David Njoku Mic’d Up vs. Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
I'm Happy

Love Mr. Njoku! So glad you are a DAWG!

Deeze Nutz

He should have 12 targets a game at minimum. 🤷

Fdh Theory

Love what he’s grown into. The 3rd thing I thought after securing Watson was, “he’s going turn Njoku into a top 5 TE”. Cannot wait to see their growth.


    Shame they took this long to utilize his skill.


    @Jim Tight ends are maybe the slowest developing position in the league. Mix that with poor coaching wasting his first two seasons, and I’d say he’s about right where he should be.


David Njoku is a great leader! I love his attitude and personality!!

Paladin 06

David is a BEAST! GO BROWNS!

Boa Constrictor

I always wondered if any player in the NFL could play both defense and offense, but well?

Arthur Laboga

Yes! That pregame speech…🥰


Njoku has now become a leader of men. Also he is graded out as #2 TE in the league. According to PFF.


David Njoku has come a long way since he has been a Cleveland Brown. He always had the physical traits but has matured a lot and worked hard to improve his game in every facet.

Andrew Lykins

I’m ready to run through a brick wall!!! I love Njoku!! He’s got a chance to be very very special in this league!


Njoku definitely turned his game around what I then seemed from him these last 2 seasons coming in to impact the game is what we really needed him to do & his doing dat now!!!!

Brett Bentley

“You’re too little.” 🤣

Capture Motion

Njoku bout to be a Captain next season I feel…

Robert Britton

Go Brown’s always 🇺🇸🏈 Catch the ball better and break a few!!! David? Go Brown’s 🏈🇺🇸 Go Buckeyes National championship 🇺🇸


We’re going to need him against the saints

Ghettos Voice

I thought we had a TE legend when we drafted Winslow but nope! David Njoku is our new Ozzie ❤️

Ghettos Voice

Incoming 1500 yards 10 touchdown season for Njoku in 2023


This game was nuts

Benn Daniel Vai

I remember when he cried when they lost to the Chiefs in the divisional game a couple of years ago. Damn he played so well. We will see Browns in the playoffs next year. They have DPJ and Amari looking like a good WR room now. Grant will be back to to go in the slot.

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