Josh McDaniels on Mac Jones: ‘He’s ready to go’ | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

I believe in Mac, the patriots will dominate. Lets get this Dub next week LFGPATS


Strike back, the empire never dies

Jaylen brown

Mac jones is a superstar

    Lord Of Faiyum

    Super 🌟? Hope your right but i don’t see it. I will admit he has not been bad at all for rook. He been patient. I just don’t see what I want often when he throws. I just dont see it

    ashton luck

    a super int machine

    Roz Lincoln

    Josh Allen*

    Peter Gouzos

    @Lord Of Faiyum weak arm. It showed last game alot


    @ashton luck Baker threw 4ints in one game and is a 4yr starter.

Donnie Din

We’re still in this! Going to the playoffs!!

    Ciree Flood


    ashton luck


    Mick Funny

    @Donnie din if we beat the Jags *AND* the Dolphins we play the Bengals in the WC round, the Bengals are on 🔥 right now, hard to see getting out of WC

    Donnie Din

    @Mick Funny it would be tough, but playoff patriots are completely different than regular season

Joseph Medeiros

Mac Jones had a few big passes he threw way off. Mac is just learning everything that is coming at him. He also needs a good receiver that can see that Mac is having trouble and getting open better for his quarterback. This kid is doing well for a kid learning on the fly as well. But he doesn’t have a relationship with a receiver yet that can grow with this young quarterback.

    ashton luck

    to bad he cant throw

    Joseph Medeiros

    He has to have time I think he will be fine once he can read the field a little better . It’s his first year in the NFL he has done a great job for a rookie quarterback being that he was just thrown into the game. I think next year is when you can start to be a little more critical about his ability to throw the deep ball. So far he has shown some ability to throw the ball smoothly at times beyond 30 yards.

Stanley King

Yall have to be thankful 4 mac. I mean these receivers are hard to work with sometimes. I mean imagine if he had Jamar chase, or Keenan Allen like a lot of these qbs. We have no number 1 guy

    jay 1988

    @Stanley King im a huge pats fan im just being factual. And as a pats fan i want the QB to be as good as possible. I said Cam wasn’t good but un like Mac jock riders i can be honest about him to. So if im a Lions fan im supposed to only say good things? If im a Giants fan am i supposed to ball was Daniel Jones? Its called being objective you should try it. Im not making up Cams numbers from last year what i am saying is the people who trashed Cam can’t tell me how good Macs been. Because your just being a Mac homer. AGAIN FOR THE 4TH TIME CAM WASN’T GOOD LAST YEAR. But when his numbers are better than Macs how are you going to say Mac is good but cam sucks? My point is they both aren’t that good.

    jay 1988

    @Stanley King he was considerd the most NFL ready in the best situation and has 18tds and 14 turnovers unless your expectations were that he would be terrible idk how he’s exceeding anything while being average. His QB rating in December is 30th in the NFL so what im supposed to ignore that and just be a homer?


    @jay 1988 your Cam stats are hilarious.. adding in rushing TDs to QB stats (and not accounting for how that affects the RB stats), rounding up on his completion percentage while fudging Mac’s, pretending like he didn’t throw for only 2600 yards last season lmao. You are reaching so hard. There’s a reason he’s already been benched in Carolina…

    jay 1988

    @A im not reaching, your just not understandings the exercise. Also do rushing tds not count as points? Do you do that with Lamar, Hurts, and i think Brady has like 25 career rushing tds. My point isn’t to prop up Cam it’s to show the over hyping of Mac. In 16 games he has 21 TDs Cam had 20tds in 15 games. Mac has accounted for exactly 6 more points than Cam. Your bashing his rushing but he still had less fumbles than Mac less ints than Mac and your also not taking into account everything Cam had to deal with last year. No camp coming of surgery and 0 talent around him. Before Edelman got hurt Cam had 400 yards vs Seattle and his completion % vs Mac is basically the same again throwing to no one. Everyone said Cam couldn’t throw those same people tell me how accurate Mac is, their completion % is like 2 points diffent one guy has NFL talent around him the other guy was playing with a CFL roster. Our #2-3 last year was Nekiel Harry and Demier Bird. I hear people say o well Cam only ran it like 5 yards okay well 9 of Macs tds almost half are to Hunter Henry on 5-8 yard throws in the endzone.

    Yes Cam is benched in Carolina would you like to add in any context. The onwer is pissed he gave the coach a 7 year deal. The coach seems like he has no idea wtf he’s doing. They’ve played 3 different QBs this season and while Cams passing numbers suck he still has the best td-turnover ratio on the team. A team that lost McCafrey the second Cam got there and your talking about a “washed up” Cam Newton jumping on a team that sucks mid season. How do you think Mac would do in Carolina? They’ve given up 7 sacks each in the last 2 games and 20 combined in the last 3 that team sucks but yes lets use that as an equal messure. Just like your using last season with Cam as an equal messure while ignoring all the differences. Again my point wasnt to say Cams good its just to show the difference in treatment while both had basically the same effect on the team. I mean Mac threw for 19 yards in a game your telling me Cam wasn’t better at times last year with a CFL roster your being delusional.

    Then eveyone says “well mac is a rookie Cam is a vet” which would be fine if i was comparing Mac to a good vet im comparing him to a guy that everyone says is washed up. Im comparing his completion % to a guy who everyone says can’t throw how are you people not getting that. Cam was 7-8 last year with maybe the worst pats team I’ve ever seen if we lose to Miami we’ll have 1 less loss after spending 250mil and upgrading at almost every position including QB. People are calling Macs rookie year one of the greatest ever my point is thats all a product of the team carrying him. Top 5 in literally everything from total defense takeways rushing except QB am i not allowed to point that out.

Michael Caywood

I hope The Patriots wins The SuperBall because New England Patriots are American’s team. Not The New York Yankees. GO PATRIOTS 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Anyone who thinks we need a different QB needs some fucking perspective

    ashton luck


    César Omar Raudales

    Well said fellow Patriots fan!

    Very well said…

    Real life Lebowski

    Unless it was Rodgers or Wilson


I think the coaches felt they had no chance and was just saving plays at the end, no wrinkles at all.

John Place

This strecth will make each play off win sweeter!

    ashton luck

    to bad they wont make it

Lindo Mavuso

wild card weekend isn’t a bad thing for the Pats, considering they’ve won most of their games on the road

    Mick Funny

    @Lindo Mavuso Brady’s first year as a startèr , the Pats won the AFC East

    Lindo Mavuso

    @Mick Funny exactly my point. Have realistic expectations for Mac

    César Omar Raudales

    @Mick Funny

    Well, Brady was a second year player, Mac is a rookie.
    Mac has already achieved more than what Brady did as a rookie. Patriots will be 9-8 for sure (but it could also be 10-7 or 11-6, and making the playoffs).

    The Patriots were 5-11 and missed the playoffs with Brady as a rookie.

    Now, next year, Mac has to win the AFC East and the Superbowl to match what Brady did in his second year.

    So, we have to let this year play out, and wait and see what happens next year..

    Real life Lebowski

    @C̩sar Omar Raudales Not easy to make those pin point timing precision dink & dunks that Brady was so masterful at is it? As for Mac achieving more than Brady did in his first year Рget back to me when Mac Jones is the SB MVP like Brady was in 2001 okay (And by the way) you obviously never took into account that was 20 years ago and the passing play book was 2nd and the running attack was first.. Brady only had 413 attempts /Jones already has 461 РPsst: Brady also never had the added benefit of having an owner spend an NFL record $200 Million on free agents.. He inherited a team that was horrendous under Belichick *5-13*


This is the difference between listening to a football expert with an impressive skill set and a sportscaster

D22 Williams.22

Josh… why have you taken the 2-minute and quick-hitting pass game away from the offense?

NightOwl Productions

Josh, you need to stop slapping Mac Jones up the side of his head every time he comes to the bench. You also need to get out of his way a little bit. Everyone can see that. Pats fan.

Bryan Maclean

Mac Jones got this 😤

Classic Movie Lover!!!

I still think your one of the best!!!!!!!

Classic Movie Lover!!!

Unless I miss read some of these comments! You got to know that win or lose we have our next GB!!!!


Love you Pats family.💋

Soundness Of Mind

This team making the playoffs is a good thing..they need to stop the silly mistakes and they’ll have a chance

Goober Mcgilicuty

rarely win when the defense gives up 25 plus points. Got to work on that one BILL!!

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