Arthur Smith speaks to media after second day of joint practices with the Jets | Atlanta Falcons – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mr Motivator

Arthur Smith

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Jake Stevens

D led really don’t believe our team is going to be good. I can’t stand hearing him at all. And don’t like his reporting.

    Tony Wright

    Ignore him


Ledbetter is an actual comic book villain


    Wrath of the mad nerd

Ваня Вася

Alles sehr schΓΆn. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine empru.ONLINE BrΓΌnette und eine anderek Blondine. Es wΓ€re unfair, wenn ich 4 wΓ€hlen wΓΌrde

Falcons/Hawks/Braves Fan Extraordinaire

Go Falcons 😎

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