Denzel Ward: We gotta see where things went wrong and change it for next time – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

We gonna get this back, facts, we are too talented to not. Just gotta work out the kinks.

Mike Wazowski

it’s been great watching this young man grow thru his career, so much good talent on this roster is the reason why it hurts so bad we have never had this much power under the hood, just cant get it to hook up on the track. hope we can get this beast dialed in before it scatters the engine, again……lol.

Teddy Cabuno Jr

Mary K are you friends w Joe Borrow can’t you come up with any better questions week in and week out you truly disappoint all of Cleveland w your constant terrible questions


    There’s a reason she is here covering this football team, she wouldn’t cut it covering a good team. I’ll give her credit she called it that this team would not be good early. She also has been saying baker has not looked good in camp.

Noahs Movies

It was a tough game but that’s ok, never doubted there would be some struggles early

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