‘You’re gonna like it up here’ | Lloyd Cushenberry gets ”The Call” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jacob Garrels

Huge steal he looks ready to start and he’s gonna get to learn from Glasgow and improve in between him and Risner

TeShaun Hurt

good pick


Great value! Most mocks had him in the high 2nd round

Higher Learnings

Best Pick!!!

Dean Worley

This was a great pick

Wayne Reynolds

Elway told him that he will “compete for the job” but, in reality, he is already #1 on the depth chart. Elway didn’t want the kid to get a big head by telling him that he will be the starter.

    Aaron Burke

    Wayne Reynolds yup, this guy is a beast.


I was so stoked when we picked him. I’m buying his jersey ASAP!!!


Was mad he wasn’t picked until the 2nd round until he was gotten with our second 3rd rounder

Alan Martinez

He’s gonna be great, seems like a good kid and is a great leader, very high character, love it

Scott Lentz

That boy thinks Denver is the tundra. He’s gonna be confused in November when it’s 60 and sunny at kickoff and by the 3rd quarter it’s a bit chilly.

Giancarlo Bonino

Day one starter who will play 8-10 years here great pick to help build that O-line around with Risner.

Jose Calderon

I LOVE this pick!!! And I love his Father!! He has been raised right. A steal. Great job Broncos!


Let go BIG CUSH!!! We’re working on something big herre in Denver !!!


So much loving family WELCOME TO DENVER


That’s our Center :’)

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