Jason Garrett: Wade Phillips Scheme’s Evolution | Dallas Cowboys 2019 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mark Bowman

STFU an just say we are going to be outcoached!! There interview DONE!!

    Dana Jett


    Akim Smith

    @Romeo Smith I wonder what Jason Garrett has on Jerry Jones.. why Jerry won’t fire him

    Romeo Smith

    @Akim Smith i just think jg his like a son to Jerry jones thats all n hes a puppet but jj came out few weeks ago n said jg not a yes man jj likes a coach where he can control them thats why he keep jg around so long

Erick Mack

Y’all know why im here, click dislike and dip. #Tank4FireGarrett

Christopher M

Wish he would actually show his disgust


He said last week he was making lineup changes and now hr doesn’t remember saying it. Seriously

Billy keith

Wade should of never been fired. Jason the scumbag wanted his job, and got it…(sabotage )


    Yes he should’ve, think back, the team literally gave up on Phillips like what they’re starting to do with Garrett. I’m down for bringing Wade back as a Defensive Coordinator though.

    Billy keith

    @Shorty really did you poll all the players


Ready to take this L and blame lack of execution, down to early, couldn’t come back blah blah blah. Reaaaaadddy break!!!

Dana Jett

Jg 🖕🖕🖕 pos

Billy keith

Consistently inconsistent

Jared Grimes

Just to reiterate..
We’re going with the roll of the dice again. Got it!👍

    Louis Ramos

    Jared your right maybe they’ll roll our way just this one time I dont think so hate to say

Dave Holden

So he does understand evolution of schemes he just chooses not to evolve himself.

James Evans


Ricky Garcia

How you doing guys.. 10 years of the same.

Mark Krok

Another loss this team is so robotic and predictable

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