Jared Goff Press Conference: “We know we have to bring it” against 49ers Saturday – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
carle spragle

The 49ners are going to kick the crap out of us, Goff will have at least 2 inceptions and 1 fumble. He is the back bone of the Rams and he is the reason why we lose.

Preston Murphy

Let’s go rams baby If we make playoffs or not i am proud of this Team




    Fk da whiners.


    Make it to the SB and we’ll talk


To beat up on Seattle the way they did and then roll over for Dallas makes me puke. You know which team shows up after the first two plays on offense.

Rudy Ruiz

they’re gonna choke again like last year.


Which Rams team will show up this Saturday night?

David P

Bet Rams execs are regretting throwing all that money into this average QB.


Goff is the deer in the head lights. He scares me. First sign of trouble he folds and there will be trouble. NO RESPECT.


It’s not Goff that’s bad. It’s the o line

franklin gomez

We honestly cant be disappointed from this team. Ever since the 2017 season,we have had better records than when fisher was coah. Im proud and believe that they will win a superbowl in the upcoming seasons

Michelle Ezeugo

I know you can do it Jared. πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’›

Joe kingdom

Go los Angeles rams πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

World Gamer

If they dont make it to playoffs I’ll always be Rams fan #RamsNation


Goff = double ff =β‚©β‚© horns

Go rams

Horace Blige

It’s a team blame everything starts up front and making the plays needed to be made


They won’t

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