Joey Bosa’s Best Plays From the 2019 Season | LA Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Coolman3634 Godmode

Love y’all

Con Positive

He better never get traded😤

    Ryan Duffy

    He won’t get traded, but his contact expires after next season and there are rumors that he wants to move to the 49ers through free agency

    Berserk ##

    There’s no way the niners could afford bosa contract money

    Teagan Wolfe

    @nubadubdub joe they would probably get rid of him for bosa

Bethany Pennell

nick or joey y’all?

    Richardtellez00 Tellez


    Chris Attisha


    JT Young

    We are all chargers fans here so you know the answer

    WRECKER21 _

    Don’t let Joey bosa u

Kirk Moore

Hurry up and get free from Spanos! The Niners & your brother awaits you & a good shot at a ring!

    Eric Rios

    Ryan Duffy he ain’t leaving but you should

    Ryan Duffy

    @Eric Rios I’d be very surprised if Bosa stayed with the Chargers. I think the Chargers players are sick of playing in a stadium filled with fans of the other team. They weren’t able to fill up that tiny soccer stadium, which means next year that giant brand new stadium they’re playing in is going to be half empty. Not to mention the ownership does not respect the players. The Chargers announced that they were done with Philip Rivers without even talking to him first, and they did the same thing to Eric Weddle, which is why he wants to retire with the Ravens rather than the Chargers. Chargers management is way too cheap to offer players the money they would want to play in LA. Russell Okung has already stated that he’s uncertain in the direction of the organization. I don’t think he’ll be playing here next season, and I think he’ll just be the first domino to fall. Chargers will have to make some major changes in order to get some fans, but with the way things are going now they may just be doomed to be in rebuild mode for the next 20 years.

    Eric Rios

    Ryan Duffy what does stadium attendance have to do with a franchise player? Do you know how the nfl works?

    Kirk Moore

    @Ryan Duffy
    The Uber cheap Spanos clan tried to cheap change Joey on his rookie contract. What was a guaranteed 17 mil for a rookie season and they tried to stiff him
    on about $300,000 in bonuses and the fine print. I remember back in the 80s when a member of the Phoenix Cardinals had a bill that had to be postmarked that day. He went in the front office and got it stamped with a 20 cent postage. When he got his paycheck of hundreds of thousands of dollars they dinked him for 20 cents. That ani’t no way to keep good players…Bill Bidwell was another notorious tightwad….

    Ryan Duffy

    @Eric Rios it’s not about stadium attendance, it’s about lack of fans. It must be pretty depressing when the fans in your own stadium cheer louder for the other team. I don’t think a lot of players will want to play in that environment when they could just move to a team that will have fans that actually cheer for them.

Trap Town xyz

Big up!

Trap Town xyz

Big up!

Chargers Gang


Ryan Duffy

I’m gonna savor every play next season since it’s the last year he’ll be on the team

    CV Production

    Ryan Duffy you’re dumb

    Kirk Moore

    Ryan Duffy doesn’t have rose colored glasses on! He sees cheapskate Spanos as he really is. The rest of you gomers are setting yourselves up for more CHOKER heartbreak….



Eric Rios

I love wearing this mans jersey

Christopher Johnson

Pay the man (also KA13 and Ingram)… no Rivers, sign your studs now.

Iese Tuuao

Give him the bank!!!⚡️⚡️⚡️

connor bobb

draft Jordan Love. Herbert is a bust

Jorge Ortiz

Bosa set up the Chargers up fir success in that Texans game but the offense couldn’t get it together smh

Image Well

What a beast

Matt Lidyoff

Bboossaa 💪⚡

Outdoor E-Ventures

Bosa is a BEAST! #BoltUp! 🔥⚡⚡⚡🔥

Jacob Dube

Our defense played well all year too bad our offense didn’t step up

Legend__ 21

don’t be cheap and pay this man #BoltUp

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