Bears vs. Steelers Week 9 Highlights | NFL 2021 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Pix Burgh

Just wanna say great game to the Bears. Fields looked really good in the second half. Refs totally bailed us out the whole game

    JC Mula

    @Amir A u mean “too long” and naw bruh I’ll never agree wit mitch being better than fields… though mitch was better than he was put out to be.

    Amir A

    @JC Mula he’s better end of story

    JC Mula

    @Amir A nah fam. Well see if u still think that when the season is over and those numbers come out.

    Amir A

    @JC Mula ok we’ll see

    Sam Gabler

    Bad calls on both sides

Piotr Del Real

The fact that even Steelers fans are even talking about the terrible officiating says something. Wake up NFL


    Steelers fan here. It didn’t feel right. The refs made terrible calls. I want a fair game


    @Daniel Miller no bro this game was definitely fixed for the Steelers


    The Bears Legitimately Screwed themselves with the Offsides Penalties, But 2nd Half Penalties we’re TERRIBLE…I can’t Speak about this Win too much because it doesn’t feel or seem like a Honest Win. Don’t want to be labeled the new Patriots…Yiikes

    Daniel Daw

    Steelers fan here. Taunting call was bullshit. The ref hip checking dude? Also bullshit. Still though, acting like that materially affected the outcome of the game is weird. The bears went on to score the go ahead touchdown afterwards. Then they couldn’t stop the Steelers from setting up a 40 yard fga.


Congratulations to the refs on an outstanding win against the Chicago Bears!

I can’t even feel good about the Steeler win because it was honestly undeserved. Chicago should’ve won with the seven points they got shaved off from penalties.

This game was a joke.


    This idea that the Steelers are somehow on the wrong side of the refs ever is completely laughable.

    By the way, I wonder if Bill Cowher Will ever come out of retirement so he can legitimately win a Super Bowl, and not be gifted one by the refs.

    r j

    I laughed saying a field goal is gonna beat you anyway lol

    Mustache D. Luffy

    @Jeffrey Vences be happy you won


    @MLB JOEY what type of koolaid did you drink before writing that because it’s not really a win refs are terrible


    @JF1Bears4Ever well we choked in that game during the punt return by Ray Ray McPussy

Animal Channel

Refs took taunting to a whole new level. Someone needs to relax. Seriously.

    daddy frankie

    The refs were afraid that Mars can do a jumping Roundhouse they were the target

    daddy frankie

    Mixed martial FOOTBALL?

    Dane Origene

    @M. C even if marsh was talking to the player, why’d they automatically Assume it was taunting? Ffs man these refs are getting worse. Man made a great play ruined by poor refereeing

    mark budinsky

    They were given a touchdown. That was not a fumble. He was down with possession. The refs gave the bears life. But the NFL reserves the right to effect the outcome, they’re licensed same as WWE, sports entertainment

    Valente Leanos

    @Smokeless1167 What about the other 10 penalties in the last 2 minutes alone? Dont turn a dozen horrible calls throughout the game into this one call. All those horrible calls equal T.O.P for the Bears that also has the potential to equal points.

Chairman Meow

At least I know the Bears have a franchise QB for the first time in my life

    Manuel Alvarado


    dan kane

    Lmao!! N please!

    Slim 74

    In history pal. Youre grandfathers lifetime too 😄

Ethan Kibbey

This might have been the only time/circumstance I ever root for Justin Fields and the Bears. This game was horrendous. The fact that a few individuals in striped uniforms hold so much power is blasphemous.


    @Ethan Kibbey oh that makes sense

    Evan Lyman

    @Brooks Orlando men get old and become the snowflakes they claim to hate so much… seeing it everywhere

    Dylan B

    @Starkiller1036 huge packers fan. I totally agree, I want to watch the packers own daa bears in a legitimate game not see the gd refs rigg it blatantly


    I’m a bears fan and thank you I actually like the lions a lot and respect their fans a ton

Dan Riley

Amazing how good fields looks when the offensive line plays competently


    @Adam B34 Research his yards per attempt and difficulty of throw???

    Marc A. Henderson

    @Adam B34 Over 50%. 1 TD 1 INT. And lost because of a missed FG…..Sounds pretty good 2 me….

    jaquaime battie

    Right! Now people have a different perspective of him

    Adam B34

    @Marc A. Henderson what? 58% is terrible. League average is 65% and 58% would rank 32nd in the nfl. What year are some of you living in? Because in 2021 just being barely “over 50%” means you’re the worst passer in the nfl.

    1 td and 1 int is also terrible. If he did that every game he’d have 17 tds and 17 ints for the season. The tds would be the lowest in the league and the ints would be near the highest in the league.

    Did we travel back to 1982 at some point? Because that’s pretty much the last time 58% completions with 1 td and 1 int was “pretty good”

    Adam B34

    @Mycraw for what? The season? Because he’s 25th in yards per pass at 6.9 yards per pass this year. Again, terrible.

    And yards per attempt is nowhere near as important as completion% or td production. You can live with a low yards per attempt as long as you’re completing passes at a high rate and throwing tds.

    For example, if a qb goes 25-35 for 180 yards and 2 tds that’s significantly better than a qb who goes 25-45 for 235 yards and 1 td.

Iago Suárez

That’s gotta be up there among the craziest calls in NFL history.

    •いのいち 💞✨

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    !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾

    jeff buchanan

    Not even close.

    Andrew the Anomaly

    @jeff buchanan elaborate

    jeff buchanan

    @Andrew the Anomaly There are too many horrible calls that officials make to mention. Let’s not forget, the replacement officials.


Just when you think you can’t become more depressed as a Bears fan, the referees said “I got somethin for ya hold up”

    Silas Beard

    It’s not the bears season huh

    Jiyaad Ali


    madwrestler 145

    Atleast you’re not a Texans fan


    @Ian Gould no way this kid is saying that was taunting LMAO


    @Tyler Kohlman refs took a td with the dumbest call ever and forced us to 3 instead of 7


When they put a kickoff return or punt return in the highlights, you know it’s either a good run or a fumble.

    Job Neto

    This one was both


    that’s deep


    FGs too. You know it’s either a miss or a block

Micah B.

This game was absolutely incredible. Regardless of how universally awful the refs are. How many games end with a 65 yarder hitting the crossbar!?

    Mike Gike

    It didn’t. Only looked that way from endzone camera. Kick was 10 yards short.

    Andrew the Anomaly

    @Mike Gike more like 6-8

Abernathy Darwin Dunlap

I know the refs were against the Bears again, but damn, Justin Fields was on fire the 4th quarter.

Desert Drinkers

I’m still in shock that the ref intentionally bumped into a player before he threw a flag. They gotta fine this man something fierce. They have no problem hitting players with fines for things, time to do it to the refs.

    Desert Drinkers

    @Hitmontree you say that like it changes the fact that he legit bumped into a player. Idc about why he threw the flag, why did he bump into a player on purpose.

    Quentin Wagner

    The guy should be fired.

    Quentin Wagner

    @Marcus Silva so I get where you are going with this, but based off the way that guy hip checked the player this game wasn’t about Vegas it was some kind of anger towards the bears. This guy should never be allowed to officiate a bears game again because it really feels like he has something against the bears.

    Rich Lo

    @Hitmontree he was but why did he hesitate when he could have done it when the foul happened 5 yards from him and ONLY completed the foul when the ref hip checked him

    Dylan B

    @Quentin Wagner id say its to do with the steelers more. Questionable bad calls are one thing but many games going back to the 70s and the seattle pittsburgh superbowl the only BLATANTLY rigged games are steelers wins.

UrBn Zombie

That “penalty” late in the game against Chicago has to be one of the worst calls in sports, period. That ref needs to be fined, and suspended.


    In order to make sure that refs can make calls you don’t sack and fine them. All you can do is keep them away from big games. Think how judges on the supreme court aren’t sacked for a “bad decision”.

    Super kewl youtuber

    @shavedwolf87 oh my goodness what is that call

    lake erie sailor

    the refs have favoured the steelers over the last 40 years. Two of their superbowl wins including SB40 were won for them by the refs!

    UrBn Zombie

    @shavedwolf87 I know what you’re talking about. That call was pretty bad

Vishal Rajan

Bears fans, I know this was tough but you gotta be PUMPED to have Justin Fields. This kid can BALL

    Erik Perez

    Sadly doesnt show in a result of L

jesus mendo

Bears thank you for the game I feel proud to be Bears fan.



    pedro cirino

    right on brother

    Marc A. Henderson

    The 🐻 bears will be Great!!!!

LS Seimetz

NFL must take a stand on this. As a Saints fan, I’m tired of refs deciding games on bad calls.

    Shae Graber

    Thanks bro

    Grant Stoutenburg

    As Browns fan, I feel your pain. There are too many incompetent referees in the league.

    Michael Hawk



Big props to J Fields. Played his heart out. Led the team well. Ref ball at its finest.

    Andrew the Anomaly

    @Tomie Vee Hold this ratio and watch as everyone mocks your Mickey team for the second consecutive season

    Батма Тойгонбаева


    Kano and Lupo

    The guys terrible he reminds me of cam Newtons body with Jay cutlers talent lol

    Brandon Lubner

    @Kano and Lupo I’d hate too if my name was Fred

Ian Brink

Justin fields does an amazing Job! Great throws and fast runs. Bears have a franchise qb there

Kedika: The Peer - Review Science Channel

Fields gonna be a scary QB next year, he getting better already, and I love to see him play now, imagine, in two more years, the kid, with Mooney and that Running back combo are monsters, Chicago defense is elite for sure

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