Bucs Celebrate After NFC Championship Win vs. Packers | Celebration Cam – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Reyes Mitchell

Fire the Cannons Bucs win Bucs win Bucs win

    Javier Suárez

    Bucks? Seriously? Wrong sport and city. These are the Bucs


    Y’all gonna lose to the chiefs sorry.

    Nico Nieto

    @PestoSauce dont bet against tom brady

    Keith Rowe

    @PestoSauce we are gonna lose to the Packers too, and the Saints too!

Z Chaos

LFG baby!🔥🔥🔥

    Buccaneers Fan57

    What’s LFG mean?

    Z Chaos

    @Buccaneers Fan57 let’s effing gooooo! 😁😁😁😁😁

# freedom

Playoff tom brady baby

    Joseph Bailey

    @Steven Roberts exactly. The “no risk it no biscuit” doesn’t work. Just let Brady do what he did to win 6 and 7’ll come in 2 weeks


    @Joseph Bailey – Actually, it is. Other than the tipped pass by Evans, the other two were about the same as a punt into the EZ would be. And one of those was with a guy in his face falling backwards.

    Steven Roberts

    @Joseph Bailey if Brady plays to his strengths and maybe does a few big plays if he knows beyond a reasonable doubt that Miller or AB or Gronk will catch it then do it! I’ve seen Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr play professionally twice and let me tell you, those games was on one and I’ve seen many others on tv and he is The G.O.A.T. And knows what to do, so THE TEAM as a whole unit needs to come together and show up for 4 Quarters and show the world why you/we are Winners! Let’s get 7 for Tom and 2 for them Bucs!

    Shawn Brink

    @Steven Roberts Yep, Bruce forced him to throw those passes. Bruce doesn’t even call plays. Leftwich is the O coord. Brady literally was falling down and just chucked it. He did the same earlier and got lucky with a Godwin pass. He proved that he was awful in the second half.

    FBP O

    @Shawn Brink BA literally said he told Brady to force the ball downfield in the halftime, jesus christ you haters are so delusional trying to blame Brady

max mustermann

Well 1 to go… LFG!!

not yo average Josay


Christian Peterson

Godwin’s catch was GLORIOUS congrats

    Sheep Sleep

    Godwin is hurt

    Sheep Sleep

    @Christian Peterson he’s hurt that finger still tip together he had a pin in it look at the way he’s catching now he’s hurt


    @wakawaka1976 he actually has really good hands but I think his confidence went down after the first game


    @Sheep Sleep yeah but he’s had that a while and was still balling. Towards the end of the season his catch % was still over 80%. I was thinking he was suffering from a concussion the last couple of games but yeah that’s probably very unlikely. Nerves and pain I suppose

    Shawn Brink

    His run was far better.

shroudedstew 1

Champions. LFG!

mark B

I’m so happy for Lavonte David, wish Gerald McCoy was a part of this.

    Got next Ventures

    Nah Gerald can stay gone in my opinion am I been a buccaneers die hard since I started watching the nfl, Gerald went to another team and now we got more playmakers on that side of the ball anyways compared to when we had Gerald McCoy imo


    @Got next Ventures He’s not on any team, he’s still a free agent. Noone wants him.

    Got next Ventures

    @Nobody I can’t even lie I ain’t paid Gerald McCoy mind since he moved on from our team so I feel that


    @ecoterrorism_liker obviously the game could go either way but the buccs defense held aaron rodgers and the highest scoring offense this season to 26 pts. they can definitely slow down the chiefs. and sb tom brady is the greatest and clutchest qb of all time bruh. he’s made comebacks in 2 sbs and has so many game winning drives and never lost any of them by more than 1 possession. the buccs defense has a chance to slow down the chiefs but no way can the chiefs mediocre defense even come close to stopping the goat. and the buccs did this without AB and their 2 starting safeties. ab and one of the safeties is returning.


    @amr1115 not reading all that. 38-13 Chiefs

Team Time Riders

Pat mahomes will come to play in February. Good thing Brady is the awning and has already beaten him. Just follow his lead and make sure to WORK these coming weeks!


Cowboys fan here and Im hype for the bucs !!! love that team

    Greg Royce

    A cowgirl why you even in the conversation you’re team didn’t make it cowgirls

    BN S

    @Greg Royce why did you even comment

Fefv Ffgscb

You guys needs to stop dropping passes Godwin and evans … if ya wanna win

    Anthony Davis

    I AGREE. I said the same thing in another video. So many dropped passes that were catchable. seems you have to hit them directly in the chest or they wont catch em. They gotta do better

    Stone Gutiérrez

    @Steven Roberts have u been watching the games?he had 119 yards vs washington a td vs saints and packers u just a salty one i see

    Steven Roberts

    @Stone Gutiérrez haha, ok. Good one dude. Salty. Psh! You’re funny. Thank you for the laugh before I go to bed. You obviously need the sleep, must be a cranky Packers fan. But it’s ok. Better luck next year. Good night and God Bless us all

    The Bear Minimum

    There’s litterally 5+ drops every game it’s maddening.

    But like as long as it works in 2 weeks we good. But yea they need to spend some time with one of those football shootie things.

    The Bear Minimum

    @Stone Gutiérrez gotta admit they do drop a lot of balls. Evans and Godwin both fournette as well.


Brady is the best by far. So sick of people saying Rodgers is the best ever, 🤣🤣not even close

    Poker Joker

    Rodgers is Trash. He’s so overrated that the ONLY NFC championship win was against a Jay Cutler/Caleb Haney at the second half led Bears team.

    Florida Hurricane

    @Nikhil Trivedi when you are consistently better than other then it’s called BEST. We are not talking about one two three games seasons or Super Bowls. It’s 20 years and that guy is still doing it.


    Brady is definitely the BEST by far, I agree and all these people saying Rodgers is better because Brady threw 3 pics, BUT, there not saying WHO TOOK THE DUB

    Alex Reyes

    @BYU for Life 2 for 7 in the red zone

    David Anthony

    @BYU for Life And he still came through the in clutch! Dude doesn’t get phased by his mistakes, unlike most people! Meanwhile, Rodgers misses a wide open Adams, misses a wide open Lazard (both in endzone). Throws a pick that leads to a huge first half swing point differential. Doesn’t run on third down on that last drive, then doesn’t convince the HC to go for it on fourth down.

    Rodgers has zero intestinal fortitude.

Clorox Bleach

Let’s all thank Kevin King for carrying the Bucs today

    Mena Skywalker

    How many people have drank you after interacting, I’m simply curious

    Luat Nguyen

    Thank you Kevin King!

    Stone Gutiérrez

    @Bruvva facts they dont bring up fact packers got to many chances and still lost


    fun fact
    the Packers never won a conference championship game let alone an NFL title without a top 5 scoring defense

    Anthony Fernandez

    @Bruvva You know the Bucs defense picks up a paycheck as well. Hard days work for good pay.

Moua Vang

Way too many dropped passes…

    Shawn Brink

    @YouDoU You seem to blame everyone except for Brady Winston out there. The defense played great. They held them to 3 when they needed to. They forced 2 punts in the 4th quarter. Brady just kept giving the ball away. Christ did you see the play before the FG? He just threw the ball into the dirt even though he had time. Brady was off in the second half.

    Chicago773 Williams



    @Shawn Brink I pray it was because he couldn’t concentrate and was getting ahead of himself.
    That second half has me worried going into the super bowl.

    Still, he can’t possibly play any worse than he did against the Saints in the regular season

    Shawn Brink

    @tminus543 He played good in the first half. I think with AB back he will play better. Scooter can hit the long ones but those screens he can’t break the tackles. The Bucs can play a lot better and wil need to. Having Brady as your QB for the big one is all that you can really ask for. I just hate when people ignore it when he doesn’t play well and blame everyone else.

    The Bear Minimum

    @tminus543 it looks like they just got away from what they were doing. The second half kinda looked like the older bucs. A lot of deep shots, poor blocking and nothing underneath for the rush.

    Fournette was also like 80yrs late on his block on that 3rd pick.

    Not worried about any of that. What concerns me are the drops and that’s it.

Nhan Ha

I don’t want to hear any more discussion about Tom Brady Vs anyone . He is in a class by himself. Not Rogers , not Mahomes , Manning , Brees , Montana . No one period .

    Axel Garza

    I agree with your statement, and I’m a huge tom brady fan but you can’t rule out mahomes yet. You can’t compare brady and mahomes yet because mahomes has only played 3 years. However, the other qbs you mentioned are definitely behind tom brady.

    Yogesh Patel

    @Shawn Brink FAX! Plus, if we didn’t make the SB, this year would’ve been a fail. Evans, Godwin, AB, Miller, Johnson, Gronk, Brate, Fournette, Rojo…come one now. No one deserves this SB more than Lavontae, Marpet, and Evans. They have stuck with us since the beginning of their careers.

    Yogesh Patel

    @Axel Garza Yeah man if chiefs could keep their team intact, specifically hill, Kelce, and mahomes, I can see them winning maybe even more than 6 SBs lol.

    Lucas Farrar

    @Foxtrottin pats fan I want Brady to win but Kansas City is gonna get there second ring

    Nhan Ha

    @Axel Garza I agree, but until Pat win at least 3 super bowl . There shouldn’t be a discussion yet .

Jerry Nadler

adams looked like hot trash after looking so good all season. His absence really cost the packers tonight.


Congratulations from a Washington fan, seeing how strong this team is, it makes me sort of proud that my team kept ’em to an 8 point spread in the Wildcard. The Chiefs are a much tougher team than anyone in the NFC though, better get that defense prepared.

Warwick 7 O

Imagine having 3 more possessions than Tom Brady and having the same amount of tds as a guy who threw 3 picks with barley a few more yards than him lol

Donnie Tran

The entire organization should thank Brady.

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