Charles Woodson Reflects on Career & Playing at the Coliseum | Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Charles Woodson Reflects on Career & Playing at the Coliseum | Raiders

Former Raiders defensive back Charles Woodson spoke with reporters in the locker room following Thursday's practice.

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Jac Bauer24

The GOAT ☠


charles ilove u

Alex Garza

GOAT 🐐⚔️☠️⚔️

bill hawk

The Best ever all around corner to ever lace em up including big mouth Deion!!

    Marcos Lopez

    Best overall db can played all db positions and played all of them at a high level

Kevin Knox

Wtf is a broncos jersey doing in our locker room

    Daniel Spinosa

    That’s Abram’s locker

    Daniel Spinosa

    Has to be a swap

    Omc 559

    Jersey swap maybe since week one lol

    Jesus Christ tha Lord bitch

    After the game they trade jerseys


    I was trippin same exact thing.. Like wtf is going on. Must of been a jersey swap

John Hodge


Terrell B

The best C wood

la tulipe noire

C wood🐐 in the town for the DC job interview. Let’s go🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

    Real Richmond

    He would be the best defensive minded coach the raiders could add! I hope he gets it because as a player he can draw up plays most coaches cant relate too!

Daniel Mendola

Personally being there at the Coliseum witnessing Woodson play his last game was amazing.

    Twenty Afterfour

    Daniel Mendola & I got to see his last game At KC Much Love To Woodson A true baller 💯


    I was there too! Christmas eve overtime against the chargers! What an experience!

Joshua scott


Brad Lamb

He could play better than anyone on defense right now in tennis shoes

la tulipe noire

That one time our D took the Jersey off Phillip Lindsay’s back🏆🏆🏆

Rene Beltran

The Best to ever play the game on defense my boy wood damn if you were to lace up right now you would still be our best player.,,💯

bill hawk

Hire him to coach that pitiful Secondary!

ozzyandthedoors #JoshJacobs#RPOTY

My Favorite Raider right here! So much respect for this man.

Ryan Zingg

Why is there a Donkey’ jersey hanging in a locker?

Jonathan Marquez

C. Woodson forever a Raider Legend!

Why is there a Bronco jersey in the locker room thou?

Jay Charles

Why is there a Broncos jersey in the background in someone’s locker

Jay Dubb

I was just thinking about Eric Turner, he was my favorite raider at that time! Rip Mr Turner Mr Collins

Reef k

I love my RAIDERS since 1980s it is not the same they moving to Vegas

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