out 9 times in a row your defense is going to get tired and make mistakes eventually. We had 3 points for the entire first half. Come on man….defense lol. Our defense is practically the practice squad right now. It isn’t the problem.

    jamah sassafras

    @Lando London its enough blame to go around. Why wasn’t there any adjustments on the offensive side. Entire middle of the field was left open. Defense played good for a good part of the game but the mental mistakes is what ultimately cost us.

    jamah sassafras

    @Brandon Blooming or lamar get hurt

Guddamerica Official

Something needs to change with offensive play calling IMMEDIATELY. Dolphins played alot of cover 0 and we only put up 10 points. The coaching staff failed the team greatly tonight. No adjustments all game just stuck with what wasn’t working.

    33Lady RAM

    @unknown trapper 23 – Did you see how no one was running routes where it was open? A lot of work ahead

    Unknown Music

    Facts are offensive have to change and I really don’t think it’s Lamar Jackson


    @Baltimore Get Up well don’t get your hopes up on Harbs firing his coordinators because you’re in for a letdown otherwise


    Simply just outcoached

    unknown trapper 23

    @33Lady RAM yes i did beautiful queen 😍😍. And u like the ravens. Match made in heaven lol. But yea it was some bs

Sancho Mack

Like I’ve said….it’s either Lamar killing himself for a regular W or it’s an L. No in between. You know what the saddest part is? NONE of the guys will get fired until they have a bad season record wise and even then they have the injury excuse. Oline has gotten worse every year, it took them 4 years to get Lamar weapons, y’all won’t pay him even though he’s proved plenty and he’s handy capped by the coaches/GM. If I’m lamar I’m not signing anything and I’m already getting my escape plan in order just in case. DISGUSTING.

    Compton 187

    @justaloe you do know he had more rush attempts than pass attempts in college

    Compton 187

    @Jaywilly24 he ran more than he passed


    @Compton 187 Google is your friend, use it. He ran the ball 655 times in college but he passed the ball 1086 times

    Compton 187

    @justaloe my bad more rush attempts than completions πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Mattityahu White

With our up coming schedule we needed to win this game!!! This team is SOOOOOO FRUSTRATING!!! We’re not going far with that O-LINE,& our defense miss too many tackles, ZERO PRESSURE on the QB other than the Blitz, & our secondary is HORRIBLE!!!

    James Nicholas

    @Caleb Villain Sorry I see you had Cincy.




    @Redeemed2000 no they won’t


    Man listen it’s one thing to a fan, but I’m tried of this “WE” stuff are you out there on the field? To help right these wrongs, they will be ok..πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

    Jay Kinda

    @Jim Bean bro I get we gotta lot of key players out, but it’s no reason we shouldn’t have blown these boys out


It appeared as if the Ravens had no real designs on winning this game. Repeatedly missed tackles by the defense as well as big plays with receivers not being covered at all by Ravens defenders (looked worse than a junior high football team) showed that DC did not have a clue on setting up a successful defense to stop a team with two injured qbs not playing at the top of their games. Ravens offense kept running the same plays that repeatedly failed to effectively move the ball. If was as if Ravens were sleep walking . . . no real focus on any aspect of this game. And you all know, we’ve seen this before. How does a 14 year head NFL coach come out to press and state that he failed to prepare his team for a game which may determine their play off chances. Is this real?? How does an experienced (SB winning) coach fail in the basics of coaching? I remember 2019–this was again failure of preparation. How long must the fans endure this? The players deserve competent coaches, and we fans deserve to see our team
play prepared to their fullest potential. We have one of the best, if not the best player in the NFL, and the coaches do not have the skills and talent to get this team to the position where it should be. Complacency by the coaching staff is the enemy of success.
If we could get a set of skilled coaches in place, I would be all for sending the current coaching staff to their next gigs. Enough is enough!

    just thisguy

    More excuses for Lamar

    33Lady RAM


    33Lady RAM

    Lamar was not great but neither was the entire team.

    Helio Domingues

    our defense was fine man, not great, but not bad. the issues were in the offense! its been like that the whole year

    Scott Heuser

    Face it we ain’t as good as we thought … shouldn’t have beaten the colts, lions, or vikings who are all mediocre at best…well the lions and dolphins are trash…yall can bring up injuries all day but we are hot trash.


Our offensive line was dominated all night. Pass and run blocking was nonexistent. We got outcoached as well. Coming from behind was going to catch up to us sooner or later.

    Alexis Zepouka


Andrew Kim

QB1 calm and composed.. like he said, we got a lot of season left. let’s rally behind our guys & we’ll be good.

    Tony Rogo

    That’s what all losing teams say πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    Andrew Kim

    @Tony Rogo we’re 6-3 bro

    Tony Rogo

    @Andrew Kim and lost to the dolphins! πŸ˜‚

    Andrew that leave the entire AFC North up for grabs. You still have to play the browns twice, greenbay,the Steelers and Cincinnati. Absolutely no easy wins for your team from here on out.

    Andrew Kim

    @Tony Rogo was never gonna be easy. that’s not new news. like i said, we rally behind QB1

lancelot wilson

A TEAM that is struggling at home to win will struggle even more when they play away-the biggest problem for the Ravens his their poor defending and teams are going to make them pay dearly for that.

Kent D.

Dude is respectful even after a painful loss. How many would apologize to the media for having them wait. Lamar remains a class act.

Mr. Warbucks

I’m not trippin on this loss AT ALL. Short week after playing 5 full quarters. Bears next!


    Imagine thinking a pro athlete can’t play another game 4 days later from only playing an additional 15 minutes of which they split time with special team, defense and offense. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Excluding substitute players too. πŸ‘Œ We got worked, not out conditioned.

    Mr. Warbucks

    @chefgameill 98 total offensive plays is a lot for any pro athlete. We also got slightly out coached and that was obvious. Not worried about it!!!

    Mitchell Christy

    @chefgameill bro I played for 7 years as a teenager and I would feel those hits for days after I can’t imagine getting hit every play by guys who train 24/7 to pummel you


    @Mitchell Christy I was in the military and trained for a triathlon. I’m nowhere near β€œpro” status and I was able to recover in a warzone. So yeah lol miss me with all that. These men are warriors, it’s not fatigue from days later. Injuries are possible but not muscular fatigue. They have the best care and treatment at their disposal right after the game. Ain’t no way running those plays is a fatigue issue. They resupplied their sugar (aka carbs) to their muscles after the game. The human body on average only stores about 500g in there. They had MULTIPLE meals to replace them.

Jake from Youtube

“sorry for having y’all wait” mannn that’s why I love this dude he’s just a good human being. He didn’t need to apologize for that but he did anyways

    Jake from Youtube

    @vesi Cal I mean he gets paid regardless sooo lol and they have 3 losses this year with no back to back losses idk what you have against Baltimore 🀣

    vesi Cal

    @Jake from Youtube nothing they need to get their offense in order. Lamar might be the best explosive QB in the NFL right now. He needs WR that care and an actual o line and boom he’s putting up numbers like he did in 2019

    George Smith

    GAF comments

    Mari Jones

    @Straight Facts llk km lmk

Derrell Anderson

Bateman has the best hands on the team. They need to get him going and call more plays for him. He’s the only WR this year that has been catching contested catches consistently for us. And he only has played 4 games that says a lot. Oline need help badly

    James Jones

    He needs a QB not a RB throwing it to him

    Adrien Yb


    Adrien Yb

    @James Jones u know wut I agree I agree with you but that running back is the reason why they’ve been in the playoffs that running back is the reason why they’re six and three right now so you’re right that running back is the reason why Hollywood Maryland is having a potential Good Year so yeah you’re right

    Derrell Anderson

    @Adrien Yb clowns like him don’t even get a reply, that man clearly looking for attention

    Kenneth Ulep

    @Derrell Anderson don’t forget Hollywood πŸ’―πŸ’―, they both weapons paired up with sammy!!

Dozzy T

Im still rockin with the Ravens, dolphins just played a better game. No need to throw shade at Lamar

Robert Mosley

Tough loss!!! We got your back Lamar!!!! πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸˆπŸˆπŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Keep your head up!!! Time to turn the page, bounce back… and let’s get ready for Chicago on November 21st!! #RavensGang πŸ”₯


Lamar is a huge idol to me β€οΈπŸ™ŒπŸ™


Good for him. Great young man.

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