BREAKING: Sam Darnold Traded to the Panthers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Prince Vegeta

Underrated trade for the panthers. He still has a lot of room to grow and they didn’t even trade away a first round pick.

    Sam Tobio

    Shows that Matt Rhule is in over his head. Wasted a lot of money on Bridgewater and can’t even make it work with a QB that doesn’t need heavy management.

    Ashton Millis

    @David Pham he won’t fall that low

    Prince Revolver

    Now the panthers need to draft kyle pitts

    Tomas Hill

    @Abc Def Ryan Tannehill had much better stats than Sam after his first three years and played well enough in Miami to actually earn a contract. So that comparison , that everyone seems to use by the way, just doesn’t cut it.
    Nice try though.

    Joe Harris

    @New York Bandwagon no even better a linemen

Leon Brown

Sam in a good spot now with the Panthers Offensive coordinator Brady.

    Victor Garcia

    are u stupid

    Leon Brown

    @Victor Garcia Shut up fool

    Kswagg Reacts

    My reaction 🤣🤣

    Ankith Lemuel

    @Leon Brown Why are?

Sports 311

I think he’s gonna thrive under Matt Rhule. All he just needed was better coaching and better players around him

    Ronnie Pratt

    You sound like Cohwed…lol

    KM 5173

    @Mo Fuggar Revis, Adams, Becton, Wilkerson, Leonard Williams, Quinnen Williams, and plenty more.


    Better coaching and better players???? He ain’t special……. mediocre springs to mind

    Jack Tracey

    Nah he’s trash. Gase wasn’t the reason he constantly threw into triple coverage. A broken prospect and a broken man.

    The Panthers got fleeced. Out of the league in two years.


    Yeah he’s good enough to put in the game in victory formation with 30 seconds left..He’s definitely no starter!

New York Bandwagon

Reuniting with Robby Anderson sounds nice. He’ll finally get a true number one in DJ Moore, and a great receiving back in CMC. The offensive line is improved as well with Matt Paradis, Pat Elflein, and Taylor Moton. Interesting to see how Darnold will transition from a West Coast Offense to a spread offense in Carolina.

    Dhikshith Gajulapalli

    @Ivan Ramirez He’s a decent number 3 option shown in Seattle

    Arya Muhammad

    B.e.S.T f’u”l’l D.a.T.i.n.G —L—o—V—e—S—e—X—————۞————————————

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    @Joe Darque not smart at all


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    Pat eflien did not improve that Oline


The Panthers made a really smart trade for Sam. Matt, Joe, and Sam together in Carolina will be nice to see


    @Scrooge McDuck Coach Matt Rhule, Offensive Coordinator Joe Brady, and Sam Donald.

    KiDD ViDD

    Dude has a lower completion percentage than bridgewater. And threw 15 ints last year…. How is this an improvement

    Jeremy Tycer

    @Scrooge McDuck right 😂

    Prince Revolver

    they need to draft kyle pitts


    @Prince Revolver no team can ever have enough playmakers


I was not expecting that

    Ana Paola Murrieta

    ➡️ livegirls19. com ⤵️

    B.e.S.T f’u”l’l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L’s





    說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1617656706

    Neil Crawford

    I was

    Kswagg Reacts

    My reaction hilarious 🤣🤣

mr w

If it wasn’t for the Jets, I’d have nobody to smh at 😂 😂.


    This the best thing the Jets have done ever

    Kwame Bro

    Lol you got the Eagles

    Kswagg Reacts

    My reaction 🤣

    Jack Tracey

    They got a 2nd round pick for the worst QB in football. They have 21 picks in the next two drafts. Zach Wilson is legit. They’ve came out of this pretty well.

    Turtle 00

    @eksentrysyti could say the exact same for the jets as you did Jaguars

Stock Watsonn u

I always felt like Darnold was given a bad hand. Maybe he can turn it all around.

    Spencer Waddell

    @Keehnan Johnson but not trey lance and are saying mac jones is overrated but okay

    Spencer Waddell

    @MisfitDink bridgwater? Haskins? Mariota? Winston? Newton?

    Spencer Waddell

    @Zachariah Smith scheme matters look at Baker mayfield this past season


    @Keehnan Johnson exactly.


    @MisfitDink facts

Chris Machabee

As a NY Jets fan, best of luck Sam. We all know you were not resposible for your poor play. Good luck in your future.

    Kswagg Reacts

    My reaction hilarious 🤣🤣


    Sam sucking goes back to college, it’s his fault , no one else. He doesn’t see wide open receivers!


    @GiantsJets718 how can he when he has less than 2 seconds in the pocket before he was running for his life


    @Matt 😂😂😂💀👏👏👏


    At the end of the day the QB has to make his reads..not the coach!


I wonder what kind of trade value Zach Wilson will be for them in 2025.

    Terry Rodgers

    @Jack Webster Texans had way more then the jets do lol, but that is a good point

    Ryan Purple Nintendo Eater

    @R D guess Wilson will also be blocking tackeling running and catching 🤣

    Bryan Smith

    😂😂😂 At least they didn’t trade 3 seconds to move up and take him.


    Lmaoooo. This is the new nfl.. Sadly

    weekendtrailerparksupervisor 420

    @Vernon King Justin Fields is more “pro ready” than Zach Wilson imo so yes it’s probably Fields they be trading for a 3 rd rounder in like 4-5 years lolololol


I’m calling it. Sam is gonna get the Tannehill effect


    @Jason Smith awwwww is that’s cute. Since that’s your only argument

    Jwayne Dohnson

    @Jason Smith Sounding insecure bro, don’t like admitting a white QB’s good? 😂


    @RyuujinLetum other then his rookie year he went 9-7 2016-2019 with the titans and Henry didnt have a 1000yd season until 2018 he really wasnt that bad

    Life N Stuff

    @mrbigbootyjudy cap darnold was one of the only bright spots on that team the poor guy has been getting screwed


    @mrbigbootyjudy Mediocre actually


What a steal! Darnold still has potential to develop into something great. Great move by the Panthers.

Lazlo Crenshaw

If it turns into another Tannehill situation where Gase was the main problem, it’s a good value for the Panthers

    i cri

    gase is the problem

    Sam Wooten

    @ian neverson explain how an offensive guru has had a WR, QB, and RB all do better leaving his tutelage then…? Oh cuz dude has been riding Peyton good talk of him amd that one time Cutler decided to care his whole life.


    Bad trade for the Panthers.. Good trade by Joe Douglas once again..

    Tiffany S

    You are wrong. Simple as that.

    Andrew Gluck

    @Andrew Alvarez bruh you clearly don’t watch football like

David Vega

Dude is going to turn his career around now

Joe Darque

Colin Cowherd is gonna have a field day with this.

    BrooklynAllDay BrooklynAllNight

    Colin mentioned this trade before it was even announced subliminally on today’s show

    Jay Argh

    People still listen to that guy?

    Dingus Kahn

    Coastal kid, Midwestern ethos

    Blaze Hall

    He’s got them as super bowl contenders now lol

    Michael Plummer

    Colin is very high on Sam Darnold

Fan Boy

I’m happy for Sam Darnold getting another shot with the Panthers. Better system and head coach to make a good turnaround like what Ryan Tannehill did.

Michel B.

Darnold -> Pitts has the potential to be a great duo in the NFL for the next decade



Jorge Tarango

Good for Dam Darnold, he deserves another opportunity. With a team committed to help him.

Joel Cortes

I wonder what’s going through Chicago’s mind right now knowing Carolina gave up a bag of chips for Darnold ..😂

    Christopher Harris

    They gave up too much for Darnold.

    James Jones

    Don’t think a second rounder is a bag of chips

    Shalom Kadosh

    Darnold is worse less than a bag of chips


    Sam has more INT’s than the number of games he’s played in lol

TexasDragon 1995

Happy for Sam, he deserved SO MUCH better.

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