Chris Jones: “The defense drives off the D-Line” | Press Conference 7/28 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Carol Woodyard

how about those CHIEFS


Let’s go Chiefs

Jacob Kotraba

Lets gooo chiefs

Nathan Kimmell

Nice, Dunlap!

Jacob Kotraba

Telll patrick mahomes to come play catch with me


This season is gonna stamp how great The Franchise is as a whole being in the toughest division glad to be born raised a fan and im calling Superbowl win this year

Ismael Ibrahem

We need Carlos and one more to win the SB. I would not depend on Frank. One more on the DL to make us happy next February.


Its amazing how fast news happens. Chris literally heard about Carlos at the microphone.


Your defensive lineman should be the best players on any football team to have consistent success in this game.

Travis Burdette

Hire somebody that knows how to record audio

Morgan Van Schuyver

Ole Mr CEO of sack nation needs to up his number of sacks this year especially come post season if we make it there cuz 0 sacks in the playoffs is unacceptable especially at that pay grade. Go chiefs

    Nito S

    His primary job isn’t to rush the passer though. Him having more sacks than our guys who are actually paid to do that is just a testament to how good Jones is.

    Morgan Van Schuyver

    @Nito S his job is to create pressure and get after the QB. He gets paid millions to create turnovers and sack the QB fool.

    Nito S

    @Morgan Van Schuyver His job is to crash the pocket/slim gaps/move QB off spot/eat blocks and getting sacks is just a byproduct. His job is to disrupt. He is not a pass rusher. He had more sacks than the pass rushers. Pardon me if I decline to name name call with you but I consider myself grown.

Arthur Soto

We need Chris to finally show up in the playoffs

Christopher Crowder

It’s good to hear the Chiefs’ players so openly discussing how important it is to them that their teammates are high charachter individuals.

kevin wilson

Could yaw put subtitles so we could know what the reporters are saying

LIVE N LEARN from start to finish

Defense Need to be in Top 15 🔥

Samuel Walters

I’m afraid the chiefs defense will be to young for season 1

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