Doug Pederson on Cardinals’ Defensive Scheme: “It’s a Challenge” | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
I am Behind u


Sangy Wangy

I swear…if we end up firing Doug but keep Howie…that’d be dumb AF.

    Road Runner

    @jadon mathew You just goofy and don’t know football cause of course the game plan gonna be different cause Hurts strengths are different than Wentz and vice versa.

    Sangy Wangy

    @jadon mathew I’m down to keep both. IF Doug hires an OC and Howie gives up his control of player personnel.

    jadon mathew

    Road Runner let me ask you this what was the gameplan with Wentz? We never ran the ball. Ever. There is no way that was Wentz decision. When we played the Seahawks miles sanders had 5 carries. 5. If you really think Doug isn’t at fault for that then you’re just brainwashed into thinking he can’t be wrong

    Road Runner

    @jadon mathew You clearly don’t watch the games cause Wentz changes the plays at the line presnap alot.

    Sylvester Wilson

    @Max Power that’s true. But let’s not forget Jason Peters role in this offense. He was getting beat repeatedly. Every series.

Alexis Lopez

Doug’s excited


    He finally has a good quarterback.

Doyell B

Whatever Doug

b costello

Someone put something in Doug’s drink.

    Sylvester Wilson

    Ca Ca Ca YEAH!!!!

Max Power

doug seems way happier today lol

    C I T Y R A I N

    lol he does.


Doug >>>>>>>> Howie


If Lurie fires Doug over Howie then half if not majority of the fanbase will go insane. That is not the way


Wish we still had hicks

bermar Wilson

Successful 😭😂

Matt Almeida

Oh wifey gave him some this morning!

    Malik Wright


    kitdacraze Philly the Kraze

    Like what her seizure? Lol

    Kenzo Rome

    He’s rejuvenated hes got a quarterback who he is able to coach and talk too

Phil Masry

Give doug good offensive coordinator and he’ll do just fine. Howie is fine. If carson is gonna go we better get a good draft pick out of them at least a 2.

Damian Gallo

People just don’t know how to say success do they

    4kT young boy !!


Barry Dozier

Jalen Hurts, ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the Gun

Michael Martocci

wow, hurts is involved in a Eagle win, not entirely his doing with friendly design play book and stayed away from the pocket. All of a sudden he’s a God. The God like paradigm belongs to the defense that very few are even saying. Hurts did everything Wentz did including very close ints, a fumble, no sacks, the saints didn’t blitz much at all. Wentz is the most blitzed QB this and last season.

    C I T Y R A I N

    Wentz is garbage. No desire to win. Endless excuses made for him. Get him out of here. No more. Please. No more Carson. I can’t take it anymore.

Shaar Lahat

Doug looks happy. Not having to deal with anything Carson Wentz has made Doug happy to go to work.


    Interesting when he said their offense is quarterback driven and quarterback friendly, not sure if that was a diss to Carson but he never made it look quarterback friendly

Byron Nails

They must’ve had a very good practice

Deshante Dupree

It’s weird because if you watch every press after Hurts played in GB Doug has had this weird pep in his talk. Like Hurts sparked Doug as well 🤷🏿‍♂️ lol Hmmm??? 🤟🏿🦅🦅🦅🤟🏿

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