Brian Gutekunst sees mix of immediate contributors and healthy competition in Packers’ 2021 rookies – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Craig Burner

I’d rather see this man fired than lose 12. Cheese head since ’66 when I was 4.

    number 1 pack

    @Dunkin Donut if he can pull it off and get us titles again I’m all in

    number 1 pack

    This is going to be the topic all summer I’m waiting on the June 1st deadline to see what happens


    @number 1 pack I hope Rodgers leaves so morons like you could see how truly bad this franchise is

    USMC Counter-Terrorism

    @A Man definitely not, rodgers wont stay with him around

    USMC Counter-Terrorism

    @number 1 pack maybe it’s not Rodger’s fault and this dude is a complete snake? Enjoy your season without one of the best QB’s of all time 🙂

Cameron Peters

Fire Gutte!!

    Ben Gatson

    @Justin Madison No team has ever won a SB with one player taking up more than 14.2% of the cap. Rodgers is currently taking up 20.1%.

    No player is bigger than the team.

    Ben Gatson

    @Clint Holmes I want a GM that didn’t cave to star player/fan pressure. No player is bigger than the team.

    Clint Holmes

    @Ben Gatson “No player is bigger than the team.” No GM is bigger than the team.

    Justin Madison

    @Clint Holmes boom. Dropping bombs. Brian G should pay for his mistake trying to replace Rodgers.

    The Philosophical Phil Swift

    @Justin Madison doing that would make us look even more like a clown show.

Master King Lee

*I have a really bad feeling this dude is the next George Karl*

Brandon B

Jason Wilde somehow gets more full of it with each passing day.

    U V

    He LOVES making everything about himself


Great draft this year

    Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar

    Great draft Gute! Aaron Rodgers leaving will not even be noticed.


    This was a A++ draft by Gutekenst!!

    Carl Coates

    How so if you have no QB?

    joseph boehmer

    @Carl Coates we have 2 QBs, Aaron Rodgers and Jordan Love


Great final draft by Gute!

    J l'wilder

    Their draft, just like their moves in free agency, looks exactly like what would’ve made Aaron happy…
    At least maybe he wouldn’t have minded the predictable boredom of it, had they drafted entirely different last year.

    Spencer Mann

    Very eloquently said sir!


    shut up

    T W

    Guntenkaschnoontz will be fired in 3-4yrs and GB will spend 20-30yrs looking for a HOF QB and S.B.

    Samuel Bean

    @T W yup!

Clint Holmes

I wonder what kind of weapon we could have gotten by trading jordan love and rolling with the MVP and hall of famer? Too bad gute waited until after every team sat down with a QB during musical chairs.

Demetris Chase

Hey guys 👀

    Josiah Clyde

    Pro trick: you can watch movies on Flixzone. Me and my gf have been using it for watching a lot of movies during the lockdown.

    Rhys Brentley

    @Josiah Clyde Yup, have been watching on Flixzone for since december myself 🙂

Det FanMan

Kinda feel bad for this guy.. now, if Aaron leaves, how can he even live in his community anymore… i can’t imagine… i mean, best case, he gets sacrificed and fired from his dream job now.. wow, what an outcome

    Marty David

    @Roland Hric egotistical? You know, this isn’t just about Rodgers for Rodgers. It’s not about money, it’s about not putting together the best team you can while you have the best quarterback to ever do it. Why would you draft Rodgers replacement and trade up to so it? Rodgers is not the only player on that team thats upset about that pick.

    Marty David

    @Finn Blume yeah but nobody is asking for Rodgers to be bigger than the Packers. Gute is making bad desicions for the team. He drafted a QB in the first round when we’re in. 3-4 year window for a superbowl. He’s hurting the team. Also, rodgers has EARNED more respect than this. It doesn’t make him bigger than the team, just a big part of the team, who has earned the right to speak on roster building. His opinion should be valued at least. He was told to “not be the problem” this BS to say to a guy that only cares about helping you make a better team

    Finn Blume

    @Marty David If the reports are true, Rodgers is asking to be bigger than the GM of the Packers, because he wants him fired. I have always loved 12 and he is the main reason why I fell in love with football but that would be very egoistical and to be honest, it would make him very unsympathetic in my opinion.

    Marty David

    @Finn Blume well…maybe you’re right if it’s true. But I’m thinking that might be a rumor that can stick during the real rumor that he wants out

    Marty David

    @Finn Blume but if that didn’t happen I’m still on Rodgers side.

Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar

Despite having a history of NOT drafting offensive weapons for AR12…..and betting against NFL MVP. Packers fans are now offended that he want to treat you the way you treated him.

Tony Montana

Was there even a draft? If the leader of the team doesn’t want to be there, then chances of going anywhere drop significantly and then it’s just about getting that weekly game check.

Eric Neal

Let Roger’s Go! …

Brizzle 525

Brian knows how to deflect questions that’s for sure

Darrell Gilpin

I get this is a cold hard business played by tough men, and everyone knows how it is. But I think its fair to say that Gute has his legacy hinging on the Jordan Love pick. This moment will be remembered one way or another. I was one of the fans blown away when I heard the pick…sitting there like “Huh…?” What just happened? Even more stunned to not get any receivers in a draft chock full of them. So it doesn’t surprise me that Rodgers would exact his revenge on them like this. Think about if they had a legit WR option other than Adams? We would have been in the Super Bowl and likely won. We had a chance to win the Championship game against Tampa. It went to the wire. The thing we are talking about in that game is not the Packers choked, but a questionable call by the coach.


As Much as I love Aaron Rodgers, He sure is acting weird!

Speak Your Mind, Not Thru Sources!!


    Well he is getting married to a activist and actress.

    Briana W

    Rodgers is known for holding grudges is he not? So passive aggressive attitudes is 100% common with grudges

Alexander Watson

Man… feel for Gute, by and large he’s done a tremendous job and now he’s getting crucified for something that most anyone would do in the league

    Carl Coates

    He let go of Nelson to bring in a well past his prime Jimmu Graham. How did that work. I mean even an aged Nelson with Adams and MVS could have done wonders last year.

    It was obvious after 2 Jones fumbles, and no receivers that could get separation he only trusted Devante.

    Jivan Grewal

    @Carl Coates Nelson wasn’t going to play this long any more either way. His health was gone and he had lost it. Dude has gone on the record and said he should gave retired sooner.

    Carl Coates

    @Jivan Grewal I was unaware of Nelson making that statement. They effed him too.

Samuel Bean

How many Super Bowls did McCarthy coach us OUT of? LaFluer took the ball out of his hands last year. How many years did the GM’s not give him what he needed to compete. But you have fans that are mad that he has to follow incompetent people! Aaron deserves better fans just like he deserves better management! 😠 😡 Thanks for your Years of Wasted. They should fire you Gutey for your attempted undermining #12.

Valley BOX Chevy

1st question out the gate had me weak


The reporter that asked the question about dealing with stressful situations and thinkin about how the late Ted Thompson would deal with it. Is a great man.

Chadro Donni

Quit blaming the board!! JOK fell hard.. You could have easily traded up 10 spots in r2 to grab him.
And if not JOK, there were still plenty of ILB avalible from round 2 to 4.
We need an ILB who can cover!!
My goodness. Just admit when you mess up.
Then drafting 3 more O lineman, and grabbing 3 more O lineman as UDFAs.
But 1 ILB, and 2 WRs, and no QBs….
Come on man!

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