Allen Lazard is Happy With the Fight They Put Up in Second Half vs. 49ers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Chance Gospodarek

Love u Allen

Eric Prybylski

This dude better than mvs and Allison combined. He better be on the team next year

    Ed Fenne

    Eric Prybylski yea, I agree! His size and confidence is amazing!

    Mgtow Farmer

    Allison will be gone.. mvs was a draft pick and will be given more time.
    Graham will be gone. Mercedes Lewis should be asked to come back tho..
    Draft two DT, and two OL.. a linebacker corner and another wide receiver late round

    Super Happy Fun Times

    Mgtow Farmer yeah I think we should draft quintez cephus

    Ed Fenne

    Mgtow Farmer agree! Kenny needs some talent next to him!

Kiasia Johnson

🐐🐐 proud of u

Lamajay Williams

This kid is going to have a future in his career

Lucas Desrosiers

This guy is one of the main breakout from this season. He need a spot in this team

If it ain't creamy you need me

If only Aaron could throw lobs to this man.

Ed Fenne

I hope Allen comes back next better and faster!

Packersfan 12

We need speed at WR positions.

    Ishan Shukla

    yeah a deep threat like tyreek or fuller v

    Tyki Mikk804

    Yes speed kills

Lo 262

Very composed during this interview, although we took an mighty L!

Bam Santana

this dude is not a receiver, hope we can get some wide rceivers on the offseason

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