Kevin Stefanski: “Our team is focused on the task at hand” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Oml this media crew is awful. Props to Stefanski for not budging. Get this Win!


    No we’re not. They should keep drilling him until he gives us more. Don’t forget without the fans, all these bozos wouldn’t make money.

    The Chosen One

    I highly doubt we winning Sunday or making playoffs the browns are horrible this year again sadly

    Jabez Gill

    I understand what you’re saying but it’s their job to keep probing with questions until they get a headline drawing answer or a nugget that they can use to bring traffic to their website/paper/show.

    B K

    @Jabez Gill “Does Odell need to apologize?” What kind of question is that lol? That doesn’t help the current situation, nor does it help finding an answer. See what I mean?


    @ZelGoesHard You clearly don’t watch many Browns press conferences. Cleveland sports media is terrible. Not just this week.

Brandon Nodine

Let’s Go Browns!!!

Dale Strife

Last year: awful game against Steelers followed by beating Bengals without OBJ and going on a massive winning streak. Could history repeat?


    @Dan 1031 on the offensive side of the ball don’t play😂

    Dan 1031

    @Soza couldn’t block, dropped passes and called bone headed plays


    @Dan 1031 how bout this game 🙄

    Dan 1031

    @Soza lmao drops and flags


    @Dan 1031 🙄

Dylan Moore

Also I find it funny that “browns fans” are saying that case got obj the ball lol. He had 2 catches for 23 yards. Literally no difference.


    @Clint Holt that’s finishing a season, how many games has he finished with more than 80% comp rate? He has one or two games like Minnesota where there’s more factors in play why he would miss throws (missing lineman, lack of receivers, or admitted bad playcalling by our coaches) and he goes down to like 63% rate on the season because of a bad game, yet he has a better career comp percentage than Josh Allen, the other “elite” quarterback you mention. You can pick a chose stats as you like but the point is when baker is on he’s a top 5 qb and when he’s not or the teams not he’s in the middle, kinda like farve which was his biggest comparison coming into the league. And that worked out pretty well for gb. When you wanna say “didn’t finish top 15” the difference is literally a couple percent, baker is 66.7% on the season and everyone is acting like he’s broken because he doesn’t have 12 tds. Those stats are also swayed by the recent drama of “is baker better without odell” because when he’s not on the field he goes 22/29 for like 300 yards and 2 tds. But when he is he’s 12/26 158 and a pick. Maybe it’s not baker when he can play outstanding when odell isn’t there. Maybe it’s odel who doesn’t play great ever no matter what, since that one catch.

    Clint Holt

    @r3x97 when he’s “on” lmao too bad he’s rarely ever “on” he’s never going to be near the level of josh Allen sorry but I’m being realistic


    @Clint Holt he’s already past him, that’s the thing. You wanna complain about completion percentage yet he’s better than the qb you’re using for comparison lol.

    Clint Holt

    @r3x97 lol based on statistics obj is ranked number two behind devante adams in average yards of separation gained away from the defender…next gen stats…baker is just worthless as a quarterback and doesn’t see him and when he does he hesitates and that gives the defender a chance to make a play on the ball. Baker never anticipates and never throws the ball to a spot, he is a reactionary passer


    @Clint Holt we’ve already covered this, when you quit on catchable balls that won’t even put you at risk and “drop” another good percent of your targets your separation doesn’t matter. This is simply replying to that stat, because you can get separation from your cb on 3rd and 12 on a 4 yard route but why tf would bake throw that pass, he’s looking for hopper or Schwartz farther downfield. You can go in circles all day trying to claim one is at fault, but just watch the games and you can see baker is a good/great qb with a diva wr that believes they don’t have to keep putting the work in to compete at a high level. I see Landry and Higgins fight way harder for contested catches every game, watch odel try to haul in a sliding catch or one he has to go up for, he jumps halfway and doesn’t even try to swat the ball away, like the one at Chicago. Forget the stats, watch the games and its obvious.

Jeffrey Piotrowski

KStef is the most boring interview. I love it. Keep it professional.

    Edward Gaines

    This is the problem, Kevin’s dry as dust. Why can’t we have Gregg Williams?

    James Reinig

    His play calling is dry as dust. Please let van pelt call the plays. Please sweet little 7 pound 4 ounce baby jesus.

    Edward Gaines

    @James Reinig Baby Buddha will hear your pleas better.

Joe Hozian

For some indiscernible reason, even after all the hard times we’ve had as fans, I’ve never been more disgusted, pissed off, disappointed, frustrated, etc. as I have been this year. And this situation with Odell takes it to the limit.

    Joe Hozian

    Nahh, just a browns fan

    Sam B

    No way is this worse than 0-16. There’s 9 games left to play and we’re 4-4. this team still has a chance to contend

    Gian Trotta

    ​@Joe Hozian and soft. you think a little wr drama is worse and 0-16? you forget about josh gordon?

    Joe Hozian

    Hmmm, a team with no expectations and no talent verses a team with a loaded roster and playoff aspirations, let me think, yeah I think this is worse. Do you care more when your Rolls Royce breaks down, or your Toyota Prius?

Jeff Folk

Hope Jarvis has his head and body right for Sunday. I’m sure he’s super sad. Go browns

    The Chosen One

    @Jeff Folk the run got stopped last game look what happened lmao u sound stupid saying run 24/7 we should be able to do both.. especially if Baker is a “very good QB” according to u.. which he isn’t even close to very good.. but he has good moments here & there

    Jeff Folk

    @The Chosen One Nick Chubb had 16 carries, D’Ernest Johnson only had 4. Nick Chubb needs 20+ and Johnson needs to spell the check down screen game to replace hunt. Give the kid a chance.

    Baker is best when outside the pocket utilizing play action. That only works if you establish a run heavy plan of attack.

    Gotta run man! Chubb and Johnson need 30 Touches between both of them.

    Vicks Formula 44

    This is honestly funny to watch, but sad at the same time

    Jeff Folk

    @Vicks Formula 44 I mean what’s funny? 1st are you even a browns fan? 2nd I don’t think anyones life being upended is funny. I wish OBJ the best. But it’s over

    T N

    THIS is my main concern about OBJ leaving.

Anthony Sizemore

Baker last year with Odell: 10td 7int
Baker last year without Odell: 20td 1int
This isn’t a story guys let’s move on. He’s one player.

    Mike Phillips

    @ISEKAIonly go be an OBJ fan we’ll continue being here for the Browns.

    Mike Phillips

    @ISEKAIonly the guy has dropped the 2 most important 4th downs this season and didnt even try to catch a ball that would have been 1st and goal at the 3 to put us up last week vecause he was afraid to take a hit… hes only useful as a decoy he sure aint useful as someone with reliable hands.

    Mike Phillips

    @ISEKAIonly prove who wrong lebum and his dad?

    Mike Phillips

    @ISEKAIonly and your just a guy who will complain until one day the browns win and you will run around acting like you were a fan all along when in the real world you were on your knees in front of a whole in the wall waiting for OBJ.


    @ISEKAIonly i have no clue how you watch baker the second half of last season and say he’s a problem qb. He has an okay game to start the year and one where he finishes 90%, then gets hurt and has played the way he has. Everyone’s complaining about individual performances but no one has talked about injuries I don’t remember this many browns being hurt in the last 20 years, much less they’re injuries that directly affect how everyone does their job, like baker and Landry AND odell. The issue isn’t the production it’s everyone’s reaction to it. I believe we’re a 6-2 without the laundry list of injuries we’ve had this year, but the way odell has handled it and been personally hurt over his usage just goes to show it was a time bomb waiting to blow at the next set of adversities. Get him aht


Kevin Stefanski: “I’m just here so I don’t get fined.”


Stefanski may go for it a bit too much this season, everything else what a class act coach. hope we have him for a long time.

    John Connor

    If you are going to go for it on 4th down all the time why are you going for it all by passing the ball down field lol? You wanna play big boy NFL in 2021 you take chances every opportunity you can to win, not stall an offense and, try to make up for it by going on 4th down with predictable play calls.


Here’s what I want to know: when do we get Kareem back?

    Julie Christensen

    2 or 3 weeks

〘 r k 〙

Anyone can make a compilation video of every single eligible receiver on any play for any offense on any team with any quarterback in any league where the receiver was open and didn’t get the ball. Proved absolutely nothing except what side people wanna take. And making people take sides is the problem here. Never fall for divise baiting like this. Should have been easy to get past this. Both dudes show up and agree to say “F* the noise” and succeed in spite of it because it benefits them both as professionals.




This can actially be something good for the team. This has been lingering for about 3yrs and it finally bursted. Maybe with OBJ’s injury last year it kind of set things aside for a minute. Kind of glad this happened and excited about DPJ coming back.

    Tony Stone

    Couldn’t agree more! Great comment. Stats don’t lie.

    scott zappa

    LOL good luck with that. It ain’t happening.

    Tony Stone

    @scott zappa says Frank Zappa’s son

    Ruler of the NFL

    Exactly, when Odell went out this team started becoming a team! Like a Fraternity!

Dan 1031

Lmao I don’t know about you but this was like Belichick saying “we’re on to Cincinnati” back all those years


ABOUT to see how good this coach is

Michael J

I just hope it doesn’t affect Landry in any way.

    Jim Ritner

    I don’t think Jarvis has ever let his personal business determine his play , he is always a a professional and has class, shouldn’t be a problem. Odell doesn’t want to be here, and that’s fine.

Jabez Gill

I honestly think that we will see the Browns offensive performance improve — they always seem to be stagnant with OBJ on the field. For whatever reason.

Is it that OBJ being out there makes other players take their foot off the gas and then when he is gone they try to step it up?


Kevin “I can’t get into it” Stefanski. Haha! He’s focused on Cincinnati. I like it!


Oh boy I can’t wait to listen to Kevin not answer questions for 11 minutes!!!

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