Coach McDaniels on Week 2 vs. Cardinals: ‘This will be a huge challenge’ | Raiders | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Lets go Raiders! Lets Go!🤍🖤🤍🖤

Unknown Raider Guy

Let’s get this win Sunday nation

Bernie Trigueros

Let’s go!

Bryan Diaz

Raiders will be alright, Carr will bounce back!

Luke Parodi

I have a good feeling about this week. We left a lot of points on the table this last week and only lost to the Chargers by 5. I think we are a team to be reckoned with once those mistakes are ironed out.


    YA DIG Adams shoulda had 3 tds easy 💯💤🐐

    Luke Parodi

    @KJayKingⓂ️v🅿️ 2 for sure at least.


    @Luke Parodi I say 3 at least deadass because he really should had 3 the first game and the chargers defense better so Dc should throw for 5 td 💰just like Mahoney did

    Luke Parodi

    @KJayKingⓂ️v🅿️ yeah I’m with you. It’s crazy thinking about how many TDs we left on the board last week. Really could have stomped the Chargers if Carr was on his game. I think he will be locked in this week

Monty Chrisman


Keto Crusader

For damn sure they’re gonna blitz Carr. He’d better be ready and not get those fn happy feet going.

    James Sullivan

    They are going to blitz so hard you’d think it was walmart on black Friday.

Papa Tee

Our O Line has to step up, 6 sacks is absolutely unacceptable!! I rewatched the game today and that pocket was collapsing around him so quick I’m surprised it wasn’t more sacks, when DC had the time he was killing their corners. If DC has the time he can carve up any defense out there, get him another second or 2 and things are different. Carr made mistakes that he can fix but not if he’s under pressure the entire game.

    Steve C

    If Carr had been more aware in thr pocket and been mobile earlier when the coverage was tight he could have made a few yards rather than having been sacked. Considering we have a pretty weak Oline, I thought they did better than the 6 sacks suggests. Some of these were on Carr. It’s his weakness and we all know it but he has alot of other strengths tho, it was just a bad day at the office for him. Will bounce back

    Phil Waugh

    @Steve C his “pocket” awareness (has to be a pocket first so using the term loosely here) wasn’t the real issue. The real issue was his slow decision making, which I believe to be a symptom of new system+ no game snaps. Several of the pressures could have been dealt with and the missed throws that turned into picks would have been significantly improved by his getting that same exact ball out a half second sooner. The deep TD ball to Adams was not underthrown. It was thrown to the spot he wanted. But it was throw late. Had it been on time, Adams would’ve been running under it, with the separation he had from the defenders instead of stopping to wait and letting the safety catch up for the pick. He needs to pull the damn trigger instead of being unsure due to a lack of confidence in the system.

    Bryant Duong

    Your right bout that but u need realize how long carr was holding that football for


    and not one screen pass?

    Papa Tee

    @Joshua Turturici I watched the game over and over, when the pocket is collapsing around you within 2 seconds it’s kind a hard to get rid of the ball if no one is open!! I’m not making excuses for Carr, I’m just sick and tired of listen to the same old BS from our own supposed fans (who for some reason have no clue about the game or even watched the game it seems like)about how he plays when we lose and kissing his a$$ when we win!! I’m not sure why you guys can’t see the forest thru the trees and actually watch the entire game instead of complaining about every negative play being Carr’s fault!! 6 sacks is 99% on the O Line period, they have 2 jobs..block and PROTECT and no QB can ever be successful if they do the later of those things less than half the time!!! You keep saying get the ball out quicker when Carr has one of the quickest releases in the league, he has reads he has to go thru and in order to do that HE AT LEAST NEEDS SOME TIME!!! You guys have seen what Carr can do when our O Line does their job!!! ONE game in and already the Carrbashians are calling for DC to be released…you guys should not wear our gear or call yourselves Raider fans!! I suppose with Adams saying he should of done more on the interception now means we should trade him away!! Please tell me which QB would of had a better game with how our O Line protected this last game!! Carr made mistakes..YES but it’s kinda hard to recover from and fix those mistakes when you DONT HAVE TIME!!! Weirdos!!!

Phil Waugh

It’s been 1 game folks. Let’s all calm ourselves down and give the players/coaches/team a chance to adjust and improve. The Chargers are legitimately considered SB contenders, we played like crap and still had a shot to win on the final drive. We’re not as bad off as it felt right after the game.

    Drew_ lg

    @Carlos En Fuego rodgers is one of the oldest qbs in the league and got destroyed by the saints in week 1 last year and then proceeded to win mvp and get the 1st seed. So no, YOU calm down

    James Sullivan

    Imma be honest if Carr doesn’t perform this year, he needs to go.

    Phil Waugh

    @James Sullivan No argument here. It’s not a SB or bust year, but he needs to look at LEAST as good as last year. Regression can’t happen. A struggle in week 1 of a new system is acceptable. A struggle all year long is not. This week will tell us a whole lot.

    James Sullivan

    @Phil Waugh SB or bust haha 😂 how about not throw 3 INTS and also he looked pretty bad vs Cincinnati. Just imagine our team with any top ten QB 😳

    Phil Waugh

    @James Sullivan $100 says I can pull up a game where Brady has thrown for 3 picks. Lame comment. Just imagine our teams with top 10 defenses, top 10 olines, top 10 WR…has only happened in his Career once and he was a legit MVP candidate that year. So yeah. Nice try. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time. GG hater.

Epic Exx

This guy talks a good talk. Let’s see some production mate

    Travis Merriman

    Spin Doctor!

Carlos En Fuego

Raiders mantra the Raiders are the Autumn Wind Big & Bold, so this team better be! Another loss will not be tolerated! Raider Nation is Hungry 4 Championships RN4L 🔥🔥


Carr should have played a series of downs in the preseason to workout the timing and mechanics.

    Mr Buttons

    Agree. Carr probably knows he did some bonehead stuff last week. I think he’ll correct and we’ll be back on course.


    You honestly think one series of downs will work out timing?

    My 2-Cents

    @AhemAhem Do you think not participating in pre-season doesn’t make a difference??? 😕

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Starts 6:15 Go Raiders

Rich R

Carr just made the HC spur grey hair after the first game..
Carr tried to run the team like he did when they rallied last year..for the Raiders theres a new coach you follow that leader to the Lombardi..
Carr its not your team listen to your coach.

Parsa Persian

Why is our coach so low on confidence. He praises other teams in case he loses he can say they were a great team. Run the ball and screen passes be more balanced and when you got time don’t kneel when you are down to end the half.

Matt Sedlmeyer

“They all come and when they come they are comin fast” 2:30

Derek Galloway

If Carr can learn to scramble away from the pocket and run for a few yards this team will be true super bowl contenders

    James Sullivan

    Yeah or the O line does the absolute basics lmfao

Tony Rocco

I am so excited to have him as our coach. He comes off as really intelligent about this game and his plan for it!!

My 2-Cents

One day the Raiders will win another SHIP, just hope I’m around to see it!

Trucker Who

Just keep giving adams the ball he’s helped my fantasy team out tremendously last week

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