Best of Chargers Mic’d Up from 2020 Season | NFL Mic’d Up – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Arsh Pat

This is the best part of the week MICD UP

Nicholas Bottazzi

Don’t know how u didn’t mic up herbie but I’ll let it slide and look forward to it next year

Jaden Najera

Now put herbert miced up for the season opener

    Legend_ 21

    “I was in!!!!”





Sam Schultz

We need Herbert micd


WE NEED HERBERT MIC’D UP NEXT SEASON! I know your seeing this too Chargers media team. Plz deliver for BoltFam


Can we all agree Joey had the best Mic’d up 🙂

    Nelson Mendez

    I AGREE 👍👍👍👍👍

    Apex _ Prowler

    “Why not, I thought we were friends.” – Big Joey was the best. Lol.

    Legend_ 21

    Angry Joey is the best Joey😈⚡💯


    Best micd up of the decade

    Joey Nice

    He’s a full grown monster. Love his intensity.

Mina Lim

Mbn to be young, getting money and living the American dream lol

Raul Nieves

I was in ,, I was in,, jajajajaja we lucky to have Herbert I believe he’s gonna bring the trophy 🏆 to the chargers fans..

RobertWas Here

So.. you had 16 weeks of games. 1 Player for every game. So 16 players were mic’d up. So you go and mic up around 1/3 of your roster, and forget the most important spot on your team? We need Herbert mic’d up!


    maybe he didnt want to tbh. I could see it. Im sure he will next season

Joe Singh

Can’t wait for next year. I haven’t been this exciting for an upcoming season in a while! #Boltup baby!!!!

Dani Abed

man i love this team..


They had to make a new highlight video so they could add “I was in” at the very end of it

Aaron Adams

We could’ve easily been 12-4 this year and it breaks my heart we didn’t get to see playoff football 😭😭😭😭

Tiga Live

i can’t believe yall did not mic up herbert

Elysha Diodati

The funnies part was easily 6:01 💀🤣

Derrel Kingdom

Idk how Herbert never got micd up this year


You know, this franchise often breaks my heart, but I love the guys on our team. They’re a special bunch

Austin Romero

4:01 “Damn you bouta took my damn head of Chris” lmao almost got put on IR for that 🤣

ozb_bvdass 16

The last scene where he’s so hyped about winning>>>>>, Herb keep being Herb ⚡️⚡️⚡️😭


Y’all literally couldn’t have ended that on a better note. Seeing Herb yell I was in then jump up and down with Ek like a bunch of schoolgirls is absolute perfection. Inject that into my veins.

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