‘I’m just trying to be the best man I can be each day’: Bradley Chubb on being a leader on the team – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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These background noises getting out of hand

    Jaz Biggers

    Or the mics cutting out and never being able to hear them ask their questions in general

Garret Kanwischer

He sounds a lot like Von in this presser

    Matt Montagna

    Thought the same thing…Hopefully he can play like Von as well this year !

    Charles Mui

    I was thinking the same thing. Von’s influence has made an impact

Jesse Zamarripa

Man I loved him but I say trade him he’s a bust

    Alex Carushow

    This is a make it or break it year for him. No doubt

    Aaron Gameros

    Fr his rookie year has been his only productive year. It’s go big or go home this season


There’s a reason Denver loaded up on pass rushers. (Bust) Chubb

    Seth Tenrec

    Browning is the man


    Fake fan


    @Jacob I’m sorry if you’re upset about Vic Fangio and Drew Lock. It was definitely time to move on.

    Seth Tenrec

    @green lol


    @green lol. Because I said you’re a fake fan over saying Bradley Chubb is a bust? Cause that makes total sense


How about he just tries to be the healthiest he can be

Firstname Lastname

Thought I was listening to Von Miller for a moment. 🤔


Stay healthy Brotha

Jacob Everson

hahah the helicopters lawn mower classic hahahaha

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