Derek Carr Postgame Presser – 12.8.19 | Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Derek Carr Postgame Presser – 12.8.19 | Raiders

Quarterback Derek Carr addresses the media following the Week 14 matchup against the Tennessee Titans at the Coliseum.

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Damian Gabaldon

The only glimmer of hope was 2016. It’s been excuses since 2002. Raider organization is exhausting.

    Justin Allen

    then leave bye felicia

    Ya Boi Tom

    Justin Allen ah yes you’re not a real Raider fan if you question the leadership in the organization what a clown Damian was out here speaking truth

    jiimmyeats good

    Aint that the truth. Oakland is cursed. 2002 and 2016 are the only good years to hold on to

    Carlos M. Aspuru


raider nation full moon records

Sick of losing man……. some changes are coming!!!!!!!!! wasn’t entirely Carr’s fault today but 3 in a row getting blown out!!!!smh

    Steven Villa

    Yea and that’s defense. Gunther needs to go. We have no speed on defense, yet he shows blits almost every play


    CARR is always the problem WR holding hands with the titans CARR had hes chance to be team LEADER but now i hope he can move on from RAIDERS

    Julian Bueno

    Fire Gunther! He can’t adjust on the fly!


    Julian Bueno yeah bro it’s the adjustments. All the teams we play adjust after the second half and we just don’t we always fade.

bill hawk

Throw it away when u can run in endzone no balls!!

    Steven Villa

    Yea you play and have 200 plus guys going after you.

    bill hawk

    No they lost cause Defense is worst in history but goes back to coaching an I’ve backed Carr for 6 years but he is soft Elite QBs lift their team just average QBs do not Average ^^

    B G

    Right? Or just give the receiver a chance, we were losing by 21, what else is there to lose, pls pls trade this guy i had enough 5 years of his child stories after each game

    Guillermo Castillo

    Derek carr aka the new jay Cutler

    Richard Capitano

    Remember when he tried to do that in the Green Bay game ? Turned the whole game around when he fumbled. You don’t extend your arm with the ball from the 5 yard line when you’re Derek Carr, Wilt Chamberlain maybe. Turned the whole game around. I don’t doubt his competitive spirit, physical talent is another question. Hey, 23 million a year.


Copy and Paste the last 2 weeks pressers.

    Robert Dore

    It does seem that way..

    Kyle Earle

    Last 6 years…

Ishikawa Frank

The definition of insanity “is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”     Time to do things DIFFERENTLY. Need to evaluate other talents in real game situations not just on the practice field.

    RAIDERS 24

    Damn straight……Carr thinks hes badass in practice throwing the ball perfectly and when game time hits it’s a different story and dumps off the ball to the running backs

Federico Mendoza

We need a young talent at qb to either push him to get better or push him out the door, same ol excuses its a dam shame because i once beleived in him.

    Federico Mendoza

    @Pineapple C its not just today its in general he doesnt have the it factor imo look up his film for the entire season he missed alot of plays today in paticular a run for a potential score

    b Ollie

    @Federico Mendoza that’s what I’m saying good QB just don’t have the by any means necessary in his play

    Robert Dore

    A lot of us are going that way too…

    Gains for Me

    Exactly! Almost all the the successful QBs today are mobile!!! They are young and hungry! Carr doesn’t have the talent to elevate everyone else. He’s just a average pocket passer.

Chris Ortega

At this point I would
Rather tua wit a walker 😂


    He’s trash.

    Joshua scott

    Tua trash 😂😂


    Joshua scott yes trash. He won’t be any good in nfl

    Ya Boi Tom

    jaidogu 🤡 imagine saying Tua would be trash

    Mike Downs

    There’s not a single first-round quarterback I would take


The entire Raider team should be ashamed of the garbage they put on the field

    Bill Lozier

    Raiders won’t win another game, will finish 6-10 & in last place.

    Ya Boi Tom

    Bill Lozier I mean that would be like the Raiders huh?


    Outlaw0fTorn Good ridence By!


    Must look at the QB position in draft Carr is damaged goods, he’s a Salvage CaRR


“This is a game, psychologically, of intimidation and of fear, I don’t mean cowardly fear, but fear.” -Al Davis
Negativity leads to fear.

Bill Lozier

On first episode of Hardknocks Gruden said I’m into nightmares!!. Well, I think the Raiders have achieved that. Not exactly what he had in mind.

    David Johnson

    Were you a fan last year? Did you watch the primetime loss to the niners? And after they they still picked ahead of us and got Bosa! Now thats a nightmare! making it to December without being mathematically eliminated from the playoffs is a dream compared to that!

b Ollie

When will we start to compete in the second half of games am I the only one who seems to noticed this RN4L 🏈☠️

    Richard Capitano

    Your absolutely correct, our failure to make adjustments at half time is a concern.

    TDMichael 1

    Ik like how does ur momentum change after a 15 min break god dam

    Chef Gris Mancilla

    Yeah it’s very noticeable I’m sure Gruden knows and has mentioned it to the team. I know we have a better season then last year but damn come on we continue to be a laughing stalk of the NFL.

    Johnathon Tehada valles

    Our CB are garbo

    TDMichael 1

    Johnathon Tehada valles yup we get BURNED WAY TO OFTEN ON LONG PASSES

Cesar Chavez

I used to care about what he had to say but now it’s just excuses…I’m officially tired and waiting for the draft
RIP 2019 season

Junior Melgoza

Man it looked like they came out the 2nd half without any adjustments. Raiders got outcoached


Its sad this how we going out in their last games in oakland


I’ve stood by Carr all year. And this is the first time I can say that Carr has more talk than results… Our defense took a serious hit this year. Combine that with the toughest schedule in NFL history, it took a toll on our whole team. We were set up to fail this season, and we still did better than what most thought. Our day is coming…

    Kyle Quinones

    Agreed…it’s not all Carr…. that’s all ima say. BUT the thing is this…I said this before the season started whether if DC has a good or bad season we are still gonna draft a QB in 2020… n if whoever it is out performs DC in camp will start. THATS IF THEY OUT PERFORM DC…. DC will start in Vegas despite of this season

    Tyger King of kings

    How did we do better than most thought? Go back and read comments before the preseason started and you’ll see that everybody was saying Superbowl just like they do in the beginning of every season.

    Richard Capitano

    ALL teams are dealing with the same situation. Schedule or not. It’s late in the Season and we are terrible. Excuses won’t get it done. Set up to fail ? I don’t think we need any help with a setup to fail, we’re doing it pretty well on our own, penalties, turnovers, and a lack of guts quarterback.


    @Richard Capitano You act as if we’ve been winning Super Bowls lately. We’re trying to rebuild a winning culture, like we had during the 70’s and 80’s. What Raiders team have you been watching these past 20 years? I’m happy to see ANY positive come out of this organization. We can’t meet standards we haven’t set yet. And about Derek Carr. Who was last great or pretty good quarterback we’ve had before Derek? If you’re as old as I am, you probably have to go back to Rich Gannon. I can go back to Jeff Hostetler. We’ve had some of the ABSOLUTE WORST quarterbacks this league has EVER seen, these past 20 years. And Derek Carr isn’t one of them. I’m not saying, he’s the best. But he’s definitely not the worst.

    master demon

    @djseasickbaby next year buddy next year…

Rene Basavand

Almost 6 years 0 big wins…this was our last chance at the playoffs and 0 points when it mattered!!!!

Tyger King of kings

Carr is a cool dude I respect him as a person but he is nothing more than a backup QB and he needs to let somebody else take over. He’s time is up.

Alejandro Flores

If he had at least run and fumbled out of the end zone again, I’d rather that than throwing it away. Smh

King Savage

Let’s get Jalen hurts in the draft and let’s trade for obj

    Johnathon Tehada valles

    Trevor Lawrence from Clemson


He doesn’t care so why should we car about him.

    cecil kozuh

    He’s clearly upset ?

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