Don Martindale Interviews for Giants Head Coach Position | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
michael 429000


    Nugget Rodriguez

    michael 429000 second

    Colin Stapleton

    Hello 2015 called, they want their dead memes back

    James Porter

    Why don’t you use your spot as first comment to say something useful? Instead wasting it on a meme

    michael 429000

    I dont know what else to say

Muz Kamal26


Cook'n W/ Curry


Muz Kamal26

I want Matt rhule as oc,don at dc and the guy from Lsu as oc

    Cooper Thorley

    Muz Kamal26 yeah and it’s joe Brady the oc I think


    Muz Kamal26 and I want my wife to look like Sophia Vergara

    Cooper Thorley

    Frank anything is possible

    Christopher Strebeck

    Rhule won’t do well in NFL..people are idiots clamoring for a college coach..mccarthy has won a superbowl nuff said

Bill Matthews

Bill Parcells started with us as a Linebackers coach. Good company!


    Parcells was supposed to be the linebackers coach in 1979, but his family didn’t want to move . Parcells lleft he NFL until 1980 when he became the linebackers coach. In 1981 he became the Defensive Coordinator under Ray Perkins.

    Bill Matthews

    So I wasn’t wrong, he was hired as the Linebackers coach on 1979. Just because he turned it down …

    Bill Matthews

    My real point was we could do much worse than to hire ”Wink” as Head Coach.


    I agree. The Giants had worse with McAdoo and Shurmur. They need to get the next coach right.

Wilton George

Ummm.. no don’t want this guy

Jason Segarra

Mike McCarthy is it… What the hell the giants are doing

    Davin Singh

    Jason Segarra they’re just doing more interviews lol

    Juan Rosario

    They need to hire him. The worst case scenario is him going to Dallas. That would leave us as the only team in the NFC East with an unproven coach….talk about added pressure to perform!

    Stevie Blue

    Please no, not another west coast offense. Not in E Rutherford while we have Barkley.

    Jason Segarra

    A guy like McCarthy can’t pass up. Now .. He did have issues with Aaron Rodgers so don’t know. All in all the is a very good candidate

    Stevie Blue

    @Jason Segarra then I guess you want to keep seeing Barkley getting the ball out of shotgun, 5 yds behind the line from a stand still position, where all of our opponent’s defense can see him? No development of play-action to freeze the defense and open up the passing game? Same old west coast offense crap…. not me.

Juan Rosario

I want McCarthy. Everyone’s clamoring for a guy who has never had an NFL coordinator job and may or may not transition well to the NFL. I get that McCarthy’s tenure ended badly but a year of self evaluation and looking in the mirror will do wonders. Besides, the last proven guy (Tom Coughlin) turned out okay for us.

    Christopher Strebeck

    @ivan rupee he won a superbowl in green Bay..hes got the skills required to do the job…only idiots want a coach from collefe

    ivan rupee

    @Christopher Strebeck he had Aaron Rodgers, he should have won more than 1 Superbowl .

    Stevie Blue

    @Juan Rosario I don’t want to see another west coast offense. I don’t want to see Barkley getting handed the ball 5 yds behind the line from a stand still, where our opponent’s defense can see him. If McCarthy can change his philosophy, okay
    ….but I doubt it.

    Stevie Blue

    All you people who want McCarthy don’t know the winning formula for the NY Giants in the swirling E Rutherford winds. See if you can re-watch the Titans – Patriots game last night, because that’s the winning formula. Or watch the 49ers.

    Juan Rosario

    @Stevie Blue True statement but just seems that we already tried the new shinny toy and it didn’t work out. WCO or whatever offense needs to be adaptable enough to make in-game adjustments. Even Killdrive’s offense became predictable. Watching Baylor’s last game didn’t leave overly impressed so we’ll see what happens. Just don’t want to go through the good old days of Danny Kanell and the dark age of Giants Football after Phil Simms.

Bill Matthews

Besides the Harbaughs, Wink is also linked to the Ryan brothers.

Ron Whitehorse

Giants need to hire the ex packers coach McCarthy to work with jones his and offensive genius period

    Stevie Blue

    Another Andy Reid disciple who uses a west coast offense and calls his own plays? Even though our team should revolve around Barkley to open everything else up? Will McCarthy adapt to what needs to be done in the E Rutherford wind tunnel?

Victor Marquez

All i want for my new years resolution is don martindale to be ny giants head coach

I'm Batman

Giants needs to fix that trash Defence if it means bringing in a hc with Defensive background then so be it. Let Dave draft his hog mollies in the upcoming draft shore up that oline and dline.

    Christopher Strebeck

    Agreed..everyone is forgetting we had the worse defense in up 30 points a game it’s lucky to win 3 games a year..betcher better be gone or it won’t matter what hc we have or how potent our offense is.jones played amazing considering he was always down 14 points half way through the first quarter every game..giants better be smart and bring in bill belicheck now that brady is done and the pats out playoffs…bill would fix this team quick

Ron Whitehorse

Stevie blue his a proven winner and is bet than Schumer and mcadoo giants won 12 games in 3 yrs time to change everything period

gman hirt

Now it’s time to request an interview with Bill Belichick,,,

    Thomas Latimer


    Garett Gagan

    Lol good one

    Stevie Blue

    @Thomas Latimer are you related to Cody?

    gman hirt

    Go get Belichick at all costs,,bring the whole patriots staff over,,and their offensive line and the New York Football Giants are back in business my fellow Giants fans,,,

    Garett Gagan

    He’ll interview with us lmfao, he just needs to set up the cameras. Keep dreaming kids

Derrick Khut

Not him, anyone from Ravens .. no good

Fazan Hamrock

You can watch it live online , but you need pay for it , the cheapest way to NFL is on ScreenVariety Tv , I really recommend this source , so go on and get it

Philip Hennings

That’s an 11% difference :/……

Ryan H

I rly dont want anyone but mcarthy. I dont want a coordinator with no experience as head coach. Martindale could be a bust and then we have to wait two years to get a new coach. We will be a playoff team with mcarthy

Davy Anonymous

I believe he played in college at linebacker.

Edward Evans

Ken Norton Jr?

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