Dylan G

Can we wrap the rest of our CBs in bubble wrap please

    Jason Spain

    Except for Noah.

A Meazy

What’s up with the 6 minutes of silence before the interview? You guys don’t know how to trim videos yet?

    Maxen Prophete

    Lol it’s a lost technique for them

    William Volz

    At least they finally put a microphone towards the reporters 😜

    Dylan Giles

    @William Volz you win some, you lose some 😂


Did anyone watched that Tua mic’d up video, lol.

    FinsUp73 Smith

    He’s petty AF for that…but let the kid show out, he’ll act like TO


    @FinsUp73 Smith I know, I don’t understand why he just show support to Tua and give him a chance to grow. Tua will be alright and will show how great he is.

    FinsUp73 Smith

    For clicks and views….deep down he love the kid


    @FinsUp73 Smith he seems to love and hate Tua, lol.

    hahah lol

    Lmao TD


I am so happy this person – Mike McDaniels is our head coach of the Miami Dolphins!!! I always watch his vids, the season will be what it is, hopefully with a lot of good times. Never was into HC talks much, but I always come away with the feeling the “NFL football process” is in good hands.

John Cummings

McDaniels gives me the impression that he’s borderline too cerebral…..I hope I’m wrong. There’s a VERY fine line between thought process and game preparation from a talent prospective….. actually understanding the physical capacity and game speed capacity of personnel rather than philosophy of game planning and play calling. He supposedly is an offensive guru with infinite detail relating to formations and blocking detail…..a guy that can use players in a variety of schemes and can overwhelm a defensive coordinator with multiple looks….my question is…Are his players capable of matching his intellect?? Can he transfer his knowledge to the field and not to just a chalk board or a playbook?? To me…. coaching isn’t just about intellect. It’s about transferring knowledge to the talent…. knowing who absorbs the information and whether or not it works with the talent they have for the task at hand. I guess I’m wondering if his Football IQ transfers to the field or if…. unfortunately…it is left in the tape rooms and the chalk boards. Soon we will know……


    From how much space these receivers have been able to get into, I’d say it has been translating pretty well. Run game needa be cleaned up, but that’s execution not play call.




    He’s a great communicator. I think he gets it to players on all levels.

    John Cummings

    @JohnPaul I hope you’re right…..I’m a 50 year Dolphins fan….I’m not being negative with my remarks….i just think the questions are legit…..this team should be in the playoffs…..they were almost there last season and they’ve made serious upgrades


    He did well at San Fran, going to a Superbowl against the Chiefs. Scary thing is though the niners had a chance to run out the clock with their run game but couldn’t get the first down. Chiefs won.

Happy Fun Times

@Xavier Benitez lol so you watched for 2 years a player with arguably the worst o-line in the league and less than mediocre receiving core and running backs so he’s trash? Must mean Josh Allen is complete dogshit since he had even worse stats his first 2 years with way better weapons and o-line, right?

Ivan Herrera

Reporter audio is fixed 🔥

landy landy

Coach the game without fear, and you will win all day.. You will be extremely happy with Tua’s IQ for the game and winning mindset. Tua is the smartest QB in the league.

Chris Helm

Let’s never go to Hunter Long on 4 and 7 now after saying it was one of your fav looks of Hunter Long. I love Mike but I hope he’s plotting against other teams by saying his thoughts out loud.

Donald Johnson

Preseason: Detroit 4-0/Regular season 0-16. Keep it moving…

    Trey Davis

    16-0 Patriots also lost ALL preseason games I’m almost certain

    Donald Johnson

    @Trey Davis This is just one more reason we shouldn’t place to much stock in the preseason

Tim Beachy

Can you guys and gals please trim the front of the video to the beginning so we don’t have to search for it?


    They are only a multi billion dollar org, how would they be able to afford something like that!

Jess Mann

Forget the score, sit all corners for the next game.


My feelings wont be hurt with a Dolphins Super Bowl victory 🙂

    William Stalvey

    Good luck with that…..going thru Buffalo or Kansas City again

J Taylor

Hunter Long will be starting at TE week 1


It’s the University of Alabama coming out party this week

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