Arthur Blank addresses Dimitroff, Quinn decision – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Arthur Blank addresses Dimitroff, Quinn decision

Arthur Blank and Rich McKay speak with the media following decision-making within the Falcons football operations structure.

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Two seasons (with an extremely talented team) in a row waisted. Hopefully there will not be a third. Was hoping you guys would hire someone new.

    Drum Corps Central

    Tbh we aren’t that talented our offense has great pieces but a majority of our defense is made of spare parts… this season is necessary to be successful moving forward

    D Jones



    Drum Corps Central – We have a lot of very talented players on both sides but as of now Dan is not bringing out the best in them. Also I put some of the responsibility for so many injuries on the coaching staff. More stretching and exercise in the off season would help but he is being too soft on them.


    The first year we had so many injuries, I don’t count that

King Rabbitatl

This is a bad move and u will feel it in the attendance

    Great Cow

    It’s the present now, not the past

    Morgantron Prime

    @Drum Corps Central Winning The Super Bowl.

    I'm That Guy Eddie

    @Great Cow yeah your right just because DQ brought us to the superbowl doesn’t mean he will bring us back. Its time for a new HQ somebody that has been to the superbowl many times maybe someone from NE who knows😕

    StarKiller 5iveOh

    Dan Reeves brought us to a SB as well. Mike Smith, best Falcons coach ever by record, would have too but the refs chose SF with that non-call.
    Quinn isn’t special.

    King Rabbitatl

    @Drum Corps Central He blew the super bowl and have not done anything since, but change coordinators


Make the Mercedes benz Stadium rocking in 2020 dirty birds!

Jake Gunter

As a Falcons fan I’m fine with the move just not sure if raheem is gonna be here next year tho his name will probably come up for other head coaching jobs I would like to see us move on from Dirk tho but if we don’t I’m ok with it

King Rabbitatl

Author sounds like a d_mn fool


I understand the move but I don’t like it. At all. We won some key games in the second half of the season but they were almost meaningless.

L Capitan

Are we okay with an organization of inconsistencies?!! Like yes we’ve won and loss with the same team but the mediocrity is NOT OKAY with the fan base! Do you want us to fill that Benz stadium and support our team with all we got or for you want mediocrity from your fan base?! Think about that when you are making decisions Blank. We have too much talent to not contend every year, stop being soft and put some fire under some asses! We are tired of the talk, just do! #RISEUP #FILA

Ben Solo

Arthur blank looks like a mafia boss

    Isaiah FromdaA

    Ben Solo he does

Byron Jones

And u keep DQ… Wow. Get ready for another 7-9 season.


    Byron Jones the players like the coach. Julio blamed the players not the coaching staff

    Byron Jones

    @David Breland I hear what you’re saying for sure, I just don’t think DQ is a strong enough HC.


Well for F*@& sake… But then again, with the salary cap situation they’re in maybe he feels no real changes can happen by hiring a new coach. So he figures we may as well stick with what we have and hope for the best until the salary cap situation gets better. I dunno, I’m just so tired of it all, year after year the same thing.

    A Par1160

    Salary cap currently discussing increasing the salary cap which will help Falcons.

Ryan Flanagan


Robert Hardee

I like DQ and think this team will be better next year. The NO Saints went thru 3,7-9 seasons and kept S. Payton! Fan for 51yrs and counting! I bleed black&red! 🐯

Nick bagnulo

Records r good

Gonna miss falcon football
I know the playoffs
Not the same without the Falcons

Stan ezen

Rise up!!!

Chris Edwards

You should’ve just let him go Arthur. I understand Dan is a great person but theres no reason why the Falcons had the type of season they did. The players are there, the talent is there, the support is there. But where was the coaching?

Zay Dropped Him

sell the team

    Zues 770

    Zay Dropped Him say it in all caps I’m sure he’ll read it then.

Ernest Brown2

Blank your going get that super bowl 💍& our fans will enjoy it rise up we’ll be back next year stronger!

StarKiller 5iveOh

Let’s break down Dan Quinn’s Numbers
3-12 against the AFC since SB
28-3, wont go away…EVER
Falcons win despite Dan Quinn, not because of Dan Quinn.
I wish my boss would give me SIX YEARS to get my $h*t together!!! #emptyseats #nowinwithquinn

    Antonio Kim

    StarKiller 5iveOh we won more with coach Mike Smith but not saying he’s better coach than Mike Smith

Cody Paul

What good is having a new stadium when nobody comes to it? Attendance will probably be even worse next year because of this move. What good is a 2dollar hot dog when you can’t afford to get in and why are everyone praising this so-called miraculous turnaround when it means absolutely NOTHING!!!!! Of course the players love Quinn because he doesn’t hold them accountable for anything…..


Played out just the way I figured when they did not let him go at bye week. You could see that AB did not want to start over and DQ and staff gave him all the justification to stay the course. I’ve always really liked DQ but I was ready to move on when we were 1-7. The way we’ve played since is what I expected and I am much like I think Mr. Blank was in that I did not really want to start over either. I’m “OK” with this decision. Being real, I’m a Falcon fan no matter what.

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