Zachary Thomas Highlights | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Chicago 773

Nice pick up!! Underrated player

The Channel

He is hopefully the run blocker we’re looking for

Weather Wolf

I am a Bills fan and I find it hilarious at all the Packers drafted Zach Tom you guys drafted Zachary Thomas that just makes me laugh, I think both will end up being good offensive lineman, but the similarity in names of two players who are going to be playing similar positions for rival teams I find funny.

    lauren gee

    i came here out of pure confusion as a cheesehead

    SBC Burgos

    I wanted Zach Tom for the Bears, he’s such a good technician with good foot placement and pass protection, but Zachary Thomas will do, he’s very good at adjusting from one block to the next

    Rick Savaiano

    I really wanted Zach Tom for the Bears. F GB!

L Trains Finest

Film looks good, prayers that be beasts the NFL!

Frank Zepeda

Nice solid pick Protection welcome to CHICAGO BEARS πŸ’―πŸˆ

Amahd cole

I got another offense line I like the Zachary Thomas pick

Kevin Wilhite

Looks like a beast! GO BEARS!

Eliodiro Aguilar

He looks πŸ‘ good

Adam Johnson

Their RB got caught from behind in like every play 😭🀣

    Tom Grubbe

    Yeah, but that’s not Zach’s fault. Slow RB I guess.

    Michael Young

    Not Zach’s fault


Solid pick!

Charles Stoebig

He moves pretty fast for an O-Linemen and seems somewhat athletically coordinated. Bears running the Zone Blocking scheme will need linemen like that.

Blessings ToYou

poles was a lineman….. he should know what to look for


Strong pick. Great footwork, Aggressive, and keeps head on a swivel to block other threats.

Joseph Matuszak

I like how he always hunting a dude down

Chris Brindle

Phew this guy’s speed of play is phenominal! Quick decision making and quick on his feet! Doesn’t look like much of a power guy, but that aint the scheme we lookin for anyhow.

Alex H

under the radar signing! Moves well in space, and finishes plays! He will be a great swing tackle, or could even compete for a starting spot!

Rick Savaiano

I think Zach Thomas will be a starter next year, could surprise this year. Really excellent pick for the type of offense the Bears want to run.

Ramon Negrete

Zach tom ok!! Good tape good player🐻

Xavier Wren02

This is such a Coincidentally named player for me considering that this is my Real name as well. That’s Crazy. Hope he has a Bright NFL Career ahead!

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