Anthony Firkser Goes UP for TD Catch – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Anthony Firkser Goes UP for TD Catch

Ryan Tannehill finds Anthony Firkser for a 28 yard touchdown to keep the Titans hopes alive. The Tennessee Titans take on the Kansas City Chiefs during the NFL 2019 postseason's AFC Championship Game.

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#NFL #AnthonyFirkser #Titans

Bo Barndollar

Yo I saw it

Gonunabe *

Gg the cant win now tho

Bryan C.

Who else is early?

Christian Martinez

second lol

Noob Master69

He makes a touch down
Me: I wanna see you do it again


Youtube: 3 comments
Me: May I see them?
Youtube: no.

Alton Rodgers

The favorite 12-4 chiefs beating the 9-7 titians at home and people saying it’s rigged 🤦🏾‍♂️😂


    Alton Rodgers right how would it be rigged the titans offense stopped producing after halftime that ain’t rigged


    @Xoaz I mean, I had the Chiefs winning, but was rooting for the Titans. The refs screwed them big time with that non-existent false start. Should’ve been on the defense.

    Dark thoughts

    Dooky They would’ve of lost anyway


    @Dark thoughts True but I always want there to be a chance. They would’ve needed a TD and an onside kick.

Notagamer !

Lets go chiefs

Mike S

GB or SF will be the Super Champs in 2 weeks.

Lucas Welch

Niners gonna beat the chiefs🤔

    Rajae Jones

    Lucas Welch no they not jimmy can’t outduel pat ar is way better than jimmy g

Jaime Garcia

I wonder if Suggs decides to retire if he wins the Super Bowl

Mathew Lagueux

Congrats chiefs on your first SB appearance in the last 5 decades! How’s that couch feel titan fans? Henry wins you games but not today as he was shutdown after the first half and had to rely on a game-manager to win you the game… gl with that


im here after the chiefs won. can we take a moment to congratulate the titans for eliminating the patriots?

    Tyler Yoon

    And the ravens! Now for the NFC..I got the 9ers but I pray to see Mahomes vs Rodgers

    Vanessa P

    LMAO. I’m a Patriots fan, but that was pretty funny.

    Keisa black

    I’m a Ravens fan and i’m glad KC beat the Titan up! Gang!

Joe Smith

Chiefs going to the Superbowl !!!!

Lexngton Green

Big Chiefs finally go back to the Super Bowl after 50 years.  Way to go team!

Jeremy Dull

I hate when the NFL gives the lesser team a “gimme” touchdown to make it interesting. Illegal block in the back. No touchdown

william johnson

Omg, he killed him w that route 🤣

Spencer Bevan

The refs gave the chiefs that PI call, but then didn’t call it for the Titans when the exact play happened next drive


I want all championship games to be played on a neutral field in the future. Come on let’s go


Frisker lived in my hometown when he grew up

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