Command Center, Episode 3 | Washington Commanders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Will Van Denk

I said this last episode. I’ll say it again… I think the goal for this channel should be to do as much as possible to have us fans feel like we are connected to this team. Bringing a guy in who we all love and respect in Fletch is a great way to get us hyped. Having him in the booth is a phenomenal idea and it looks great for the organization. With this being said, London is from a prior regime and as a die hard Washington fan for almost 30 years who is losing his loyalty by the minute, I wan’t to know and SEE what we are doing now to better ourselves. Bringing in London is not enough. There is still a major disconnect between us fans and this organization (notice how I didn’t say team). If Washington isn’t going to win consistently, at least do what the Browns did and invest in a production that gifts us a behind the scenes look at what the Commanders are doing as an organization to be successful. That way if we continue to lose, at least we get to tell ourselves “well you know we did look organized and seemed to put forth a ton of effort this offseason. I’ll give Ron another year I want to see how we take command next season.” On top of that we’ll have a cool show to look forward to in the offseason.

Building trust is the best way to maintain a relationship. It’s the most effective way to win the fan base over if you aren’t winning. Producing a show establishes not only trust but a bond. Look at how many views those Browns videos get. Some of which coming from other teams fans. If it gets me (a disgruntled Washington fan) hyped for THEIR season, they’re doing something right. Also there has been so much secrecy in this organization, think about how this combats that issue. If you wan’t my money, you don’t have to get to know me but AT LEAST let me get to know this team more intimiately. I want to see Cole’s personality in practice. I want to know what it looks like when Ron commands the respect of the room. I want to see how the team responds to adversity. I want to see what Chase Young eats to stay that dang big. Trust us with this content. Show us this content. And we will show up..I promise… But it ALL starts with you…

    Joe Stedman

    @OGDMV That would be great. But this isn’t it. It’s just another example of this franchise getting things wrong. and at some point we as loyal fans really deserve better.


    This is the best take by far among these comments

    Mike Armstrong

    That’s exactly why the realist fans are over on Facts Only Sports YouTube channel.

    Peter U

    @Mike Armstrong lol

    Will Van Denk

    @Mike Armstrong Gotta Love Bigggg Country


Glad Cole spoke the truth about the D last year. Basically they came in overconfident from being a top 5 D and didn’t put in the work……

    CJ Johns

    Seems like a down to earth dude


    @CJ Johns he really does like him a lot

    KnowItAll Sports

    London Fletcher is one of the five best players in franchise history!

    DubstepPhene 82

    I think he’s right.


Carson got a revenge game w jags too… from last year plus they have pederson as hc now


Fletch and Santa… legends man



Nick S

I’m with Lucy. 17-0 all the way

Derrick Lyons

I had a dream we went to NFC championship I know I know people you heard it first


Mad respect when someone like London Fletcher said you had a “phenomenal” season

    Peter U

    Lol london is biased. He lost all credibility when he said we’re gonna sweep the nfc east.

Condoleezza Perry

London’s segment with Cole was awesome! Love how candid Cole was about last year and even better is how the Defense wants to get back to the #2 rated D again.

    Heavy U.S. Citizen

    Hey what‘a up home girl ?

    Condoleezza Perry

    @Heavy U.S. Citizen Hello there my friend! How are you?

Buffalo Soldier

London Fletcher for HOF!

Jon Harrell

Chargers destroyed our social media team with schedule release

Cannabis Garden

23:32 Santana Moss’ face when he hears Logan Paul blends chicken 😂🤣

Matt Furry

I don’t know what Lucy had this morning but lemme get some 😜


London should be on the coaching staff


I love Santana man
“Blend up what
Chicken smoothiee”

Caddy's & Cells

For someone Ron’s age and cancer treatment, he has a lot of hair left and no obvious loss. Odd comment by Cole.

Silly Goose

10 or 11 wins? LOLOLOL. london fletcher will grow hair before that dump of a team wins that many games in a season.

Alyse Williams

Fletcher could teach Cole a thing or two about playing middle linebacker 😁

Tim Lyles

The table tho 😂

Rachel Black

Shame on the Washington Commanders for fining Jack Del Rio. 2 billion dollars of damage for the 2020 riots?

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