‘You’ve got to win 6-plus games at home this year’: Dave Logan makes his ‘Broncos Beat’ debut – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Luke Joseph


    Cameron Belin

    Luke Joseph cool

Cameron Belin


Gavin Field

I’m a. Huge fan was good

Redneck Jo


JJ Hunt

Go broncos I believe us

Kent Borges

Thumbs up # 30 here…The BRONCOS are going to kick butt…Elway gets the right MEN together !

Ed McCaffrey

The reality is new OC, new offense, new QB, new offensive line, new wide receiver, new running back is too much in 2020. Best thing is to lower expectations and be patient as this team and coaching staff build a dynasty in the coming years. Pump the brakes everybody!

    Angel cadabby

    @henrythehankengine never say never dude don’t forget San Francisco sucked for how many years and they made the super bowl last year when they weren’t expected to make it

    Angel cadabby

    @Shake hello it’s been 4 years since we went to the 2016 9-7 2017 5-11 2018 7-9 we have a chance to do something this year

    Tom Tom

    @Angel cadabby
    2016: 9-7
    2017: 5-11
    2018: 6-10
    2019: 7-9


    By the Bye week we should be operating 100%… all the other teams have new players too & the lockdown to deal with so everyone [except the cheatriots] are in the SAME boat… HC Fangio is an awesome coach… it’s too bad we didn’t make him the coach in 2017… he will have our team prepared…
    OFF & experience:
    #1 Drew Lock
    – 4- 1 Record 5 STARTS plus preseason last yr & again hopefully this year
    #2 Jeff Driskel
    – started games for other teams
    #1 Melvin Gordon III
    – 8 yr starter TOTALLY experienced
    #2 Phillip Lindsay
    – starter Experienced 3rd season
    #3 Royce Freeman- starter Experienced 3rd season
    #1 Courtland Sutton 115 targets 1 112 Yrds 3 Drops
    Totally experienced SUPREME TALENT
    #2 Jerry Jeudy
    Rookie [4yr starter college Champ program]
    #3 KJ Hamler
    Rookie [4yr starter college Elite Program]

    #4 Tim Patrick- experienced Starter
    #5 DaeSean Hamilton-
    experienced starter
    #6 Diontae Spencer- MOST experienced WR starter
    #1 Noah Fant- experienced starter SUPREME TALENT
    #2 Nick Vannett
    – experienced starter
    #3 Albert Okwuegbunam
    – Rookie MAD EXPERIENCE WITH LOCK AS QB! [Missouri]
    #4 Jeff Heuerman
    – experienced starter
    #5 Andrew Beck- experienced starter

    LT Bolles- experienced starter
    LG Risner
    – experienced starter SUPREME TALENT
    OC Cushenberry
    – Rookie [CAPTAIN & Starter on College #1 ranked OLINE & CHAMP TEAM! I will be shocked if he is healthy & NOT a day 1 starter who plays at a very good to pro bowl level 2020]
    RG Glasgow
    – experienced starter SUPREME TALENT
    RT James- experienced starter [if he EVER is healthy]
    DEF & experience:
    DE/NT J Casey
    – experienced starter SUPREME TALENT
    NT M Purcell
    – experienced starter
    DE S Harris

    – experienced starter

    DE Drey J- experienced starter
    NT/DE McTelvin Agim
    – Rookie
    DE DWalk
    – experienced starter
    Weak Side AJ
    – experienced starter
    Strong Side Davis- experienced starter

    WS The Outlaw- experienced starter
    Justin Strnad
    – Rookie [Highly Intelligent & Captain in College] prob starter on ST

    SS J Jones- experienced starter/ ST
    J Hollins- experienced starter/ ST

    SS Von- experienced starter SUPREME TALENT
    WS Chubb

    – experienced starter SUPREME TALENT

    J Attaochu- experienced starter
    Dream Killer
    – experienced starter
    D Tuszka- Rookie [Needs Time to develop… maybe rotate in as DLine in a 4- 3 package!… or as an extra LB in a specialty pckg] Def ST Starter and I predict will have a BIGTIME impact… literally: BIG IMPACTS!
    #1 A.J. Bouye
    – experienced starter
    #2 Callahan
    – experienced starter

    #3 M Ojemudia- Rookie [might start in nickle & dime? & ST?]

    5 & 10
    Duke Dawson Jr.
    – experienced starter
    Davontae Harris
    – experienced starter
    De’Vante Bauby
    – experienced starter
    Isaac Yiadom
    – experienced starter
    Essang Bassey- Rookie no guarantee he even makes the team will NOT start unless there is a colossus of injuries [Likely on PS if he clears waivers & shows us something in what may be a limited OTA’s, pre-season slate]

    FS Justin Simmons- experienced starter SUPREME TALENT
    SS Kareem Jackson
    – experienced starter SUPREME TALENT

    Trey Marshall- experienced starter
    Douglas Coleman III S Wake Forest- Rookie
    I can see Strand being used as a SS in a dime or nickle pckg even if someone gets injured for sure… Fangio will find a way to get all our guys on the field… that ensures everyone can step up in case of injury, keeps guys healthy & rested at peak performance for situ football & for long playoff run if we get there… IT IS KEY guys are used to moving around & constantly learning & applying as in Playoffs the winning edge is often found in changing def opponent to opponent & 1/2 to 1/2
    So really what are you talking about… even Shumur & Shula BOTH have experience RUNNING OCoord duties & Shumur even as a HC… there is way more SAME than NEW/ different, I don’t think you understand that much about how an actual football team gets re-constructed EVERY YEAR [Thanks Tagliabue] and even evolves radically as the season progresses AND THEN the BIG SHIFT once playoffs start… where often teams find a whole nother LEVEL!

Broncos Country

13-3 Let’s Go Broncos 303 All Day Baby Denver Is In The Building

    DAN Tu

    12-4, 13-3 is bad luck

    zwebby onthebeat

    Broncos Country 11-5 or 10-6

    Tom Tom

    @DAN Tu 13-3 and a Super Bowl win

    Marcos Gallardo

    Lol good one


    @Tom Tom 13-3 bad luck. 12-4 is where its at

Just a guy

Melvin better start behind Lindsey. That’s all I know. Don’t disrespect my boy Lindsey!


    There is NO disrespect man… Lindsay is a TOP QUALITY starter for what he does well but utilizing him as a bell cow back is just dumb… Gordon has the SIZE necessary to run ILB over… Lindsay will achieve more by doing less & his longevity will increase DRAMATICALLY when you use him in space… you may have noticed that RB are no longer valued as they were 15 years ago… the game has changed… just look at all the 5 & dimes across the NFL landscape… the last team to play base almost exclusively was Rivera’s Panthers [95%+ Base Def]… he is now in DC & I doubt he has the ILB’s at the moment to make that happen at least for a couple of draft cycles… RB’s are factored in as 5 year starters for most teams & then move on to next guy [the majority of teams purposefully use a rotation]… of course these things are cyclical and we may have already reached a tipping point… again same as above all those 5 & 10 def 45- 65% of the time… so you are already seeing the bell cows start to become valued again… we aren’t there yet though…
    Having Gordon take 65% of the snaps & GETTING LINDSAY OUT IN SPACE where he has a very High probability of making guys miss & gouge Def for big plays IS a SMART approach for an OFF philosophy… it WAS great that Lindsay COULD run between the tackles BUT THAT CAN’T BE HIS BREAD & BUTTER… that would be dumb & egregious as f…k since it is likely to end his awesome promise of a career in Denver & the NFL O.A. due to Injury…
    You want to follow the Charger model of Gordon & Ekeler… that was a OPEN THE PLAYBOOK UP TOTALLY & REALLY STRESS THE OPP DEF type 1- 2 punch.
    I am 100% confident we will still see Lindsay gallop between the OG & OT from time to time… but that is best as a surprise designed play action RP option play not as a staple…
    Gordon 65%
    Lindsay 25%
    Freeman 10%
    Would be a very positive split for our OFF to use as a benchmark & a starting point
    That of course ALSO means that we are a TIME OF POSSESSION TEAM… looking to run 65+ plays each game
    So Gordon should get his 24+ Touches/game
    Lindsay 10+ Touches/game
    Freeman 4+ Touches/game
    Of course I am a RUSH 58.3% & PASS 41.6% type dude so in a typical 60 play game where 35 RUSH & 25 PASS… the numbers above correlate as THE benchmark to use as a starting place & good governor that est parameters for the OFF.
    IF you analyze each SB as I have done you will find that the Max 25 PASS & Min 35 RUSH metric IS the winning METRIC with only like 3 deviations for the first 30 SB then when you adjust the metric for the pass happy league to be represented as a split [41.6% PASS & 58.3% RUSH] again in summa adding deviations for rest of SB’s utilizing that SPLIT you have a total of 7 deviations over the first 50 SB’s… which is pretty convincing especially when the 7 deviations themselves at least the majority when you analyze the specifics of the game- STILL PROVES THAT IS THE WINNING METRIC… full analysis available upon request. One sample everyone might be familiar with was the Manning Vs Aints SB where the Dolts were dominating so much that Sean Payton HC Aints KNEW that his team WAS GOING TO LOSE as they could NOT stop the Dolts OFF… so he started the 1/2 with an ONSIDE KICK! in that game Dolts had TWO RB’s BOTH avg OVER 4 yards/carry [Addai almost 6 yards/carry]… and all Peyton had to do was run the ball to a certain 24- 16 lead & probable victory BUT INSTEAD of running the clock down, resting his DEF, and getting sure yards running the ball in typical Manning fashion Peyton just had to throw throw throw and his PICK 6 around the 26 yard line pretty much flipped the script… had Manning run the ball according to the winning metric his FG Kicker likely has an easier kick instead of a 51 yard miss keep in mind it was 1 & 10 at the 32 yard line like the falcons losing to the gaytreeits after a 28- 3 lead all Manning had to do was hand the ball off three times & it’s an easy FG & a 20- 16 lead… instead he gave Brees a short field & instead of the pressure remaining on the Aint’s all the pressure shifted to Manning again seemingly justifying getting away from the RUSH attack that saw Addai with a nearly 6 yard/rush avg & Brown with 4.5 yards/rush avg… so let’s say Manning rushes the ball & gets the FG 20- 16 Dolts then Aint’s still drive full length of the field for the TD to go up 20- 23… all Manning required was to again rely on his rush game… instead 7 CONSECUTIVE PASSES… think about that… TWO RB’s BOTH avg over 4 yards/rush and Manning throws 7 consecutive passes that results in a PICK 6 at the 26 yard line to seal the victory for the Aints [ a 14 point swing!]… so even though the team that conformed most to the winning metric LOST… that’s on the FAILURE to STAY WITH THAT METRIC FULLY… how likely is an INT when a DEF KNOWS dude is going to pass…[ALMOST A CERTAINTY] if you watch the Manning’s- they BOTH do this and cost their teams SB’s & Victories… all of a sudden in a game they just abandon the RUSH game in favor of PASS PASS PASS & that increases the probability of an INT dramatically with those crucial Turnovers a BIG reason for the losses… people look at the final score & say Aints won easy… but ask Sean Payton the reason they opened the 2nd half with an ONSIDE Kick… he knew that if the Dolts continued to run the ball the lead would remain or get bigger & Brees would be forced to throw on every down setting up the Dolts pass rush [D. Freeney only Sack by either team] for even greater dominance… so he gambled having up to that point only having scored 2 FG’s in 1st half one being a last second one on a drive that started at the 48 yard line when the Dolts decided NOT to trust Brown & Addai but to hand it off the Hart instead on a 3 & 1?!!? Hart was the ONLY RB NOT avg 4+ yards/carry so figure that out for me if you will…So even with all the nonsense the Dolts were driving to victory & all the RUSHES they should have made & didn’t also runs time off the clock… instead Manning goes into PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS mode & it’s a 14 point swing PICK SIX at the 26 Yard line of the Aints… easy FG at min & almost certain TD if Manning had simply handed the ball off on that drive consistent with the SB winning metric… so even when you look at the 7 deviations [43- 7 OA the metric predicts WINNER of the SB]… even then it is more like a 47- 3 predictor of who wins a SB with the 3 deviations accounted for by TO & BIG PLAYS.
    So hopefully the BRONCOS will look at the teams last year that advanced & those that did NOT & how SCAMgrrrrrrrrJello the WORST OCoord in the history of the NFL in 7/16 chances handed the ball back to the other team through FAILURE to eat up clock at end of the game[even at 1/2 time] resulting in 5 LOSSES! Each could have been wins! Then they can see that the WINNING METRIC I derived from my analysis of every SB played IS as advertised & if so we will implement that metric as a good governor to design our OFF around such that we have a RUSH 58.3% & PASS 41.6% SPLIT… when you use this split your TIME OF POSSESSION INCREASES & that MEANS MORE PLAYS! So it IS a multiplying force when implemented properly & consistently with NO drive deviating too much in either direction… as such in a typical 65 play game:
    Gordon 24 Touches/game
    Lindsay 10 Touches/game
    Freeman 4 Touches/game
    AND that means our guys are healthy productive & HAPPY to have a CAREER that lasts 10-15 years instead of 5- 7
    Also Gordon can be the NFL MVP as I believe he has the ability to be… setting Lock up for success & greater confidence each week as he racks up wins instead of losses!
    Please keep in mind those 24 touches may include Pass for Gordon & Lindsay can have 10 RB touches & a few pass touched hence OA touches for Lindsay might be 13- 15 and Freeman may get more RB touches as lindsay & Gordon have less RB touches & more Pass touches…. so even though the metric is an absolute governor their is INFINITE flexibility in the hands of a wise OCoord in having a completely open playbook that is Max stress on opp DEF & totally unpredictable YET always conforming to that WINNING METRIC!

    martin araujo

    They don’t pay a guy 8 million a year to be a 2nd string lol Lindsay will get way less reps this year

    Just a guy

    @MrAdamNTProtester dude. Why don’t you just fill out an application already? 😐

    Javon Duarte

    maybe spell his right then clown


This Our season we are takin over


Work, Work, Work, and more work. We got the tools now we just gotta use em! All Love, we taking the div this year boys. Orange and blue forever.

Zach P

LET’S GO, BOYS!!! Let’s make the mighty Broncos a FEARED team once again!


Adding Mr Logan is brilliant.

D. TheMan


emperor haz

Manning is the goat of Quarterback, I don’t think any Broncos fan would ever say Brady is the goat, especially cause I he dont have anything on denver. He has some superbowls with allegations of cheating and stuff like the tuck rule. I think defensive players are scared to hit him hard cause he cries to the refs so much, he got them working for him. they are like the best player on his team lol.


    Clearly you are an independent thinker who bears witness & not false witness… if only everyone else could see the obvious… and always keep in mind it isn’t just all the cheating & robbing teams of victories & SB through cheating… when gaydee smashed that cell phone IT WAS OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE… you or I do that & we go to jail… I don’t even have to commit a crime & they throw me in jail for the crimes committed against me by the criminals who commit the crimes & who are rewarded… even if POTUS does that he gets impeached but when gaydee does that… hey here’s another contract for 100’s millions & another cheatriot SB… gaydee disgusts me as does corporofascist Robber(t) KRAfP monsanto laced poison foods, Roger BADell and belicheat… go watch the SB against the Bills again [the famous one where he was DCoord for Parcells] and they took his DEF gameplan & put it in the HOF… watch how his players kick the ball to take time off the clock EVERY DOWN so Bills team can’t get set… remember that the LOSING MISSED FG was taken- due to TIME- NOT downs… IF his players HE TOLD TO CHEAT hadn’t cheated the Bills run ball a few more times & the FG is automatic… another point- IF you want to know how belicheat himself considers his cheating as cheating watch the Playoff game 2019 Vs Vrabel & the Titans… in order to force belicheat to take a Time Out Vrabel had his team delay game, false start & delay game on a punt formation with 6 min left & was able to run clock down over 1: 40… belicheat was going ballistic on the sideline demanding the refs throw a flag… YET it was belicheat who refused to spend a time out & instead tried to get refs to bail him out as usual… Vrabel learnt how to exploit rules from belicheat himself…
    The RULE IS that IF on a punt- a team has deliberate consecutive delay of games- THEN they are penalized… Vrabel did what belicheat has done his whole career- saw that he could obey the pedanticy of the rules yet BREAK THE SPIRIT of the rules:
    Vrabel ordered his team to:
    1. Delay Game
    2. False Start
    3. Delay Game…
    Since the DOG’s were NOT consecutive the refs made the CORRECT CALL & refused to throw the flag… belicheat should have accepted Vrabels tactic & CALLED THE FORCED TIMEOUT… he did NOT!
    That proves that he thinks cheating is wrong- WHEN THE OTHER GUY DOES IT
    That proves HE ALSO believes that pedanticy to the rules while violating their spirit & purpose IS CHEATING AND
    That proves HE EXPECTS THE REFS TO SIDE WITH HIM & HELP HIM WHEN HE DEMANDS IT BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY HAVE DONE SINCE Reichstag911- to help REPLACE REAL PATRIOTISM with gaytreeitism… as if saying AMEN to police state & empire & gov’t TREASON is patriotism as long as you wave a flag & cheer for gaytreeits all the while killing & abusing the f…k out of the REAL PATRIOTS that stand UP against government abuse & TREASON yet are marginalized incarcerated have their lives destroyed & are murdered… so yeah even belicheat knows he IS a cheatriot & gaytreeit and NOT a real patriot as BRONCO fans like ME most certainly are: REAL PATRIOTS!
    Also waving the bible & supporting ‘jews’ is NOT christianity…
    There is NO equivalency between the DENIAL of Christ & CHRISTianity
    The ‘jews’ are NOT the real hebrews… YOU CANNOT ADOPT A GRANDPA… FACT!

Marcos Gallardo

9-7 if we’re lucky maybe 10-6


    I also think 10- 6 is a reasonable prediction for our team 2020… unlike Ben Suspicious minds Alwrong I do NOT see the last 1/2 of the schedule as the easy part in FACT: Specifically I see our toughest stretch being games 12- 16 where we open against SB contender Aints & then have to travel to KC for a SNF game where TOTALLY it can snow in Missouri in Dec [what is Alwrong smoking?!!? Colorado has to change its laws- if there is something medicinal about MaryJane then EXTRACT IT and inject or take orally… inhaling anything that is on fire RUINS YOUR LUNGS… DUH!]… then after that MOST DIFFICULT GAME on the schedule we have to travel to the East Coast for an early game… logistics informs us that at a min 1 day is lost when BRONCOS play SNF THEN have to travel to the EAST COAST for an early away game! THEN after that brutal three game stretch we return to empower HOWEVER if there is a TOUGH out at home IT’S A TEAM WITH A TOP 3 DEF… like the BILLS HAVE… then we finish that brutal 4 game stretch with another ROAD game against a division rival who IF they are rolling with Tyrod Taylor please remember last time he played us when he was a Bill… the only victory we got was when Von pulled a ‘TOO SLOW’ handshake/help up prank… THAT RESULTED IN A PENALTY by anal referee’s being paid under the table by roger BADell to screw the BRONCOS in favor of his gaytreeits… so definitely weeks 12- 16 are the TOUGHEST stretch of games this season and if we can go 3/5 there I totally believe we can have a 10- 6 season & be a contender in the Playoffs… Lock winning SB in his 1st full season as a starter would be EPIC! Also we need to start 4- 3 MIN before the week 8 Bye or we are screwed for this season again!


Dave Logan IS the BEST PXP announcer in the NFL HANDS DOWN! Very happy the big corporofascist networks ignore his talent so we can have him all to ourselves… when my life is normal I am a carpenter/contractor/inventor so I have to LISTEN to games rather than watch them a lot of the time as I am usually working in the shop… now that my life is turned upside down with the DENIAL of my supposed GOD endowed right to DUE Process I just plain have to listen to a lot of games & then watch them on rewind or youtube… so I am a BRONCO fan who absolutely appreciates good play by play announcers & Logan IS the BEST there IS…
That being said here are my ideas on how this season should be approached:
We are very fortunate Netane dropped to us in the 6th round… he will get healthy & Munchak will have him prepared & then we will see a high 2nd rnd talent emerge… Cushenberry & Netane are TWO very excellent OLine guys added to our young interior [In my mind this is what made our draft 2020 excellent]… my confidence in our tackles is not where Elway’s confidence is obviously because this draft was loaded with OT talent & we passed on that position entirely… certainly we now have a very young & extremely talented Interior… this will help Lock 100%… I just hope Elway proves me wrong with the outside guys!
Risner Cushenberry Glasgow
and Netane as a starter quality player who can sub in & allow Risner & Glasgow to get snaps at opp guard & center position in case down the road they need to step into that role like in 2013 when we lost BOTH OC and had to move Ramirez OG to Center…[which as SB attests was an unmitigated disaster] So having these 4 TOP QUALITY talented dudes is a HUGE blessing for the Team… all of them just starting their careers & will develop with Lock under center… bet Munchak has Netane also prepared at OC if needed because that’s the kind of thing a guy like Munchak can do with high quality talent… great draft to solidify the interior!
Let’s get Gordon Lindsay & Freeman ramped up to the max and make Locks 1st [full time] starting year a massive success… A GREAT RUNNING GAME helps the WHOLE TEAM SUCCEED!
Keeps everyone well rested & tires out the Opp DEF while resting ours & placing pressure on the other team by limiting their chances setting up turnovers & other GOOD THINGS… as they have to press
Screens, Delays, Play action boots… that is the key to 2020 BRONCO SUCCESS
TIME OF POSSESSION = VICTORIES and a HEALTHY TEAM that doesn’t get injured as much!
Let’s dedicate ourselves to ensuring we have a HOME record that is dominant by tiring teams out in the 4th quarter at EMPOWER & running them over for the HOME FIELD wins!

Jerome Schulze

If we have a season we will at least win at least 10 games..but really if our guys stay healthy we should go undafeated if not lose 1 game


Screaming go Broncos from North Carolina… Orange and Blue blood til I Die.. This is our time now.

Javon Duarte

sure would be nice to see of person of color on the broncos media staff thats not a former player

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