Justin Watson on Slimming Down in the Offseason & Tom Brady’s Leadership | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

3:04 that’s a weird shirt lol
Great questions though ๐Ÿ˜€

Erik Moore

I’ve met this guy, we fixed his 5.0 mustang when Nacho ran into it. Great Guy hope he gets the slot position!!

    Jack Trudel

    Justin is much taller than any slot receiver Brady ever worked with in New England (Edelman, Amendola, and oh yeah, Welker) and as much as 4″-7″ taller than all the WRs Tom had to work with for most of his career, with the exception of Randy Moss. Whoever gets the slot will have to work on catching balls coming in on a rope at ankle height – Brady’s fav last ditch bailout throw when in trouble. Gronk would be a good one to study for someone that tall.

    Brady6 #GOAT #1stBALLOT #6RINGS

    Jack Trudel Nkeal Harry is 6โ€™4 who he worked with last year, Sanu is 6โ€™2, LaFell is 6โ€™2

    Jack Trudel

    @Brady6 #GOAT #1stBALLOT #6RINGS Good catch. I gave you a thumbs up, hashtag. That should have been the measurements of just his slot receivers.

stรฉphane A

The personalities on that team never cease to amaze me. Everybody has a great attitude and are team oriented.

Just Another Troll

Trump Troll says chubby chia pet guy is a chump

Ryan Allen

Fresh take Jenna “I Only Know 1 Buc Name” Laine

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