Kevin Stefanski Victory Speech vs. Bengals | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

FYI – my profession is analytics. But I feel like stephanski’s low-key and formulaic approach resonated with the team last year because they saw results. Look at those faces and tell me he hasn’t lost the locker room. Zero interest in what he’s saying.

Justin S.

11 wins in 2020. 8 more in 2021. He’s won 19 out of 33 regular season games. Thank you coach for helping bring back winning football to the Browns!

    Mark Rulis

    @scott zappa Does the TRUTH HURT???

    scott zappa

    @Mark Rulis This whole subject matter has nothing to do with the “truth.” It’s damn near 100% opinion, LOL

    Mark Rulis

    @scott zappaIt’s not OPINION!!! 3 Winning seasons in 22 years, that’s TRUTH!!! PISS POOR OWNERSHIP and MANAGEMENT!!!I really feel bad for the fan base… Good luck with BAKER THE INTERCEPTION MAKER!!!!

Gregory Libra

He’s saying one thing, the players body language says something else.


    Really? The guys just played a very hard game. They may be too tired for “body language.” Their “body language” tells me that they are tired, and want to go home.

    K A


    Kerry P

    @GosokuRyuGodan No, not really.

    Stop N Watch Entertainment

    😆 i notice that to.. wasn’t gone say anything cause I’m sure everyone else seen it to…


    @GosokuRyuGodan Rewatch the Gregg Williams victory speech when they beat the Bengals. Stefanski sucks. Gregg Williams fired that team up and every player in that locker room were so fired up after that win.

Howard Rich

The pain is over for another year thank you Cleveland Browns for your hard work and as usual the most famous words in Cleveland maybe next year as the fat lady sings

Mike Clayton

We need consistency

walker b

We’ll get ‘em next year! Wait!…..where have I heard that before??? Oh yea, almost consistently for decades and decades….

    K A

    FACTS 👍

Ted Cast TV

I appreciate you guys is Stefanskis GO TO LINE!

    Kerry P

    defense mechanism

eL skaiwalker

Sounds like a Broken record


Yep ! Now yall go home and watch the other teams in the playoffs.

    K A

    Exactly brother.. blah blah blah

    Logan Pipes

    at the end of the day they do what they do to entertain you so if your not entertained then leave

    Josh Jacobson

    What brought you here !


    But still, for them, the realization is no matter the level of pep talk, the season has ended. There’s more to life…

Nick Tisone

We fans don’t appreciate the season or job you did with your elementary school offense and play calling! Totally unacceptable on many fronts!

Kolten English

I was at the game today you guys did a great job this year see you guys next season hope everything will do good when baker comes back next year I know it sucks we lost a lot of games this year but we have next year great job today Browns I love you dudes.

    D M

    @Gordon bro you know the majority of Browns fans are like that they’re content with mediocrity just like their content with a mediocre quarterback

Chris Whiting

Big deal you beat the Bengals back ups

    K A

    Exactly 💯


Have fun watching the others teams in the playoffs while you sit on the couch eating Cheetos.

Jerry Rose

I took Cleveland on my parlay ONLY because I knew Mayfield wasn’t playing.If Mayfield plays knowing Burrow wasn’t,I leave the game alone and pick another.If you cant accept the reality of the Mayfield situation by the eye test,watch the betting lines when he’s out.They don’t move.

Mike Jelinek

Somehow he is a bullhead. You always have one player that breaks it down. I just feel it’s Stefanski’s way or no way and that won’t work in today’s NFL!

Kerry P

The body language of the players during a post-game victory speech was rather subdued. And no, it’s not because they were “tired” or “it was a meaningless game”….it’s because the team can’t get fired up for Stefanski. Whether right or wrong, it’s the truth.


    it’s because it was a meaningless game. All year they would be fired up for him when it mattered. I hate this “Stefanski lost the locker room” conspiracy garbage

    Brian Thompson

    With all due respect, go look at the same video after the Broncos game or any of the wins last year. It is absolutely subdued because it was a meaningless game. And if it’s not that, then it’s because many realized that the season was lost because the organization catered to the ego of their injured QB.

All American Veteran AAV

AMAZING, WE use our DESIGNED run offence and completed a few passes AND PRESTO VICTORY is ours. How many 2 point games did we lose ????.

    Raffels Videoblog

    could not say it any better. Fantastic things happen when you finaly come to your senses and play the available personel to it’s strengths.

Tim Michaels

Nothing to really celebrate right Kevin? Mr. Robot 🤖

Stephen King

I just got finished watching Dan Campbell’s speech in the Lions locker room completely different environment

Raffels Videoblog

Oh the magic that happens when you finaly come to your senses and play the available personel to it’s strengths.
The pain is over guys, thank you all.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the
strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them
better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly;
who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort
without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the
deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends
himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph
of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails
while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold
and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
– Theodore Roosevelt

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