Billy Turner Wants Packers Fans To ‘Stay With Us, Next Year Will Be Better’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kevin Marroquin

Like we’d ever leave
Go Pack Go!

David Boucher

Great season no worries.

Lamajay Williams

We will back next season


    it will be worse next season

    Family Man

    @David is that you Motorhead?

L!ttLe_Pat _

Win or lose, cheesehead for life. You guys did great this season with a new head coach after 12 years with McCarthy. You guys did amazing this season. Be proud of what u all accomplished. This was a hard loss, but next season is a new season. So until then, !!!GO PACK GO!!!

Fredric the autistic Nintendo fan

Once a Packer fan always a Packer. Cheese head nation 🧀

Richard H Cain

This was a dope year, The sky is the limit 2020 🏆go pack go,


We need to get Mike Daniel’s back on D

Other than that it was a GREAT year for Packers fans, thanks guys!


    Naw hes injury prone. If we resigned him this year we jever would have gotten the smith brothers


    AGK927 OH is that why we got rif of him to sign the Smiths? I never really seen Mike get hurt but man was he aggressive on D, we need someone like him again.

George Baxter

We will always be loyal

Lee Rocheleau

Once a packer fan always a packer fan period


Next year will be MUCH better ! I am glad this man is on our side ! Gute killed it again and I cannot wait to see what he brings in this offseason to make this team take the next step .

Ruby Shame

im stayin here baby, dont worry, we’ll get em next year GoPackGo

Packersfan 12

We will be back next season proud of this team.

Packersfan 12

Packers fan aren’t bandwagon fans

Mike Madden

We ain’t no 9er band band wagon gang so we will be here all day every day

mike ward

Never leaving. Not even a question 🏈🧀🧀🏈🏈

Family Man

This was an awesome season for the Packers. They made it to the NFC championship with a new coach, things are looking brighter for this team🏈👍🏆

Nothing for Granted

We in this for life baby!


Green and Gold,til i’m dead and cold

geri schmidt

Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere!

Raymond Gower

When you turn pack you never go back go pack go!!🧀🧀

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