Best of NFL Films From the Raiders’ Inaugural 2020 Season | Highlights | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
the elevated one


Ezekiel Candelaria


Joseph Duran


Michael Angelo


Loftin Capital

this team with the leadership of Gruden is going to be winners again! the best has yet to come!

    Joshua scott

    I hope I can’t say I agree but I can hope

Arto Mkhitaryan

This season was so fun sad it ended so bad

Arto Mkhitaryan



Could have been worse. Could have been better . Either way it’s RNFL

Edit: Man we have some great players. Let’s go take what’s ours


The Raiders are coming back baby. The league isnt gonna know WHAT to do

    Mr. T

    lol bet youve said that every offseason for the last 20 years.

    Ugandan Chungus

    @Mr. T The potential on this team is phenomenal, there’s nothing like it the past 20 years, We’ve just been misguided, I believed last year was our year too but the team fell apart mid season like the year before, hopefully Gruden has a game plan for that.

    Lego Yoda

    @Ugandan Chungus they just gotta get the defense worked out and then they good

Sexy Siren

Love my mf Raiders🖤🖤🖤 Ride or Die baby!!! Let’s have a better season guys and play some good football. Work hard and be safe. Silver&Black all fn day!!! RN4L💀🏴💀🏴

Maximus Decimus Meridius

If we can have a top 15 defense ooooweeeee my neck and my back.


    we may it get me excited thinking about it

    Anime Hunter 6969

    Give us a top 25 defense and we make playoffs

Cam Maynard

Raiders can you plz make my adult years great cause my teenage and childhood years weren’t to fond on the raiders winning baby! Plz and thank u


Aye yo who tf edited this? give them a raise bro

    Anthony Rodriguez

    Feels like one of them best moment Highlights videos you always see of soccer players people put up on YT lol


    This team beat the cheifs


Thanks Gunther you took an 11-5 playoff bound team and turned it into 8-8 .

    raider nation

    i know he is so good at his job

Gambit X

Sliver & Black maybe a bloodline, but it’s Loyalty that makes us family. Raider Nation 4 Life

    Dallas Texans 1952

    Guess you weren’t around when the Raiders moved to LA. Now just imagine what would happen if the Patriots moved to NY?

    Jerry Gutierrez

    Amen to that

Gambit X

Somebody still has to win this next season SB right? Let’s get it.

Jay Day

Gets me so hyped!!! RN4L!!!!

Juan In a Million

Hurry up September damn! we got ourselves a season to go win.

Stuart Rath

Dang this gave me the chills 🥶☠️

Kaden Santacruz

Al would’ve loved alex ingold

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