Justin Herbert Postgame Press Conference vs Broncos | LA Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ernesto Gastelum

Oline was horrible without Matt Feiler

    Arn Bck5




    Ronnie Tsunamii




    Randall Turner

    Really fucking bad.

KDLoc Gaming

Until we get rid joe Lombardi the inconsistency will continue he’s limiting him to just throwing short when he’s one of the best deep ball throwers in the league

    Brandon Mitchell

    We are injured on the O line, but have 0 fucking depth. But protection was huge today

    Sir Valdivia

    @Ceez B I’m sorry you said he’s to cheap when they went out n bought the best center in football along with two solid guards.

    Tay Show

    @Ceez B brought bulaga, aboush, linsey. That’s spending

    Randall Turner

    @Tay Show ..and Feiler. Four free agents, all solid. Three were out today (Bulaga’s gone for good), and our backups are terrible.


    To Run Sean Peyton scheme which Lombardi has copied to a fault u need great defense to play complimentary football which worked in New Orleans. Lombardi is not a good play caller. Its too predictable.


Fire Lombardi. Cut Tillery and Campbell
Gonna keep saying this Each Week even if we Win

    Ceez B

    YES PLEASE!!! I swear, if we make those 3 moves, we are golden. Week in, week out these 3 are the clowns we have to drag up hill instead of them helping us push forward.


    @Alexis Gaxiola he actually didn’t do that bad but he’s definitely gone after the Seasons over tho🤝 sound good?

Emmanuel Vazquez

Most pressure i seen this foe have this season

Luke Reyes

This is week #12 and the “We didn’t execute” excuses are starting to get stale. Starting to question pre-game preparation…. After the team performance last week against the Steelers, you would hope the win builds some momentum to go on a win streak! But today, the Chargers looked like a totally different team?!?!


    Its staleys first year as a coach. And joe lombardi has been with the same offense with different players for years. Next year is yhe true year to tell if were a legit team. The fact that the playoffs are within reach is amazing. So yes im disappointed but only because i believe we are a better team than our record shows.

    Randall Turner

    I think we know now, Antwan. I think we’re fine, great even. Our roster is just talent poor. Staley’s philosophy is correct, and Herbert is the best QB in the NFL. By concentrating on OLine last offseason they showed correct team building priority. If they concentrate on trenches again next year it’s all good. We just have to wait for a couple year’s worth of drafts. NOT sure yet they’ll draft well, but QB and head coach are the hardest parts and we’re set there.

    Little worried they didn’t recognize DLine holes earlier, but we sorta spent it all on OLine, which is just as important. Maybe we’re not “great”, second guessing now, they really should have drafted more big ugly guys in late rounds, but that’s a gamble anyway.

    Finesse Wrld

    Consistency is something the chargers don’t have in their game plan 🥱

    nate word

    @Finesse Wrld

    at all

    Colton Caskey

    You can’t expect him to say what he really thinks. Herb is a humble guy, he’s not gonna out the team like Rodgers or Baker would

Xavier C

week 12 and its still “WE NEED TO EXECUTE BETTER”


    well what do yyou think? thats the main goal isnt it?

    Drew Nayr

    A.K.A certain players on this team suck and are inconsistent.

Robert jensen

Tough to watch much needed game but it’s not the end of the world a lot of kinks to work out but ride or die CHARGERS fan here bolt up

    yellow Arrow

    @Ddeven Ba6r you guys are just salty. Broncos were clearly the better team. And herberts accuracy was suspect on alot of easy throws.


    @Ddeven Ba6r lmao y’all are crazy even if the no calls were called you’d still lose. Y’all got stomped on by an injured defense. All goodn



tamire davis

When the offensive head coach is used to noodle arm n drew brees n pocket passers. U can see it now. We gotta get rid of him or Brandon needs to grow a pair n tell him to let Herbert throw utilize his scrambling ability. Have him keep the defensive coach guessing.Defense can get stops but offense needs to put points on the board.

    Randall Turner

    Herbert was scrambling every play. They were running a zone defense. The QB can’t run for big gains (or even little gains mostly) against a zone defense. They’re watching the QB.


    Its too early to be mad at joe lombardi sure hes been showing signs of reusing saints offense but until he does bad next year im still optimistic that he will take us far


    @Antwan50mobile since the day we hired him I was not a fan. Look at his track record with the lions as offensive coordinator stafford hated him. We have a Mahomes like talent and we are in a archaic, old school offense that has not been innovated at all. I wish he had hired the rams offensive coordinator! But mcvay vetoed the interview. Literally 3rd and 13 and we have 3 wrs at the 3-5 yard mark.

    auston wiley

    @morality2020ya I was hoping we kept/ promted pet ham to oc

Nick Martinez

Today was bad. Looked like no one could breathe. IDK why the players don’t understand the big W. Simple little toss and he dropped it. Justin, please calm down when you throw down field, you are the best but ease up on the torpedoes. You are very strong. Next week if the play calls suck again, just run it in yourself for the W.

Jason L

Once again, Lombardi not aggressive enough with his play-calling until they were down by 2-3 scores in the 4th quarter and running out of time. Ekeler another key drop on a pass that bounced off his hand right into the DB’s arms. Chargers have the 2nd most drops in the NFL. The banged up O-line allowed Denver to apply pressure all day with only 4 rushers. Defense can’t stop anything, not just the run-defense anymore. Piss poor tackling by everybody. Herbie is a stud but the rest of the team needs to play better

    Billy Simmons


    Q Tipp

    Herbie has to see the field better and not trust his arm to make every throw; first interception was his fault

    Randall Turner

    @Q Tipp here’s the play in question:


    It’s 3rd and 10 on the 25, Herbert has to scramble right as he finishes his drop, runs to his right and throws with his feet off the ground moving sideways. He doesn’t get enough on the ball, underthrow, pick.

    The problem with saying “this is Herbert’s fault, he has to do X” is the situation. And the fact that he makes so few errors and so many throws we’d normally call “impossible” I’m reluctant to say he needs to change anything. He should have thrown it away, he didn’t have any other targets on that side of the field. But if he does, that kills the drive. And the throw was possible, albeit difficult.

    Here’s what normally happens when he tries an impossible throw. (Note here he has room to throw.) …


    Randall Turner

    @Robert D. So your problem is he’s calling run plays? We called 80% pass plays that game, genius. (78.9%, counting four called passes where Herbert scrambled for positive yards.) That’s enough.

    Again, the Broncos were dropping seven and their four rushers weren’t giving Herbert time to throw. See the interception we’re talking about above? That’s what happens when you force the ball downfield when you’re scrambling around. You want more of that. (Herbert SHOULD have checked down on that play, but he didn’t have an outlet receiver free. And then you’d be squalling, “shoulda thrown deep!”)

    You post hundreds of times saying the same imbecilic thing, Robert. I actually have some issues with Lombardi’s game plans but you blame him for the damn sun rising. And most of the time for us doing the RIGHT thing. Give it a rest.

Derwin James Burner

Joey, derwin and Herbert deserve better than this😔⚡️


This should put on the offense. OC didn’t really make good plays. Herbert tried to play as best he could behind a bad OLine. Chargers Defense played solid and kept the game close.
OLine and OC are the problem for the Chargers.

Shiba Inu Des

Always a Charger fan win or lose. My reality coming into this season was with high expectations and little patience. With no win streak behind us, it’s an inconsistent vibe week by week with an up and down roller coaster of momentum. Still excited for next week’s match up, we’re not out of it yet. Just stay above .500, Bolt Up.


    Same! I have been going to Chargers games since I was a kid! We really need to be winning these easy games!!! We have amazing games against the Chiefs/Raiders/Browns/Steelers and we lose silly games to the Cowboys, Pats, Broncos

    They are so good!!! Just some silly losses when they should have been wins!


I’ll always be a Chargers fan, I’m just used to disappointment 🥲


Ugh being a chargers fan makes my heart hurt 80% of the time.

    Nicole Green

    Try being a WFT fan. I love this kid for you guys and I hope he can do for you what Phil couldn’t…get you a Lombardi trophy.

    L Cue

    More like 50% of the time. At this rate we should ki Cincy and lose to giants. Ugh!

Shoot It Up !

I’m a chargers fan. I understand Herb is a great QB but we have to understand that her is only in his 2nd year. There is a lot of defenses that Herb still Hasn’t seen yet. Be patient guys


I would do anything for Herbert to call out Lombardi and his Drew Brees offense . Chargers will be at best 9 and 8 and no playoffs . Staley you as well your 2 and 4 in the last 6 and Herbert had to score 41 in both those wins .

Dr Stupid

I watched Philip Rivers play hall of fame football for 14 years in a Chargers jersey ……..the Chargers o line has been bottom of the barrel for a looooong time . The Chargers D can’t stop a kitty cat from running the ball . ( Its been that way for a loooooong time too !!! ) .


I’m so disappointed in this team . I’ve come to terms that’s al though we’re an incredibly talented team(Mostly on offense)we’re just an average team this season . Joe gets worse and worse as a play caller by the week . our defense makes average Qbs look great.Teddy,Big Ben,Baker,Kirk Cousins. All we could hope for now is to squeeze into the playoffs and hope Hebert gets experience


Bronco fan here, but I think chargers are fortunate to have their guy for the next ten or more years. Probably many pro bowls.
Denver’s in QB vertigo, but they’ve got a real good young team brewing. Look out if we get Aaron Rodgers next year.

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