Browns Announce Preseason Dates & Times | 2 Minute Drill – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Linda White


WrayzersEdge _25

I’m a big fan of the browns

Elijah Williams

We are goats

Michael O. Johnson

Cant wait.

Dave Ellsworth

I’m ready for some football go Browns


wanna be friends?

Bezi BB

Vikings will be intresting

    Baker’s Six shooter

    Bezi BB we know there are going to be those annoying “OBJ Rumors to Vikings”

The Cheesy Koala 784

In ready to face the bucs

Kawaii Nitro

Hopefully we can actually play the games

Til Sommer

Browns Fan from Germany here: Are these times in Eastern or Pacific Time Zone?

    drummerdude 199

    Pretty sure it’s eastern time

    Til Sommer

    @drummerdude 199 Thanks Bro!


That’s one hell of a preseason schedule.


*Warning:* Don’t interact with the account of “Huddy” in the comment section. Might be one of those spam bots that have been hacking and stealing people’s YouTube accounts as of late.

Hunter Pokorney

Preseason is truely the best time of the year, let the young boys play and prove their worth.

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